Well, you’ve gotta get their attention, right?
A driver, now identified as an Asheville [NC] firefighter, shot a bicycle rider because he was angry the man was riding with his child on a busy road, Asheville police said.
[…]Officers said the victim was riding with his wife and had his 3-year-old son in a child seat attached to his bicycle when a driver approached him.
Police said the driver, Charles Diez, claimed he was upset that the victim was bike riding with his child on the heavily traveled Tunnel Road.
Diez pulled a gun and opened fire, hitting the victim in his bicycle helmet, according to police. They said the bullet penetrated the outer lining of the helmet but did not actually hit the victim’s head.
Police arrested Diez and charged him with attempted first degree murder.
Remember when discussions of gun control were all the rage?
And the NRA’s solution would be to make sure that both men had guns…
Just another one of the hundreds of reasons every year that we need to get rid of hand Guns in America. Yea Yea Yea we know the amendment to the constitution, but this can be interpreted in more than 1 way, and in the end of the day all Guns should be removed from the General Public. I was raised on a farm and had guns/rifles since i was old enough to hold one. And I used to be an advocate of Guns.. But as one gets older, (wiser) it appears that the general public cant control themselves or be trusted with fire arms. Too many arbitrary crimes happen every day and innocent folks are permanently injured because of heated moments, or even worse, a pre-meditated crime. Most folks cant tell you what the capital of Canada is, and we let these folks carry weapons?.. It Aint the wild West anymore..so time to get the guns off the streets. It can be done, any one remember Dunblane? Sorry Charlton RIP.
They really set the bar low when they hired that guy. It reminds of the urban legend of the man who wanted to be a cop but found that scoring too high on a IQ test meant he was ineligible.
But seriously, when the shit hits then fan and the fascist Bilderberg lackeys send out the Army to round up dissidents, it’s nutjobs like this they’ll choose to do it.
Bad things happen when you give liberal nanny-staters power.
Dad needed a tail-gunner…arm the kid.
I’m a democrat and I’m all for guns… HANDGUNS. Why the hell do rednecks want to have assault rifles? That is what all this bitching has been about lately. The south just has to have their semi auto M16’s. WTF for? Just keep a 7mm deer rifle in the truck.
Mike (#4) I dont follow your commeent? Its normally the conservatives that are touting the guns. And What Nanny State are you referring to? If you mean the UK, well yes thats correct, but what is the “bad thngs” you refer too? The Nanny state took the guns way after a bad thing happened?… So you confuse me?… 🙁
No matter what you do, you can’t legislate stupid. Laws only mop up the mess after the crime has been done.
#6 – Because they’re fun? And frankly, what’s the difference between an AR15 (not M16, as ownership of an M16 is illegal without a Class 3 permit) and any other semi-auto high-powered rifle available on the market? It just LOOKS menacing, nothing more.
Uncle Dave tries once again to rabble-rouse the readers with another of his pet issues.
Where’s the outrage when it comes to the ineffective machete killing legislation?
“taking away guns” is pretty much a moot point. Pandora’s box has been opened, and there’s nothing that can be done about it EXCEPT to turn otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals. There are laws against gun crimes now. How would it be any better to make possession of a gun a crime? The people who are ignoring the law now will continue to ignore the law. In addition, people like me (never been arrested, never committed a crime) will become criminals, because we won’t give up our guns. (cold dead hands, etc etc blah blah.) The only REAL effect will be that the gutless firearm owners will become defenseless (maybe that doesn’t really matter because it’s possible that the gutless would never use a firearm in self defense anyway.)
An armed society is a polite society.
It is clear to me that this person (the driver of the car with the gun) is a nut. He had real problems. Lets ban cars because they cause this kind of road rage. Hell, if we walk everywhere we would get healthier, right.
If this guy, the car driver, did not have the gun, he might have run them down with his car. Let’s Ban cars, as they also can kill people.
Heck, lets ban everything. Sharp objects, a deck of cards, anything that might be a weapon a nut can use. I agree with #9, rabble rousing at its best.
Guns don’t kill people….. Bullets do!
#9: As you know, I’m against gun control laws. Not because of the phony 2nd Amendment argument, but because at this point it’s pretty much impossible without enacting a police state with house to house searches, etc.
#10: “An armed society is a polite society.”
Har! We are a society armed to the teeth, but we ain’t even close to being a polite society.
He shoulda tasered the guy.
I own a gun and I have neither never shot nor pointed at anyone, human or animal, although I never had a deer tag or a hunting license so that is the reason I never shot an animal.
Gun ownership is a fundamental right. Ban free speech or censor the press and the people that want to ban guns will be up in arms (no pun intended). Before Hitler persecuted the Jews, he banned Jewish ownership of guns. How did that work out?
Everyone should be armed with a bazooka.
and by that I mean bicycles on major roads, you’re going to cause an accident, either your own or someone else trying not to crush your ass
I live in a mountainous area with a lot of backroads, you can be driving 25 an hour and still have to slam on your brakes when you come around a corner and some dumbass or dumbasses are riding their bikes in the middle of the road
I think the solution is obvious…..get rid of fire fighters! They apparently have issues.
What kills more people, bicycles or guns? Hmmmm?
Answer is obvious, so ban bicycles first.
I like hearing from all the folks on this issue. Try to convince me that the government should confiscate my weapons. Har. I am going to buy another 1911 this week. Already have an AR 15, and that was my present to myself the week before the election. If you want any, you can buy your own. If you want a hybrid, you can buy that. I like the idea of CO2 coming from the barrel of a gun.
Amsterdamned: It is not an urban legend. [www_nytimes_com]
Uncle Dave, define “phony 2nd Amendment” for us dopes who only know what the Supreme Court just decided last year…. Please…. Go ahead with your superior wisdom. I kind of thought it meant the PEOPLE have a right to arm for self defense. Please, straighten me out.
#15, Benjamin
I own a gun and I have neither never shot nor pointed at anyone, human or animal, although I never had a deer tag or a hunting license so that is the reason I never shot an animal.
You make it so easy to picture your knuckles dragging when you walk.
#21, glocky
Please explain to us how the intent of an armed militia means everyone may own automatic weapons for personal defense?
#17 – Won’t happen in the Asheville, NC, area. Trust me when I tell you that the area is overrun with more hashpipe hippies than you can shake a stick at.
#19 – I bought my AR15 in October and have a signed bill of sale to prove it was purchased before the current administration took office.
#23 – Semi-automatic, not automatic. Learn your gun terminology before pretending to have a clue when taking on this argument.
#21: Just because the Supreme Court rules one way doesn’t make it right. It once ruled slavery was legal.
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
I interpret the 2nd Amendment to refer to an organized militia being able to be armed for the protection of the state. What confuses things is a militia back then was ordinary citizens who brought the weapons they had rather than being supplied them by the state. Current ‘militias’ — the National Guard — don’t work that way.
In order to be in a militia you need to be armed. A militia is for the defense of the state, not for personal defense. In olden days, since the state didn’t provide arms for the militia, the members had to have their own weapons, so the 2nd Amendment stated they could.
Since current militias no longer need or require members to have weapons, there is no need for members/citizens to have personal weapons. Hence, since militias were the point of the 2nd Amendment, it is essentially moot.
Or put another way, the replacement of traditional militias by the National Guard which uses government supplied weaponry makes the 2nd Amendment obsolete.
Doesn’t mean we should toss it out, however. Never know when we’ll toss ourselves back into the stone age. Just that it’s not the right argument in favor of gun ownership. A better one is government interference in personal life. Government should stay out of people’s lives as much as possible which is a good reason for government to stay out of legislating abortion, pr0n and many other things.
guns dont kill people!!!! bullets do!!!!! ban bullets!!!!!!!!!
#26, Adm,
Good idea. Until deer season starts and all the knuckle draggers can’t use their assault rifles to kill Bambi in less that 86 shots.
I’ve read the story and I don’t think we are getting the full picture.
There must have been some altercation arising from the firefighter warning the parents about how much danger they were eposing their child to. The summary makes it sound like some kind of drive-by shooting! Firefighters are only human and having to pick bodies off the road can’t do good things to you.
#24, mac,
#23 – Semi-automatic, not automatic. Learn your gun terminology before pretending to have a clue when taking on this argument.
Uummm, sorry mac, but Automatic Weapons are legal.
Maybe you might learn a few things before you try to correct people.
#28, pecker,
Good point. Only in this case the assailant used a gun. He didn’t hit the victim with a tire iron. He didn’t chase him with a machete. He didn’t pick up a baseball bat or 2X4. He didn’t punch him out while wearing brass knuckles. He didn’t phone Child Welfare and report him as a bad parent. He didn’t phone the police to report the victim was blocking traffic.
The effen asshole pulled out a gun, because he had one, and proceeded to shoot the victim in the head. If he didn’t have a gun, the victim, and his family, stood a much better chance of escaping.
Firefighters are only human and having to pick bodies off the road can’t do good things to you.
Then maybe firefighters shouldn’t be allowed to own guns.