You can visit the website behind this video here. Listen carefully for the Wilhelm scream in the video.

  1. Ren says:

    Hmm, interesting, would I be correct in assuming that the same source inspired the eugenicists?

  2. RBG says:

    Nice bit of propaganda. The opposing view gets the goofy treatment; the narrator’s position a simple: “We’re right, now go figure that out.”


  3. Amsterdamned says:

    If regular folks can find a way to euthanize all the rich people like the crazy Dupont and Rockefeller families, who were a part of the Business Plot to remove FDR and install a fascist leader, then I think the rest of us will do just fine.

  4. Amsterdamned says:

    If push comes to shove, I bet regular folks will find a way to euthanize all the rich people rather than the other way around.

  5. Dave W says:

    Clearly, population, if left to nature, is self regulating. But, it also quite obvious that the vast majority of human beings live in miserable conditions and that intelligent control of population would help minimize this situation.

    We are also using up non-renewable resources (not food which is renewable) at an alarming rate that simply cannot be sustained.

    If I were the all powerful supernatural flying spaghetti monster, I’d limit the planet to about 2 billion people.

  6. Wretched Gnu says:

    Er… Who is so stupid as to think the question of population is a question of space? I think only 5-year-olds think this way.

    The reason people worry about population booms in, say, India, is that there is not enough infrastructure and resource development to sustain it. Hence a huge amount of grinding poverty.

    *That* is the issue — not whether there’s enough square-footage to hold the bodies. Cripes! Double Cripes!

  7. orangetiki says:

    The entire world can live in Texas with a yard? I think that’s the biggest myth talked about in this video.

  8. Not Me...You says:

    LOL…that was a PERFECT absolutely PERFECT example of “fake science”. Start out with a good premise, showing a mistake or some real fact, ramble on about it for nearly the entirety of your ‘proof’ and then in the last sentence or few seconds, throw in a non-logical or made up “fact” nonchalantly and hope no one will notice.

    Where exactly does he get the “fact” the our population will stop growing and decrease in the shortly? I guess folks will just ‘learn their lesson’ and stop having babies in a few years. Glad that’s solved!

    Seriously, the ‘end of the world’ dates never were real because they failed to account for a variable…the INCREASE in efficiency of food production. If food production was as efficient as 1850, there would be mass starvation like North Korea is seeing. But mechanization, modified food (not talking ‘genetics’ even, just careful breeding) has vastly increased our food production.

    The danger with the population increase is NOT currently about food currently. That will be ok for the near term. Drinkable water, energy (oil) and pollution are bigger issues.

    We don’t need crazy “the sky is falling” folks running about all knees bent. Just some common sense notice that it will be hard to burn enough coal and oil to provide for 12 billion people, especially if even 25% of them want a lifestyle even half as good as the U.S. has now.

    Again, something to note, but not a BIG deal, because our system is static. Our energy production, food systems, etc, are not static variables. They will change. A century from now our energy and food production will look as different from today as today is from 1900. We might well keep up just fine with 12 billion people. BUT we should be careful and watch for problems.

  9. Animby says:

    # 4 Dave W said, “I’d limit the planet to about 2 billion people.”

    Be sure to get your flu shot, Dave.

    Seriously, I think, when I was a young lad, there WERE only a couple of billion people on the planet. I find it a little frightening that our population has grown so fast.

    On the other hand, as long as Monsanto is in charge, no worries about food, huh?

  10. ECA says:

    Where are the facts to support there statements, I dont see any on the site.

    #4, pretty close there.
    5Billion in china, and they are TRYING to lower it for the last 20 years.
    2-3 billion, in the REST of the world. And still counting..

    I dont think the person who did the video has any concept of how MUCH damage the HUMAN has done on this planet.
    over 50% of animal life has been destroyed.
    Billions of acres are used for farming as well as MORE coming as we destroy the Amazon jungles.
    Pollution..If you can understand AL the kinds. Earth(we buried alot of CRAP before 1960? pollution controls), Air(for those old enough, remember the difference in forests and the CRISP AIR we used to have), Water(LOL)(this is getting bad, as Mexico and Europe have the worst.)(an ocean of CRAP(not biological).

    I think I see what this video is.
    In 50 years..YES this planet will NOT be able to sustain us.
    We will have killed off 90% PLUS of all animals in including domestic.
    The land mass will NOT be able to feed all the people. Unless you wish to Knock down all the mountain and trees, and turn this into a FLAT planet, with Tornadoes and Hurricanes Running amuck..

  11. ArianeB says:

    There are limits to growth!

    This is the blatantly obvious truth that most of the world is in complete denial over.

    We have reached a plateau in oil production, limited by unavoidable geological restrictions.

    We are close to a plateau with potash mining (a key ingredient in fertilizer), as well.

    There are no good viable alternatives to these resources, once they are gone they are gone. As oil goes into decline, we will have less and less energy to use. As potash goes into decline, we will have less and less food to eat. Both will be going into decline over the next 10 or 20 years.

    The human population will start declining soon after, by attrition or starvation or genocide.

  12. Benjamin says:

    #9 Oh come on now. By the time your doomsday scenario takes place, we will have built space ships and spread humanity to other planets where we can rinse and repeat.

  13. Bob says:

    Someone show this video to Adam Curry.

  14. stinker says:

    ahhh…RBG I’ve missed you.

  15. GF says:

    Aghh, ECA, actually here are the most recent numbers for the top ten countries by population:

    1. People’s Republic of China – 1,332,080,000
    2. India – 1,166,940,000
    3. United States – 307,018,000
    4. Indonesia – 230,781,846
    5. Brazil – 191,601,000
    6. Pakistan – 167,030,000
    7. Bangladesh – 162,221,000
    8. Nigeria – 154,729,000
    9. Russia – 141,868,000
    10. Japan – 127,580,000

    Africa has the fastest growing population, it has almost doubled since 1985 from 553 million to 1 billion today. Asia, the entire western hemisphere, and Oceana have grown by about 2/3rds of Africa’s rate. Europe and the Old Soviet Block are almost stagnant.

    Current U.S. Census Bureau estimates are that there are 6.774 billion people on this planet.

    Considering that there is about 36.8 billion acres of land on the entire planet that means there is about 5.4 acres of land for every human being on this planet and about 18.6 acres of ocean.

    Hmmm, settlements on the Moon and Mars are starting to sound better and better. 😉

  16. bobsmith says:

    I did the math, here it is:
    Texas is 268,581 square miles including water. That’s 1,418,107,680 square feet. There are about 6.7 billion people which gives each person .21 square feet. I guess they didn’t specify that the house and yard would be to scale.

  17. Ralphie says:

    Why exactly does the population start to decrease again?

  18. bobbo, can't do it in my head says:

    #15–bobsmith==you beat me to it. Looks like you missed the calculation by a few orders. From the Q&A on their website.

    According to the U.N. Population Database, the world’s population in 2010 will be 6,908,688,000. The landmass of Texas is 268,820 sq mi (7,494,271,488,000 sq ft).

    So, divide 7,494,271,488,000 sq ft by 6,908,688,000 people, and you get 1084.76 sq ft/person. That’s approximately a 33′ x 33′ plot of land for every person on the planet, enough space for a town house.

    Seems the know nothing/no to everything party gets a lot of mileage (and square footage too) by saying any damn thing they want to. I suspect the mere utterance of the words is all they need.

    Facts don’t matter when the emotions are engaged. Thats how Glenn Beck can say “Obama is a racist.” and then later say “Obama doesn’t hate white people.” He’s made his nut and covered both ends of the bet.

    I think the world is overpopulated but there is no reason not to have more kids.

  19. bobsmith says:

    Oops, I converted miles to feet instead of square miles to square feet, so I guess I was off by a little.

  20. joaoPT says:

    ok, we can manage to fit everybody into Texas…
    Now I need some facts: How many trees per human to provide oxygen? How many sq. feet of corn per human? And wheat and such. And how many gallons of drinkable water? How much meat and fish per human?

    Do the math!

  21. realmother says:

    bobsmith, your math is wrong.

    There are 27,878,400 square feet in a square mile.

    Multiply that by the square miles in Texas which you give as 268,581 square miles.

    That gives us 7,487,608,550,400 square feet in the state of Texas.

    Divide 7,487,608,550,400 by 6,500,000,000 people and you get a tidy 1,152 square feet per person.

  22. bobsmith says:

    but the point is still valid that this is a ridiculous view. Just because you can fit people into a given space doesn’t mean you can provide for all of them. The landmass required to feed these people all stuffed into texas would be much, much, much larger. Not to mention the fuel consumption to heat and cool all these townhouses, provide water, electricity, plumbing, etc… the conclusion that “I think the world is overpopulated but there is no reason not to have more kids.” is really incredibly dimwitted. The definition of overpopulated is a condition where an organism’s numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. So you are saying you admit that there are insufficient resources for all the people currently on the planet, but that isn’t a good reason to reduce the population. Interesting.

  23. bobbo, getting out his bigger hammer says:

    bobbie==when you start reading a sentence, can you remember the subject after reading the verb or do you treat it like a simple math problem?

    How about paragraphs?


  24. bobsmith says:

    Have you ever heard the term “Ad Hominem”?

  25. bobbo, getting out his 8 Inch Oxford Reference says:

    bobbie==well, at least you can recognize the direction of a criticism.


  26. killer duck says:

    This is the biggest pile of shit i’ve ever seen on Dvorak.
    This has got to be some freaking radical christian or islam nut jobs that want to grow the base.

  27. ArianeB says:


    Saw this posted yesterday at an oil supply website:

    The scary part:
    “Of that 148 million square kilometers, the arable portion, as I said, is only about 10 percent, or 15 million square kilometers. If we divide that 15 million square kilometers into the present figure for human population, we arrive at a ratio of about 470 people per square kilometer of arable land.

    Is that last ratio a matter for concern? I would think so. A hard-working (i.e. farming) adult burns about 2 million kilocalories (“calories”) per year. The food energy from Pimentel’s hectare of corn is about 7 million kilocalories. Under primitive conditions, then, 1 hectare of corn would support only 3 or 4 people — or, in other words, 1 square kilometer would support 300 or 400 people. And all of these are ideal numbers; we are assuming that all resources are distributed rationally and equitably. (We are also assuming no increase in population, but famine and the attendant decrease in fertility will take care of that matter very soon.) Even if every inch of our planet’s “arable portion” were devoted to the raising of corn or other useful crops, we would have trouble squeezing in those 470 people mentioned in the previous paragraph.”

  28. bobbo, following up on loose threads says:

    Actually, #20 hits on recent news—BCC, or Bee Colony Collapse. Don’t know if we are still in it but “the world” has been losing 30% per year of its docile honey bees with emergency resupply of bees coming from Australia.

    If we lose the utility of bees to pollinate all our fruits and vegetables, then yes, we will be left eating just corn and wheat and the other cereal crops. Don’t know if joaoPT was being that subtle with his concerns but the threat to our sustaining food supply comes from many different sources. No doubt, we will get hit by one as yet unrecognized. Huge starvation will follow allowing the worlds population to fit in Arizona!!


  29. This is a totally ridiculous statement. At present growth rate, the mass of humans on the planet will exceed the mass of the planet in 5,000 years. This is an obvious physical impossibility. At any growth rate, the same will be true but for varying time frames.

    If the idiot who put this crap together is right that the population will begin to reduce in 30 years, then we may have a chance, if we live that long.

    Population growth, however, is the very definition of unsustainability. And, since three “nations” vetoed any recommendation of population control mechanisms such as educating women and improving standard of living, the actual plateau of population may be much higher, if we live that long.

    What three nations refused to have any mention of population in the UN Millennium Development Goals?

    Iran, The Vatican, and The United States.

    Religion is the problem. It was all a misunderstanding. The quote was supposed to be “be useful and multiplex.”

  30. Improbus says:


    The Oil Drum is on my to read list every day … right after 🙂


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