Is Friday becoming the official day for stupid cop stories? Here’s another.

The two police chiefs who were arrested for allegedly breaking into Sarah Jessica Parker’s surrogate’s home have been charged today with burglary, complicity to burglary, tampering with evidence — and the list goes on.

Police Chief of Martins Ferry, OH Barry P. Carpenter and Police Chief of Bridgeport, OH Chad M. Dojack are accused of concocting a plan to break into the home of Michelle Ross and sell items that would identify her as the surrogate mother for Matthew Broderick and SJP.

Carpenter faces two counts of burglary, and one court for receiving stolen property, theft in office, tampering with evidence and unauthorized use of property or services. Dojack is charged with two counts complicity to burglary and one count complicity to receiving stolen property. The police chiefs face around 8 years in the clink if found guilty on the burglary charges.

A third man, who happens to be the son of Bridgeport’s mayor, is charged with complicity to receiving stolen property as well.

  1. god says:

    So, uh, who oversee the guys in charge of the police department?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    But the cops don’t make mistakes !!! So many right wing nuts have told us.

    This story is wrong. If they broke into the house it was because they needed evidence for an investigation. The police can’t be held back from doing their jobs. We need them to protect us.

    Besides, if someone were to break into Michelle Ross’s house, who is she going to call? Reuters or AP?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    Apparently the cops broke in, took pictures and some small items. They tried to sell the material to a “tabloid” for $15,000. Then they got greedy and doubled to price of the pictures to $30,000 so the “tabloid” turned them in.

    No honor among thieves.

  4. Animby says:

    I’m sure it’s just a misunderstanding. Maybe Obama will invite them to come over and have a beer with Ms Parker at the White house.

  5. ridin the short bus to the crime scene says:

    Bone Heads….
    Criminals with a badge… Just another day, just got caught… Were they Tazed before being Arrested?…
    They will walk with a warning… and Community service…at the Golf Course…

  6. Benjamin says:

    They need to have mandatory minimum sentences for cops who are convicted of a crime. The minimum should be double what an ordinary crook would get.

  7. Mr Diesel says:

    #2 Mr. Fusion said,

    “But the cops don’t make mistakes !!! So many right wing nuts have told us.”

    Wow! I’m glad you don’t consider me one of them since there is no way these guys didn’t screw up big time. If they truly did the crime (and I don’t doubt they did) they deserve the normal sentence for a B&E charge. Most likely they will get off since it is probably first offense.

    Back in the era when I helped LEOs we had it reported that an officer had been shot just outside of town. My ex-wife was even on one of the forces called to the area for backup. It was a hell of a manhunt while they looked for the shooter. Turns out he shot himself in the leg. I think he was found guilty of something including being stupid and naturally lost his job.

    Me ex screwed up while on duty one night and she got in trouble for it. Nothing Earth shattering but a few days without pay. Later she did something that keeps her from being an LEO anymore though.

    Cops screw up all the time. Probably the same percentage as the general population.

  8. Dale says:

    Cops and criminals have very similar personality profiles and psychological make-ups.

  9. The Citizen says:

    pigs make me sick

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Mr. Diesel,

    No, while we often disagree, I don’t think of you as a “right wing nut”. You possess abilities that the right wing nuts don’t have. Intelligence, the ability to think, and a sense of humor. And, I might add, the ability to understand sarcasm.

    While they might end up with minimum sentences, they should be hit hard. They used their offices to facilitate a crime. If any two-bit teenager broke into the house we would be saying he deserved some behind bar time. Here, in uniform, breaking our trust, these cops stole what they believed to be worth $30,000. Give them a sentence that reflects that.

    BTW, An uncle was a cop, a niece is currently a cop, her sister will join after graduation, and a sister that worked for many years for a police force before joining the Attorney General’s Office. So I am not anti police but as you will notice, anti abusive police. And most police are underpaid.

  11. Angel H. Wong says:

    Don’t you hate it when homos just can’t get enough of Sex & the City?

  12. deowll says:

    I rather think that these people are going to have to seek a completely different line of work even if they as another said get off easy.

  13. Special Ed says:

    Did they have a surrogate mother so the kids wouldn’t get that horse face?

  14. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    I have been thru both both towns. I would consider them Wheeling, WV’s poor in-laws. With that in mind, I’m not all that surprised by this story.


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