Two DeKalb County police officers have been placed on paid administrative leave after an investigation revealed they ran a background check on President Barack Obama.

A representative for the DeKalb County CEO’s office identified the officers as Ryan White and C.M. Route.

Officials said Obama’s name was typed into a computer inside a DeKalb County police car on July 20 and ran through the National Crime Information Center.

The secret service was immediately notified and contacted the DeKalb County Police Department.

It is unclear why the officers ran a check on the president.

Wonder if they’re nutball Republican birthers – or just a couple of boneheads who forgot what they were told about using the NCIC.

  1. homehive says:

    President Obama’s shenanigans will be hidden and protected even more than those of President Clinton.

  2. Personality says:

    YEEE HAW! We gonna find oot if dis blackie is an emerican sitizen!

  3. Barney says:

    In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC.

  4. Palooka says:

    My guess is bored cops just fooling around doing celebrity criminal record scans.

  5. Improbus says:

    Wow, more abuse of police authority. Color me unsurprised.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #3, Barney,

    Close. They tried running God through already but it came back “No record”. I guess you have to exist before you get on a government computer.

    I have to laugh. These cops should have known they can’t use the NCIC for personal reasons. But, as several posters continually tell us, the police are incapable of making mistakes.

  7. Mojo Yugen says:

    I’d be more worried about how many times previously they have run these searches on “regular” citizens before they were caught. But who cares about them?

  8. Not Me...You says:

    Just boneheads. When you give average folks access to ‘private’ information like this, it’s hard from them not to use it to look at celebrities, their neighbors, people they don’t like, etc. They SHOULDN’T and it’s something that can get you fired, but it happens all the time. You think the folks at the back don’t occasionally lookup folks they know?

  9. Buzz says:

    I get it. It’s a White/Route investigation. Apt.

  10. jbenson2 says:

    Sounds strikingly familiar to the illegal “Joe the Plumber” background checks done by multiple government bureaucrat-hack Obama supporters.

    On the other hand, why would the police need to check on the President in the first place? After all, didn’t Obama promise to be the biggest advocate of government transparency? The One wouldn’t lie to us, would he?

  11. Animby says:

    I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. Maybe Obama will invite them to come over and have a beer with him at the White house. He could have the Attorney General explain the NCIC.

  12. ridin the short bus to the crime scene says:

    Seems Like I have to agree with Number 4 on this one..probably just bored.. although I do like to state MHO about idiots in uniform, maybe they will get a new found respect for being f&^%ed with.. and think next time they mess with a citizen, because its thier turn in the hot water.

    But I also dont see the Crime that was committed, other than possibly abusing police (taxpayer) resources..

    Anyone can go on the net and pay a few sheckles,bob,peanuts or dinars, for background check on anybody… so if I did this check on our new fearless leader in 1600 Pensylvania. would that land me in the pokey as well?… the constitution is slowly (or rather rapidly) being reduced to firestarter paper… its pretty old and dry and would light easily…

    shame shame shame shame…

    I think a slap on the hand is more in order here… and should be a non story… todays world..

    Unless they tazed somebody on the way to the doughnut shop… 🙂

  13. ridin the short bus to the crime scene says:

    Maybe I can get my favorite beer from Latrobe Pensylvania on the white House lawn…
    but ya gotta get arrested first…
    dont like the pre-requisite..
    cheers.. boys….

  14. gquaglia says:

    Wonder if they’re nutball Republican birthers

    Lets at least try to be a little non partisan here, Eideard. Otherwise you come off looking like a Democratic nutball. These were just 2 idiots, plain and simple. No need to inject your agenda into it.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, benson,

    Sounds strikingly familiar to the illegal wiretapping, mail opening, surveillance, warrantless arrests, illegal detentions, crowd provocations and police riot provocateurs, and what have you from the Bush era.

    There, fixed it for you.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, GQ,

    These were just 2 idiots, plain and simple.

    So what is the problem here? Sounds like they meet the requirements for being:

    1) nutball

    2) Republican

    3) birther

    So lets put it all together and we have nutball Republican birthers.

    OH NO, you’re a birther conspirator too? Sheet, make that 3 idiot, plain and simple.

  17. sweetest1337 says:

    Anyone and I mean anyone can pay to have a background check done on someone, a pair of bored cops decide to run a background check on the president, c’mon!!! How many of us run stupid searches on google when we are bored? I think the only reason this whole thing blew up, is because there is something to be hidden. Don’t you?

  18. smartalix says:

    When I hear a person expouse a birther sentiment, I remove that person from the list of people I respect and want to deal with, simple as that. If we all did that to all these mouth-breathing idiots the problem would rectify itself. Boycott the shows and commentators that spew that crap, too.

  19. deowll says:

    Georgia? They should be Democrats but then OBama said cops are stupid and claimed he’d been profiled so they most likely wanted to see if he’d been arrested for something.

    Not the best idea they ever had.

  20. MikeN says:

    >When I hear a person expouse a birther sentiment, I remove that person from the list of people I respect and want to deal with, simple as that.

    Glad to hear that you don’t respect people spouting theories about Sarah Palin’s child.

  21. Somebody says:

    Yeah, but who watches the watchers that watch the watchers?

  22. Les says:

    So what, big deal. It not like they were going to get anything. The police should be able to run NCIC on anyone at anytime for any reason. The government allready has all of that information, the police are part of that government. Feel free to run one on me.

    Non story, except their punishment.

  23. Les says:

    On birthers,
    this week a poll shows that only 42% of Republicans believe the BHO was born in the USA. This is not a fringe movement anymore.
    I have wondered why he doesn’t make a simple phone call and a) end the story and b) make the birthers look like idiots. (Dont tell me that he has, or that fact check is non-partison).
    I heard the first plausible reason for him not doing it today (other than being born in Kenya). It is possible that his birth certificate lists his race as white, or his religion as muslim, or his last name as Dunham. Any of these may be uncomfortable for him.

  24. Traaxx says:

    Everytime they get behind a car they use the same NCIC datalink to look both the car and it’s driver. What’s so special about President Hussein, what he can’t be looked up. Exactly what crime did they commit, NONE. The information on the NCIC is public information. Just like in every state you have GUN CONTROL WACKOs drinking cool-aid demanding the release of the names of CC Permit holders.

    Talk about double standards, typical of Demoncrats.


  25. pecker says:

    The labelling of people with these easy monikers is starting become very tired.
    It can’t just be me, but now whenever I hear phases that include words like -nutball, -denier, -whack-job, -extremist, -nazi, -fascist, bleeding-heart-, flip-flopping-, -apologist, liberal-, right-wing- left-wing- etc etc my mind just switches off.
    Maybe the people in corporate media have now won. Reasoned thought and possibility of investigation into any issue has been effectively shut down.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Les,

    The Obama campaign permitted his birth certificate to be put on line. The Hawaii Secretary of State has acknowledged the birth. Hawaii newspaper birth announcements list him. Federal law gives him American citizenship simply because his mother is American.

    This is just a distraction by those so upset that a Democrat lives in the White House and that Democrat is black they will do and say almost anything to sooth their own paranoia. It would not matter what Obama did, there will still be those who will deny him his rightful office. Asking Obama to prove something these same people don’t ask of anyone else is simply wrong.

    It is fervently regarded as just simple racism by normal people.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    #25, Traaxx the idiot,

    What’s so special about President Hussein, what he can’t be looked up.

    The President, Vise-President, and several other important persons with Secret Service protection have protections regular people do not. That includes anyone prying into their lives through government computers.

    Exactly what crime did they commit, NONE. The information on the NCIC is public information.

    Actually accessing the NCIC requires that they only do so for legitimate reasons. If they don’t have a legitimate reason then they do not have permission. That means they illegally accessed the government computer.

    The information on the computer is NOT public information. It is the property of the Department of Justice. The same as your credit score is owned by the company selling it.

  28. MikeN says:

    Les, the birth certificate wouldn’t list race or religion, just the race of his parents. Plus, being born in Kenya doesn’t really disqualify him, and neither would being a citizen of Indonesia.

    Fusion, got a link?
    The released document is a ‘certification of live birth’, not the birth certificate.

    A newspaper announcement at the time would settle things. Where is that?

  29. Les says:

    yes being born in Kenya would disqualify him.
    The outrage among birthers has been fueled partly by a quirk in the history of citizenship law. If Obama had been born in Kenya, he would not have been a citizen at birth by virtue of his American mother. His mother, then 18, would have fallen short of the requirement that a citizen parent has been a U.S. resident for five years after her 14th birthday. (The requirement was shortened to two years for children born after 1986.) Obama’s mother would have been able to bring him into the United States as an immigrant, five years after which he would have been eligible for citizenship.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, Lyin’ Mike,

    Since this has been in the news so many times with the actual birth certificate and birth announcements televised I’m surprised you still want to be the idiot.
    for a good review including links.
    For a copy of the actual certificate.


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