NHS Swine Flu Information Hotline
(Click photo to enlarge.)

Saw this advertisement in the free newspaper I read in the morning while travelling on the train to London. The paper is called ‘Metro’. Reading the symptoms described, swine flu seems to be almost the same as regular flu. Maybe I should buy stock from the company that makes Tamiflu.

  1. bobbo, sad the more intelligent can't read says:

    or maybe its just the blog editor quest for hits?

    STAY HOME!!!!! with the exceptions as listed.

    Try to imagine how stupid people will react? Say something stupid like “They want us to die at home.”

    To bad the flu can’t be more selective.

  2. nomadwolf says:

    Many of the dangerous diseases have flu-like symptoms. That’s part of the reason they’re problematic, because people think they have the regular flu and just go on with their business and infect others.

    Even ebola’s symptoms are just listed as “fever, sore throat, vomiting, weakness, stomach pain, and a dry, hacking cough.”

  3. Mikey Twit says:

    How dare evil socialized health care tell you you to do the smart thing to reduce the spread of a disease. Just evil!

  4. I am 49 and British by many generations and as such I have first hand experience of the National Health Service. We in the UK have created a dependency culture and I would say a nation of hypochondriacs. The National Health Service was never affordable and our politicians of the time lied and deferred the decision to each and every subsequent generation culminating in Tony Blair’s investment of huge sums of money only to discover the real problem is a society desperate for a magic pill to solve all and every problem.
    The truth lies somewhere between the American model and the British model. These days,I dont go near the doctors or the hospitals as I might catch something, but if I had cancer, I would rather be in the best of America in the knowledge that i would have to pay for it whereas in the UK, the minuet you crawl off the boat you are entitled to mediocre health, free at the point of delivery…….which is ridiculous.

  5. Mikey Twit says:


    You mean if you can AFFORD to pay for it. Both the NHS and Canada’s (my country) health care systems do need overhauling, no question, but at least we don’t have the worry of paying years of premiums, only to find the insurance companies try to find any reason they can to not pay out. A profit driven health system just begs to be abused more than a government system. I’d rather it be the “people” abusing the system to access care, than the greedy investment types who put profit above quality care, high end Mayo type clinics excluded(they’re the exception, not the rule.

    In the end, no health care system is truly “free”, you either pay in premiums(and hope for the best) or through taxes. The difference is at least in the British and Canadian systems, you are guaranteed access, where in the U.S., to quote Bruce Cockburn, “You Pay Your Money, and You Take Your Chance”

  6. amodedoma says:

    Everybody dies, nobody knows when. At any moment it could be the end for any or all of us. The trick is to live as if you’re aware of it and not afraid of it.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Doctors used to make housecalls. Sick people did not have to go out and infect people to get treatment.

    #9 “Everybody dies, nobody knows when. At any moment it could be the end for any or all of us. The trick is to live as if you’re aware of it and not afraid of it.”

    Stay away from hospitals and you’ll live longer. Statistically, most people die in hospitals.

  8. Ralphie says:

    It’s the FLU. Nothing more, nothing less. So what? I hope I get it so I can take a few days off.

  9. killer duck says:

    This is logical, I don’t see the problem…and yes, you should buy stock in flu vaccine vendors, because its almost a guarantee that one day a massive flu will hit.

  10. Fat Cats says:

    Swine flu is what pigs get. Human flu is what humans get. Tami flu is what stupid people get.

  11. RRD says:
    [Ed. – Comment deleted for violation of posting guidelines]
  12. chuck says:

    Don’t waste your money on Tamifu. A man in Montreal had taken Tamiflu and still got swine flu. He did recover.

    Take Relenza if you want to.
    Otherwise, if you get the flu, stay in bed – and get over it – it’s just the flu.

  13. Named says:

    5 “Arnie”

    “I am 49 and British by many generations”

    So… does that mean you migrated to Britain from Gaul?

    Here’s a hint to all the others… No one ever claims to be “British by many generations”. You are British or you are NOT British. If you ARE British, you’ve been there since the Romans taught you how to wash your ass…

  14. amodedoma says:

    #10 Benjamin, death is destiny, and though I can’t prove it I’m certain that the moment is always the same regardless of life choices. Taking better care of yourself or avoiding hospitals might help the quality of time you have, but it can’t give you more time. So enjoy yourself and make it meaningful, you may not get another chance.

  15. furrypotato says:

    #16 “Here’s a hint to all the others… No one ever claims to be “British by many generations”. You are British or you are NOT British. If you ARE British, you’ve been there since the Romans taught you how to wash your ass…”

    Britain is indeed a land of immagrants. First were us celts some 2600 years ago. Then the Romans who did indeed teach us to wipe our asses with a sponge on a stick.
    Then came those dastardly Vikings, Angles & Saxons some 1500 years ago, forcing us celts into Scotland, Wales & Cornwall. Then came the French in 1066. And in recent times all the people from the ex-colonies that we fucked over the last 200 years.
    By far the most drastic of any of these were the Vikings, Angles & Saxons who brought their barbarian ways to us civilised ‘Britons’. I’ll keep all the recent immagrants if we can send all the anglo-saxons back , please 😉

  16. Rick Cain says:

    Thats actually a good idea. Your home is full of germs but they’re your germs. Hospitals are a great way to get secondary infections because you are sharing the germs of hundreds of folks.


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