This one is really spectacular and took more than a year to assemble the music and video.

Tele-Vision from Ethan Winer on Vimeo.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    WOW !!!

    See why Octomom has so many kids? So they can all be in the band together.

    As good as this was, my favorite is the video editing. And it also reminded me of my favorite guitar of all times, a blond Telecaster. Damn do I regret selling that.

    Well done Mr. Winer.

  2. AdmFubar says:

    very Mike Oldfield of Tubular Bells fame in the style of music..
    impressive editing and organization of this video..

  3. Mac Guy says:

    Reminded me of Electric Dreams from the early 80s…

  4. rectagon says:

    Ya, but this song sucks.

  5. ArchtMig says:

    It is truly an awesome work, and great to watch and listen to, but it did seem to go on and on and on. Maybe because I’m watching it here at 2:00 in the morning. It kinda reminds me of those long stadium rock pieces from the 1970s. Seems like the kind of music people used to watch during the old Laserium shows while stoned half out of their minds.

  6. HFriedman says:

    I enjoyed Ethan’s previous work, Cello Rondo much better.

    I’ve conversed with Ethan on more than a few occasions, He’s a great guy..

  7. MPL says:

    Number of costumes is disturbing.

  8. PetPetPet says:

    My all time favorite of a one guy orchestra is from a guy that doesn’t even play an instrument, and it took him a couple of days to edit it:

  9. gets old fast

  10. Duger says:

    #3 I agree, I can hear the Mike Oldfield influence on this cat’s style.

  11. Miguel says:

    #3 and #10, I’ve been a long time fan of Oldfield, and it also came to my mind the similarities in style with Mike’s music, not only Tubular Bells but also Amarok (which I personally hate). This guy must be another Olfield fan! I loved it, and I don’t think it will get old fast. Not to me, I also love Michael Rother’s music (a less known German music, with a somewhat related style).

  12. Miguel says:

    #4 BTW, Electric Dreams is finally available on DVD! Also one of my all time faves!


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