1. JimR says:

    The Moro Islamic Liberation Front, a Muslim separatist rebel group in the Philippines eats free at Pizza Hut? How nice.

  2. Uncle Don says:

    Mothers I’d Like to Feed … Where’s the joke in that?

  3. wirelessg says:

    I guess it could have been worse.

    MILFs Eat Free 6-9

  4. Tim Yates says:

    Must be a franchise, I have a corp owned one by me.

    Wish they had that up when the Google van went by

  5. If that’s in st. Joe MO, then they probably think MILF means military females.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Medium income lesbian foresters get to eat free?

  7. JimR says:

    Morgens, Imps, Leprechauns, Færies, and Sprites eat free?

    Golly, gee!

  8. chris says:

    I made a version of this joke before: MILF Mondays– Bring the twins and get half off.

  9. Fartacus says:

    awwww, no waaay. cool!

  10. RSweeney says:

    Further evidence of a general coarsening of society.

    Like watching the previews to Idiocracy.

  11. BobHand says:

    Good grief, Sweeney, have some fun with it.

    Or are you jealous you can’t take get the discount for being the “ilf” part?

  12. shinohara says:

    I believe it was “families eat free” until some joker played boggle with the letters.

  13. Uncle Patso says:

    Ahh, playing Boggle with the roadside sign — a true modern art form…

  14. Vegas Bob says:

    I found this:
    “American Pie” – “Dude, that chick’s a MILF!”
    The “F” is the F word, first word is Mother.

  15. uber steve says:

    All the hot moms are heading over to the Pizza Hut at 2705 N Belt Hwy, Saint Joseph

  16. ridin the short bus to the Free Pizza says:

    If Kids can get busted for selling Kool Aid/Lemonade without a permit, then how can this sign stay in that condition…?
    Society is on the slide………theirs no Hope… I do think its funny…but it just should’nt be there.. Whats Next….. Its hard to riase reswpecta;e Children in Todays World…
    I have 4 Daughters….2 teens a 2 pre-teen… its not easy… Hollywood and MTV have destroyed America… I am not some over zealous rightwing conservative full of religion nut … Just a Normal guy trying his best..and being defeated!!!!!!! Where is the America we grew up in?… I am 45

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, ridingtheshortcake,

    Did you ever think maybe you are part of the problem?

    … theirs no Hope…

    It is “there’s no hope”. Unless they own someone named Hope. Bad English is what is ruining our kids. It is now “kewl” to write stupid acronyms instead of writing them out.


    Hey, keep the peace bro, ‘ jes gotta have some funnin.

  18. Glenn E. says:

    Unless this is a bad (off color) joke by management, or some passerby. I’d say the store is run by someone for whom english is a second language to them. And they haven’t quite learned all the slang yet. But they heard of “MILF” and knew it had something to do with attractive mothers. So why not use it, right? You’d think the Pizza Hut chain would have some advertising advisory staff on hand, not so language and slang impaired, to prevent this.

  19. KneeJerk Optimist says:

    The funniest sign I ever heard of was one that a friend said she actually saw at a road side convenience store:




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