This could be utter crap, but just in case it isn’t a joke since finding Real News on a slow Sunday morning with a hangover isn’t the fun it used to be, here it is.

9:20pm – receives letter from Palin lawyer Van Flein evidently confirming some details (will post when we clarify missing information)

AlaskaReport has learned today that Todd Palin and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin are to divorce. Multiple sources in Wasilla and Anchorage (including a former Palin staffer) have confirmed the split.

A National Enquirer story exposing previous affairs on both sides led to a deterioration of their marriage and the stress from that led to Palin’s resignation as governor of Alaska last week.

The Palins were noticeably not speaking to each other for most of last Sunday’s resignation speech in Fairbanks. Sarah ditched Todd (MSNBC) right after the speech and left without him. Sarah removed her wedding ring a couple of weeks ago.

Sarah has recently purchased land in Montana and is considering moving the family there. Sarah Palin is originally from Idaho.

Todd Palin told Fox News last week that he was heading back to his job in the oil fields of Alaska, yet Sarah recently signed a book deal reportedly worth $11 million.

On the other hand… Apparently, this story spread like wildfire yesterday.

“Sarah Palin divorce” remains a top five search term on Google Trends after spending hours as the most searched item of the day.
“If this had gone unanswered MSNBC would have a countdown clock Monday morning to the supposed date of Palin’s divorce.

  1. goaty says:

    Now Adam Curry can get his MILF.

  2. Mac Guy says:

    They’ve already denied it.

  3. Crap says:

    Why are you posting this crap?

  4. Michael says:

    We are dangerously close to slander now. This story does not vet at all. Dvorak Uncensored use to report on the idiots in media that post crap like this with out vetting the story, now the site just passes on the same crap. I may not like Sarah as a candidate, you might hate her politics, but the idea that she could have accomplished all she has in life and be dumb as a post is just wrong-minded. That she deserves this much attention and rumormongering is stupid. Anyone with a brain can figure out that this is just preventive destruction politics from the other side. Bet ever “source” for the story, even the “staff member” is made up or votes democrat. You can take that to the bank.

    Now, can we get on to real issues: cash for clunkers is out of money and after healthcare gets passed we need need universal house care. Everyone has a right to own their own home.

  5. ohbrotherq says:

    no matter, to the Palin haters, anything negative is true. If they do not appear to be divorced soon, it will be bcause they have hired doubles to pretend to be married.

    I’m glad there was no other news today, so this crap could be spred.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Oh, come on people. Read the second link. Cripes!

  7. Jägermeister says:

    That must be Alaska’s version of National Enquirer…

  8. RTaylor says:

    Dave isn’t slandering. It’s libeling. JCD is trying his best to make a buck off this site, maybe a gossip will work. It worked for Rupert Murdoch.

  9. Animby says:

    Official sources deny the rumor.
    So what? wouldn’t surprise me if someone made it up just because they could. Equally, wouldn’t surprise me if it were true.

    The main point is: yawn.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    My first reaction is “So what?. Big effen deal.”

    But when the right wing nuts come out swinging it caught my attention.

    So the party of morals is just as dirty as the ROU (rest of us) have always said they were.

    So they both have had affairs, doesn’t their church consider the woman a witch when she does that? Didn’t Sarah get an exorcism from an African Witch Doctor? Hhhmmm, it’s starting to fit together.

    And doesn’t Todd like fishing? It could be because sleeping with his wife is like sleeping with a cold fish.

    And they hunt, because, well after all, a moose is just a big deer. I can see them now, “here big dear, BLAM”.

    Geeze, how did they have three kids, and two out of wedlock grand kids? And the first grand kid is almost as bright as a burned out lightbulb.

    Todd, she ain’t some dall sheep!!!

  11. PMitchell says:

    fusion your such a dumbass even your innuendo sucks she has one grand child not 2 but your such a stupid left wing nut case you still believe the down syndrome kid is her daughters

    people like you are the ruin of this country and people like you got us our current govt that will definitely be the destruction of this country

    [Nice grammar and punctuation. – ed.]

  12. Postman says:


    The only questionable thing in this story is the claim they are not getting a divorce. The facts are that she has taken off her wedding ring, and purchased land in Montana. Additionally they are seen leaving multiple public events separately, in a huff. Additionally we have people claiming they are getting the divorce.

    For obvious reason they are denying that they are getting a divorce, but every other fact indicates that they are. The reasons they are denying are clear. This would further damage the future career potential of Sara Palin, and be a crushing defeat for the already near irrelevant Republican party.

    So aside from their single denial, this is absolutely confirmed. For it to be slander or liable some one would have to be making claims of criminality, like Todd Palin pulling and blustering a gun at Sarah Palin. Oh wait, people are making that claim. Why do major news sources still have that story up, because that incident would be liable and slander if it were true.

    So the story is confirmed. They are getting a divorce. The estranged couple will not confirm this until after midterms next year. But by then it will be common knowledge.

  13. leroco says:

    Sarah Palin is originally from “I Dah Hoe”

    Typical, “She Dah Hoe”, “He Dah Hoe” story.

  14. Postman says:


    A better question is, why did Todd flee the residence back to a blue collar job when his wife is a multi-millionaire???

  15. Howard says:

    Why don’t the Commie-lites leave her alone. They don’t seem to be repeating any rumors about incest with the Obama girls, do they?

  16. Animal Mother says:

    Sarah Palin is a stupid whore and Todd would do good to be rid of her.

    Todd: dump the dumb skank and get on with the drilling!

  17. Postman says:


    Because at one point in my life I swore to defend the nation from all its enemies foreign and domestic.

  18. David says:

    Divorces don’t usually end well for political figures. Even if there is some truth to this story, I still don’t think any kind of divorce proceedings are imminent. They probably just need some time away from each other for a while.

  19. MikeN says:

    >Divorces don’t usually end well for political figures.

    Like Reagan?

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Paul Mitchell,

    people like you got us our current govt

    Thank you, thank you. I couldn’t have done it by myself. It took millions of others that also felt this country needed a 180 deg turn around.

    And we are god damned glad we did.

  21. Animal Mother says:

    Sarah Palin’s credentials:

    1. Promotes abstinence only sex education in school & her teenage daughter gets pregnant.
    2. Opposes legalized abortion even in cases of rape or incest.
    3. While Mayor of Wasilla, charged rape victims for cost of rape kits.
    4. Opposes embryonic stem cell research.
    5. States that her son was intentionally afflicted by God with Down’s Syndrome as a gift to her.
    6. Was a member of the Alaska Secessionist Part.
    7. Opposes a woman’s right to sue to failure to receive equal pay as man.

    Who in their right mind could ever support or commend Palin? Only another nutjob. The more active she is in the Republican party the better for all who oppose her nonsensical ideology.

  22. Hmeyers says:

    @21 “Who in their right mind could ever support or commend Palin?”

    She looks sexy holding a gun and all the Democrat women are very ugly for starters …

    Abortion is one of those issues that gets a lot of talk but no politician actually ever does anything they talk about so file that in the “so what?” category.

    I think she’d make a lousy president, though.

  23. Awake says:

    Rumors are that Sarah ‘You-Bitcha’ has already picked out her double-wide trailer, next to her daughter’s, so they can raise their son-grand-son mo’better together. I read that someone already saw them picking out furniture at Kmart.
    But then the residents of the trailer park complained that them moving in would lower the standards of the place, so it might just be that they have to move back in with Sarah’s mom.
    I can’t help but imagine that the Palin clan has armpit-fart competitions when they get together for the holidays.
    Oh how the rest of the world must enjoy laughing at America when they hear that Sarah Palin is considered a ‘serious’ candidate by one of the two ruling political parties.

  24. Dallas says:

    I don’t want to spread rumours but I saw Todd Palin on Castro street yesterday while I was visiting.

  25. Animby says:

    I am not a Sarah Palin fanboy. But the vitriol here is astonishing!

  26. Glenn E. says:

    This “news”, like so many others about Palin have probably come out to help deflect any real inquiry about the campaign finance moneys. And other questionable things happening in that state. Like the $15 Million going to improve some tiny strip, where the local population numbers just 150. That seems a bit much, unless they’re flying the world best damn fish from there. And if that were even so, why couldn’t private business foot the bill, instead of the US taxpayers? With all the damn Oil industry money, Alaska has. It shouldn’t need a single cent of taxpayer money to do anything it needs.

  27. Troublemaker says:

    I hear that she’s not really an American citizen.

  28. Troublemaker says:

    Animal Mother said:

    Sarah Palin’s credentials:

    1. Promotes abstinence only sex education in school & her teenage daughter gets pregnant.
    2. Opposes legalized abortion even in cases of rape or incest.
    3. While Mayor of Wasilla, charged rape victims for cost of rape kits.
    4. Opposes embryonic stem cell research.
    5. States that her son was intentionally afflicted by God with Down’s Syndrome as a gift to her.
    6. Was a member of the Alaska Secessionist Part.
    7. Opposes a woman’s right to sue to failure to receive equal pay as man.

    You forgot this one…

    A Witch Hunt at Sarah Palin’s church! (Thomas Muthee VIDEO)

  29. Troublemaker says:

    Some complete and utter moron said:

    people like you are the ruin of this country and people like you got us our current govt that will definitely be the destruction of this country

    The ruin of this country started with Reagan and his supply-side/voodoo economics agenda. Those chickens are finally coming home to roost. These things don’t just happen overnight.

  30. Great American says:

    Dallas loves the Castro district. Somehow I’m not surprised.

    All hail Queen Dallas!


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