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  1. Buzz says:

    … then don’t go there? Works for me.

  2. anon says:

    no worse than normal EULA agreements I’ve seen. This would never hold up as in court if they tried to exercise that anywhere close to the powers enumerated.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Certainly looks like a black and white issue. (ooops, is that racist?)

    The government that created this site is “just stupid or evil”.

    What other possibility is there?

  4. hhopper says:

    It doesn’t matter who the president is… the government is still evil as hell.

  5. jbenson2 says:

    #2 anon said: no worse than normal EULA agreements I’ve seen.

    OK, I’ll bite. Give us an example of a normal EULA that says: “the user consents to interception, monitoring, auditing, and disclosure at the descretion of DoT personnel”

    Remember the underhanded activities government did to Joe, the Plumber? and he didn’t even sign a EULA.

  6. Buzz says:

    As Glen noted, whatever that reported screen was, it doesn’t seem to be there any more. It wouldn’t pull up for him, and it won’t pull up on a quiet Sunday morning, here.

    They may have been going balistic about a screen that didn’t/doesn’t apply?

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    “authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.”

    So, officials of other governments could access this? Like Saudi torture squads if you’re picked up for not getting your mandatory flu shot and shipped off for extraordinary rendition?

    “How about a jolt of electricity from the battery of the 1987 Chevy you referenced in your visit to!” ZZZZZZAPPP!

  8. ridin the short bus says:

    …a government by the people and for the people…
    Har.. 🙁

  9. pecker says:

    I never watch Fox News but, after seeing this clip, I think I’ve become a fan of Kimberley Guilfoyle. If you watch with the sound turned off she’s lovely!

  10. The Pirate says:

    Evidently they are unaware of my EPLA (End Provider Licensing Agreement) that states that any website I visit grants me the ownership of said site and thus the right to use/abuse their service in any way I see fit with total immunity to any law ever made. Al may have invented it but I pwn it.

  11. jbenson2 says:

    #6 Buzz couldn’t find the screen.

    The EULA screen is still up and running.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    Wow… Glenn Beck is still on drugs and the Fox News educated idiots on this site dances to his tune.

  13. Perry says:

    Absolutely amazing to read the apologists for the Obama Administration here. 4 out of 5 don’t see any problem whatsoever.
    Hey! Lib suck faces! Imagine, go back, imagine this was Cheney! THEN WHAT DO YOU SAY????

  14. echeola says:

    The Eula is onerous and needs to be changed. Dealer’s need to log into this to get the Cash For Clunkers deals. The way this reads is that any file on your computer can be copied and searched by law enforcement. Geesh!

  15. bobbo, sometimes irony isn't enough says:

    Gosh, months after I stopped watching Glen Beck because he is a raving nutbag, he turns over this nugget? S*&t==now I can’t immediately dismiss him. Maybe Obama is a racist?

  16. jbenson2 says:

    #12 How about some facts to disprove the story?

  17. brm says:


    Exactly. If this were a Bush administration program, arms would be flailing. And rightly so.

    But when it’s Obama’s gov’t it’s all, ‘well, this is just like Amazon’s EULA! stfu!’

  18. Schleprock says:

    Wasn’t Glen Beck one of the idiots who said that waterboarding wasn’t torture. He said that he would consent to it. Still haven’t seen that. What a dope. I wouldn’t log on there either, but who would think that you could log onto any “Dot Gov.” web site and not be tracked in some way.
    I believe that this waiver also says” When logged on to the CARS system…”. It does not say that they are downloading your computer and checking it for the porn your looking at while waiting for customers. Remember, the folks logging into this system are going there for government handouts. Do you think they should remain invisible as they are interfacing with government ATM’s. IT’s always nice to have it both ways though.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #16 – jbenson2

    Did you click the link?

  20. AdmFubar says:

    doesn’t sound any different than M$’s EULA…

  21. Nik (no C) says:

    Hmm, I read “When logged on to the CARS system, your computer…” The way I read it, when I am logged off, my computer isn’t part of the Federal computer system. I guess Uncle Sam should open up its doors on the basis of anonymity, and if this site, or any other, gets hacked, then people are screaming on how this could happen.

    What is the fix, you got me. I do know you can’t have it both ways. Although this is another shining example of people reading what they want to and not what is being said.

  22. Schleprock says:

    This waiver was obviously written-up by a gov. beaurocrat who has nothing to do with Obama. He or she is just doing his job and trying to cover the gov’s rear end in the event that someone tries to raid the bank and they have to go after them. Obviously to prevent fraud. That’s called oversite… I know, it’s a new thing.
    Glen Beck was pissed that the ” Cars for Clunkers” program was so successful even after it was weekened so much by the restrictive mileage requirements.

    # 17 brm said, on August 2nd, 2009 at 11:44 am #13:

    Exactly. If this were a Bush administration program, arms would be flailing. And rightly so.

    But when it’s Obama’s gov’t it’s all, ‘well, this is just like Amazon’s EULA! stfu!’

  23. SparkyOne says:

    you voted for transparency

    whelp, you got it

  24. bernado says:

    Still no one here who can verify this crap exists. Or ever existed.

    You don’t need transparency when all the Republicans can offer is lies and deceit.

  25. smartalix says:

    Glenn Beck is a racist lying sack of pseudo-right-wing crap. He is a fact rodeo clown waving his arms trying to distract truth from getting in the way of his show.

  26. optionshiftk says:

    The Daily Kos(Left-Wing Nuts) are claiming that this story is a crock. They debunk it here.

  27. OMG says:

    OMG that guy totally sucked me in.

    That was the slimiest news story I have ever seen. It will hurt a lot of people by totally scaring the crap out of them and yet it’s only for the dealers, not Joe Blow.

    If you listen (or read transcript) he first says “if you go to the website” then says “If I understand this right the dealer logs in” thus, he knows it’s for the dealers, but he fills the newscast with so much hyped fear you hardly notice that it’s for dealers only, and the average citizen never ever has to sign that agreement that their computer “becomes the property of the government”.

    What a lying sack of crap. Is this what he does with everything?

    Crumb, and others who cracked this, thank you for saving me from his lies. I will never trust anything he says ever again.

  28. WTF says:

    Glen misleading people what’s next?

    the song remains the same nothing to see here

    I don’t want to know what he wont do for that Fox paycheck.

  29. Comacho for President says:

    # 1 Buzz said,
    on August 2nd, 2009 at 10:51 am

    … then don’t go there? Works for me.

    If you do not oppose this now, it will become mandatory in future.

  30. Deeper, please! says:

    # 18 & 22: “That’s called oversite”

    Actually, the word is “oversight.” By the way, could you bend over a bit more?


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