The country (and by that I mean, of course, the news media) became transfixed last week when Angry Prof. Gates and The Cop became the new hit show of the summer TV season. Today, the stars of the show (Sgt. James Crowley and Henry Louis Gates Jr.) met with The President and Vice President of the Network, er, um… of America for a beer to talk about racism and stuff.

As usual, the paparazzi snuck in to snap photos like the one above. Obviously, they were candid and unplanned since the Prez & Veep have their sleeves rolled up. Just good, ole regular folk having some brews on the patio with buddies.

We here at DU, of course, are more concerned with the Real News in all this: What beer did they drink?

Obama was drinking Bud Light. Gates was drinking Samuel Adams and Officer Crowley had a Blue Moon. Here’s the scoop on the brews:

Bud Light: One of the best-selling beers in America, it’s Anheuser-Busch’s flagship light beer with 4.2% ABV and 110 calories per 12 ounce serving. It’s also the bestselling beer in America.

Blue Moon: The Belgian-Style wheat is brewed by the Molson Coors Brewing Company in Toronto, Ontario. The perfect summer brew is orange-amber in color with a cloudy appearance because it is unfiltered and boasts a pronounced orange flavor. It is 171 calories per 12-ounce serving and 5.4 percent ABV.

Samuel Adams Boston Lager: The original recipe was developed in 1860 in St. Louis, Missouri by Louis Koch, who sold under the name Louis Koch Lager until Prohibition, and again until the early 1950s. It contains 4.9% ABV.

Buckler: Owned by Heineken International, the low alcohol (0.5% ABV) pale lager is crisp and light. It was launched in the summer of 1988 and is distributed worldwide.

Turns out American beer makers didn’t like these choices.

BTW, although the President was fascinated by the fascination in this ‘event,’ why didn’t this obviously sexist pig summit include the woman who called 911 and started it all?

And for those of you who, for some odd reason, actually think this summit was really about something and wasn’t a distraction from important crap like the economy, the war, yada yada, read this.

Mr. President Bartender, can we get another round? Hic!

  1. fftspam says:

    I liked watching the news video showing the white dude in a suit delivering a single mug of beer on a silver platter to the table.

    The Navy runs the White House…. and the White House ‘mess’. And they are proud of it. Id bet a dollar that a Navy Corpsman was taking a beer out when one of BO’s image makers jumped in and ‘took over’ so the scene/video would not show a uniformed black male delivering a beer… Wrong image.

  2. SB says:

    You should site the original story, I’m reading this thinking.. Gates, bill gates? then on further reading and investigation I remember the original story of the professor trying to get in his own house, then popping off to the police investigating a possible break-in and getting arrested.

    Then this story gets way more interesting. Originally it was just a quick story I saw on the local news. So, Obama calls a summit with the professor and the arresting officer and ol Joe Biden to have some beers on some very crappy patio furniture?

    Obama is just trying to play the I’m a democrat and I am “of the people, for the people”, I mean look at me here having a beer telling these guys, can’t we all just get along?

    Nice try Obama.

  3. deowll says:

    I do hope I’ve heard the last of this story. People say things they shouldn’t but much to much has been made of this.

    I’m much more concerned with the Health care bill which hasn’t been fully put together and to me seems much to ambitious.

    Even if it had been well written so that people could understand what it says this thing is going to be a minefield both for the government and the people it is supposed to serve. The one thing you can count on is that it is going to be vastly more expensive than claimed.

    Making changes in an incremental fashion one step at a time and trying to work the bugs out without crashing the system would have been much more reasonable and prudent procedure.

    Not that anyone asked me.

  4. GF says:

    I would have chosen a Pyramid Hefeweizen or Pale Ale.

  5. Hugh Ripper says:

    I’m insulted that Aussie beer wasn’t on the menu. Pfft. Some allies you are…

    PS. I’m not referring to the fermented wallaby urine we export under the Fosters label.

  6. SB says:

    No, we didn’t ask you #3, this comment space is about the beer summit.

    Of course the healthcare fiasco is an issue but face it, the agenda is in place and you can’t stop it so relax.

  7. Syrinx says:

    Hey! The Prez is a Bud Light drinker, just like me 😉

  8. BubbaRay says:

    What swill. Not a Guinness among them.

  9. cgp says:

    what gets me is the POTUS says it was a discussion between three people. He can’t count.

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #9: Biden was driving home from work and heard about the free beer on the radio, so he stopped by and joined the party.

  11. jescott418 says:

    I think this is the first President in a long time to reach out and be a President to his Country in a way that says he is one of us. I don’t necessarily support him on everything. But he is more accessible.
    But then again, this might just be the work of his staff controlling another flap from his comments. Its hard to tell anymore what is genuine in Washington. Obama is probably the closest to it we have seen in a while. To the point of this whole meeting. I think both me acted on internal instinct brought on by decades of slavery and inequality with Mr. Gates and by the large population of Black criminals by officer Crowley.
    Both me may not realize that these things create road blocks, but they do. Even those of us who analyze the situation have a bias because of so many things that we have seen. Their is another discrimination going on here. The media has portrayed Mr. Gates as a professor of great stature. As if to say he could not have been a ass to the police because of this. I think this is wrong to assume someone’s stature in society determines ones reactions. In other words would this be a story if a White professor was trying to break into his house and the police came and arrested him for his conduct with them?

  12. derspankster says:

    Well, it was something different, that’s for sure. Don’t recall any President in my lifetime doing anything quite like that.

  13. Wretched Gnu says:

    Gates better not criticize the police or any other authority at the beer summit — or Crowley will put him in jail for being drunk *and* disorderly.

  14. Mac Guy says:

    They drank shitty beer. Can’t do better?

  15. orangetiki says:

    All you needed was one guy to roll up there with a an IPA and boom, he’s king of the table. That person might as well put their feet up on said table. At least there was a blue moon there. That was passable.

    All in all, i think all matters of state should be handled in that fashion: over beer.

  16. chuck says:

    Imagine being the cop, sitting at this table. The only other white guy is the vice-president, who doesn’t have the authority to do anything.
    Across from you is a guy who thinks you’re a racist cop and considers himself a victim.
    And sitting beside him is POTUS, who thinks you acted stupidly.


  17. GigG says:

    #9 Biden heard beer and the SS could keep him away.

  18. I'm out of the office right now.... says:


  19. Faxon says:

    Is this disturbing racist moment over yet? The Harvard Professor of Racism and the B L A C K ! President… where were the biggest racist assholes of all time? Jesse the philanderer, and Al the instigator? Excuse me. I have seen enough.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, jescott,

    The media has portrayed Mr. Gates as a professor of great stature. As if to say he could not have been a ass to the police because of this. I think this is wrong to assume someone’s stature in society determines ones reactions. In other words would this be a story if a White professor was trying to break into his house and the police came and arrested him for his conduct with them?

    Good post, I enjoyed reading it.

    He is a well known and respected Professor. But as has been suggested, what if instead of the this being Henry Gates being arrested for spouting off in his own home, it was another well known and respected Harvard Professor, oh, say Henry Kissinger? And what if Kissinger, annoyed by the police presence repeatedly requested the cop’s name and badge only to be denied. And so the cop arrests him. Would you still believe the cop is right to arrest someone in their own home?

    No it wasn’t Kissinger that was arrested. His position though is irrelevant until it comes down to the pull Gates has with access to many of the best legal brains in the country. It doesn’t take a Harvard Law Professor though to know that the arrest was phony and could not stand.

    Whether or not Gates was correct in his assessment that this was racially motivated is irrelevant as far as the arrest. In his own home he has a much greater latitude to speak than he would on a street corner. (about the only things he can not say would be things like threatening a life or yelling “fire”) Nothing Gates said rose to the level of a crime.

  21. Mr Diesel says:

    I have yet to hear a single comment from the people who where actually at the scene that said the police report was wrong in any way. Maybe someone has but I haven’t heard it or read about it yet.

    So, that means he was not arrested INSIDE his home. He was arrested OUTSIDE and with good reason. You can’t off your porch and start yelling at a police officer and get a crowd to start gathering. No, you get arrested. furthermore I have never seen an officer move or have someone else move the handcuffs on someone to the front and I have helped trained LEOs. The police bent over backwards for Gates and he got arrested. Big friggin deal, it probably helped his street cred with his homies.

    Praise Obomba, he is showing us the way……

  22. BigBoyBC says:

    Government employees drinking during business hours. I’d get fired for doing it.

    Dock their pay, suspend them for a week…

    And what? No chicken wings!

    …two more weeks

  23. Becker says:

    #2 SB
    I think you may be fukin retarded.

  24. Clad In A White Coat says:


    Insightful observations! I’m eager to hear more of your ideas. But first be a good boy and come over here and take your meds.

    And don’t worry your sheets will be back from the laundry any minute now.

  25. Jeroen says:

    so, who had the Buckler?
    it’s the dutch laughingstock of beers!

  26. fuzzball963 says:

    Lame. The only time I can drink Bud light is during beer pong. Other than that it’s Newcastle Brown Ale, Guinness, Heineken, Corona, or Blue Moon for me. My respect for Obama just took a small hit now that I know he drinks a beer that tastes like water with carbonation in it.

    And yes, disclaimer I’m American :). I just got my first taste of beer from my friends dad who is from Scotland and promised to introduce me to “Real Beer”

  27. MikeN says:

    Don’t these cops all have Windows laptops in their cars now? Couldn’t they have looked up a picture?

    That said, there is a reason they asked him to step outside. They needed to know he wasn’t being coerced.

  28. noname says:

    Cops being the asshole that they are, they didn’t drop the charges because they are nice!!! Cops dropped the charges because
    a.) The cop was probably experiencing steroid rage and this would have come out.
    b.) No doubt this would have been a tough fight in court with Harvard best lawyers defending you expressing your 1st Amendment rights.
    c.)The cop has a history of such arrests.
    d.)The cop really is a raciest.

    I guess we will never know.
    What I do know, is all charges dropped.
    I guess Henry Gates was right all along.

  29. soundwash says:

    Like i said last week in the Gates post, this was
    just some minor political genius on the part of obama’s handlers. -the perfect distraction.

    Letting obama speak without a teleprompter resulted in him lying through his teeth for almost the whole event. -much damage control was required.

    His handlers knew obama and his healthcare bill was going to be ripped to shreds by the MSM and the repubs for the rest of the week if they did not
    have a way to take the focus completely off his fairy tail commentary.

    Anyway, like obama said: “Your going to want to take the blue pill”

    (so you can continue to live in his fantasy)

    The entire gates event was scripted,
    plain and simple.

    Anyone want to buy a vowel?


  30. Traaxx says:

    Hey, it’s really cool that President Hussein is such a micro manager that he had time to waste on an arrest made by two white cops, in a town with a black mayor, in a state with a black governor.

    It follows that a racist President would become involved in the arrest of a racist professor by two non-racist cops who were only thinking about doing their duty. But then duty isn’t something a Demoncrats knows about, they are more interested in dodges and money making scams.



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