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Daylife/AP Photo used by permission
Murdered! |
A Wisconsin man accused of killing his 11-year-old daughter by praying instead of seeking medical care has been found guilty of second-degree reckless homicide.
Dale Neumann was convicted in the March 23, 2003, death of his daughter, Madeline, from undiagnosed diabetes. Prosecutors contended he should have rushed the girl to a hospital because she couldn’t walk, talk, eat or speak. Instead, Madeline died on the floor of the family’s rural Weston home as people surrounded her and prayed. Someone called 911 when she stopped breathing.
Neumann’s 41-year-old wife, Leilani, was convicted on the same charge in the spring and is scheduled for sentencing Oct. 6. Both face up to 25 years in prison.
Their case is believed to be the first in Wisconsin involving faith healing in which someone died and another person was charged with a homicide…
Neumann, who once studied to be a Pentecostal minister, testified Thursday that he believed God would heal his daughter and he never expected her to die. God promises in the Bible to heal, he said. ..
Doctors testified that Madeline would have had a good chance of survival if she received medical care, including insulin and fluids, before she stopped breathing. They said the 911 call came too late.
Ignorance is a terrible excuse for killing your child.
Jag, I still say that posting a vid of Hamas is not on this subject. They are radical hell bent on killing of for a political view…
The father wanted to save his child, by way of faith, he should have provided medical treatment for his daughter. He believed in a higher power put al of his apples inthast basket. I dont agree with what he did…but…End of story
I dont see how Suicide bombers and indoctination of hate have anything to do with this… did you read all of the comments below the vid on You Tube?…
#33, short bus,
It is the unfailing belief that “god” will save / provide / or whatever is the same for what happened to this young girl AND the suicide bombers.
What the Jesus freaks overlook is that “god” wanted this girl to die. “God” ignored their prayers simply because he had already made up his mind and gets pissed off when some puny human tries to argue with his plans.
#33 – ridin the short bus
I was answering zorkor with that video… not commenting the article.
And as for the relation to the story… Sending your kids to Hamas training or pray instead of sending a kid to the doctor is both child abuse.
It all doesnt matter…
The earths magneticsphere is collapsing and preparing for a magtnetic reversal and we will be unindated with the suns solar winds and great amounts of radiation, so a complete reset is in order…
Unless a meteor gets us first?…
We could pray for that to not happen?…
Religion has caused more death than it has saved…
John Lenon had it right 🙂 Imagine
That poor girl had the misfortune of being raised by the Christian taliban.
If that lunatic fringe leeches its way into government with a Palin or some other host we are doomed.
Hi Jag,
Cheers mate……. 🙂
We had Bush… he is/was a born again..Idiot… He should of kept to his drinking…
In a stretch I blame him for 9/11.
Prior to Bush every president had an Envoy or Representative or some dort of effort to create peace in the middle east with a new look or ideas to creat the proper scenario wih simmits etc…
Once bush took power he embrased the Isralies and simply igmored what was happening in the ME. Their were no efforts to try to create peace or Envoy or summits etc… He sat in his office in washington piching himself not believing he was president, When seeing no hipe left…the crazy boys decided to act upon an idea they had in work for a long time..
Just my silly theory… but yes we already had one… Cheny….no comment.. just evil
#20 Bobbo…
I do blame the Big Band…cos they invented swing…
To get to the issue at hand here:
If the father was a real parent instead of a religious nut job, He’d sell his soul to the devil so that his daughter would get well. Instead he chose to cling to his own beliefs. That’s faith. And that, in my view of things is the best and the worst aspects of religion: the sense of confidence. You need it so you don’t get nuts with anxiety but, on the other hand it makes you self righteous.
Luke was a Doctor. He advised one guy to drink a little wine for his stomach’s sake in a letter/book of the New Testament.
I have no clue where the we don’t need Doctors came from.
Yes, you pray for the sick but then you pray for rain in a drought. It doesn’t mean you don’t irrigate nor get medical help. Few of these do this crap when it comes to broken bones.
#39 I’m with you.
Sadly, the Christian Taliban parasite has taken over the GOP host organism.
However, the American people was able to isolate the host and cut it from further damaging the surrounding country and world.
We must be viligent as the parasite wants to enter again in 2012.
The System is Problematic in nature… but thanks Dallas.
Sad the Little girl had to die.
What do the Amish Folks do in these situations or the ultra religious folks living on Compounds in Places Like Texas/Idaho/Arizona?
Just Curious….. 🙂
I guess I consider myself a Jesus freak. I don’t mind the label, but it does bother me when we’re called idiots. God gave us medicines and technology for us to use. I see nothing wrong with Christians who trust in God and pray for healing; however, God’s answer isn’t always yes. I agree and think it was very wrong for these people not to seek medical attention, but do not stereotype all Christians as “religious nuts.” Why do so many people hate Christians? Why did so many people hate Jesus? Sin and evil has occupied too many of our hearts. There are so many lonely people who hurt every day. God will take care of you if you give your life to him. What do I have to loose? What if all of you are wrong and I am right? Consider where you’ll be after death.
Do you really believe the Bible is fiction? It has been around longer than most books. There is more research to support Creation in comparison to the research to support other scientific theories. Do your research. Prove me wrong!
#43 as long as you dont vote for the likes of a candidate or his carbon copy just becuase he too is a Jesus Freak?.. It seems thats how we got into trouble the last time.. and He was an Idiot…
Religion has littler or no place in government, because rational decisons cannot be properly made when influenced by religion.
#44–jesus freak==your humanistically oriented New Testament Loving Jesus is just a gateway religion for all the evil mascarading as the one true word.
How to tell?
Anything that places anything else before people is evil. Such things as god, eternity, salvation.
YOU can/will think whatever you like. It becomes hateful only when you force your baseless ideas onto other people==like the girl who died from completely curable conditions.
Not any love/kindness there at all, just stupid religion. Very hateworthy if anyone has the time for such negativity.
$43 Beats me what they do. It’s a mystery but that’s why Thomas Jefferson wanted them clear out of government.
#44 J Freak. I have many Christian friends – they are not Christian Taliban and they respect individual freedoms. Similarly, I distance myself from radical gay and black activists.
I have no problem with Christ and Christians in general. I have a problem with Christ’s “helpers” who impinge on my rights and use ‘good Christian’ as a fascade for their fucking bigotry. Do you realize how many millions of people have been killed under that banner?
#44 Either you’re being sarcastic, or you actually believe the lies spouted from your leaders hook line and sinker and have never actually read the bible yourself, just the select passages you are told to read.
Religion is ONLY a nice quick way to keep the ignorant subservient and (mostly)docile.
Just because a book has been about for a while does NOT mean that it is more accurate or truthful than something written later. In fact its generally the other way around.
Remember, a scientific theory is a detailed explanation of how a scientific law operates. Not a theory in the usual sense. The sooner you ignorant god-botherers become less ignorant about that then then sooner us non-brainwashed folks will give you the time of day.
And wrapping your entire lifestyle around a bet (pascals wager) is an idiotic way to live, especially when there is no evidence that your god exists outside of ONE book who’s claim of truth seems to come from the fact that the book says its the truth.
I might as well claim I’m the ruler of the universe and back that up by also saying that as the ruler of the universe, everything I say is true, so therefore I *AM* the ruler coz I say so.
How anyone can take these supposedly holy books seriously with their lies (the world is flat), inaccuracies (pi=3) and absurdities (the first couple of pages have conflicting accounts of creation), is beyond me.
For example:
1 God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day.
Yet he didn’t make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). 1:3-5
2 Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
3 In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament so that they can be used “for signs”.
This, of course, is exactly what astrologers do: read “the signs” in the Zodiac in an effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
4 “He made the stars also.” God spends a day making light (before making the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard day’s work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars. 1:16
Faith is fine, but blind faith sure isn’t.
This ruling could also be a serious blow to the dyanetics crowd (you know who I mean). They often prescribe treat of medical problems with little more than vitamins and massages. I believe they showed up with this crap in NYC, to “treat” the 9-11 rescue workers. Which probably did nothing for their respiratory problems, they didn’t know they had. Shame on NYC officials for funding them.
Not all religions discourage genuine medical treatment. But I suspect that the ones that do, are thinking more of saving their followers the money, so they’ll have more for donations. Any church or cult following that does this, one should immediately abandon. And one shouldn’t take on a new one, without knowing all the details of what they believe about modern life. And be careful of a double standard. Like giving you one story at first, and a different story the longer you’re with them. That “progressive revelations” crap is just clever lying. It should be all up front, and out in the open, from day one. Whether you can “handle it” or not. And not holding back some details, just to keep from losing new recruits. And BTW, the US military is guilty of pulling this, with the high schoolers.
#46 : You have obviously been offended or hurt by someone using the Christian name. For whatever was done or said, I apologize for them. I don’t know you, but believe it or not, I do love you. God is love. Jesus said to love God with all that you are, and to love your neighbor. By putting God first, you are placing a huge value on human life. What about a homeless person you might run across, do you value them as much as your family, friends, yourself?
One problem I do have with using the terms “Religious” or “Christians” is that until you live it out, they are just words. I can say that I can jump over a 4 story building, but it doesn’t mean that I can. I believe that people use these terms, and many others, as a way to make them feel better internally.
#48 : I love you as well.
There are several ancient history texts outside the Bible that place Jesus as a real man, and in the same time, and in the same area. The Bible also describes tribes and cities that were thought to be part of the “Bible Myth”, but were later discovered to be true. I’m glad to see that you opened the Bible. Later on, Jesus explains that God’s understanding is above ours. But you don’t believe that. No matter what I say, or what points I use, you will still not believe. You don’t want to give up the life you lead. I will pray for you my friend.
If people don’t believe in creation, the what do they believe, evolution? That everything started in a puddle, and something evolved, but what did it evolve from? And how many thing evolved from that puddle, there are quite a few animals, and many of them could not be more different. There must have been more than one puddle.
Have enough faith.
A lot of people try everything to show that they truly believe in Jesus because they believe that if they truly believe in Jesus then He will listen to them and let them have what they wish for.
If they do not get what they wish, the common answer is that they do not have enough faith in Jesus. It makes sense; however, if they wonder how much faith is enough? Nobody will answer them directly except repeating the same “If…” It means that they have enough faith when they get what they wish for. It means that the whole thing is a catch 22. You get what you wish for if you have enough faith but you have enough faith when you get what you wish for.
For hundreds of years, millions of Christians made their wish with belief that they truly believed in Jesus. They included Popes, priests, pastors, and some persons who became Saints. Most of them did not get what they wished. Is that true that they did not truly believed in Jesus?
Furthermore, if all of people said above did not get what they wished because they did not have “enough” faith then who will?
Pope has the highest ranking in Catholics so his faith must be higher or at least equal to other Christians. If Pope still does not have enough faith, then the others are hopeless.
Many people tried to show that they truly believe in Jesus by even scarifying their own children. They tried in vain and a lot of children suffered or even died needlessly because nobody can achieve a catch 22.
Some people wished and got what they wished for but it does not means because they have “enough” faith. Non Christians who did not believe in Jesus also got what they wished too.
Please let the public know the truth so no more people especially children suffer needlessly because someone desperately tries to prove that he or she has enough faith in Jesus.
Vuong Binh Hong