Well, you’ve gotta get their attention, right?
A driver, now identified as an Asheville [NC] firefighter, shot a bicycle rider because he was angry the man was riding with his child on a busy road, Asheville police said.
[…]Officers said the victim was riding with his wife and had his 3-year-old son in a child seat attached to his bicycle when a driver approached him.
Police said the driver, Charles Diez, claimed he was upset that the victim was bike riding with his child on the heavily traveled Tunnel Road.
Diez pulled a gun and opened fire, hitting the victim in his bicycle helmet, according to police. They said the bullet penetrated the outer lining of the helmet but did not actually hit the victim’s head.
Police arrested Diez and charged him with attempted first degree murder.
Remember when discussions of gun control were all the rage?
#57. ridin… I agree. We share a lot of the same types of problems, but I think we have it better overall here in Canada.
I think Ted Nugent says it best here.
I fail to see why so many of you blame the tool for the person’s actions. You cannot stop people from killing each other. Get over it.
I think Ted Nugent says it best here
I fail to see why so many of you blame the tool for the person’s actions. You cannot stop people from killing each other. Get over it.
On top of that.
#2 That blanket statement disgusts me
“the general public cant control themselves or be trusted with fire arms”
A small number of people bring you too the conclusion that everyone in this country should no longer own a firearm. What is the % people who have a weapon legally who commit crimes of this number? MINISCULE by comparison to the number of people who own a firearm legally.
First of all the shooter was clearly crazy.
The next thing you need to remember is he was driving a car. He could have taken the entire family out with that and I promise you the helmet would not have stopped a car.
Of course stabbing someone with a screw driver would have been another option.
That’s why the English have more or less outlawed everything unless you can demonstrate a clear reason for having it with you.
#63 deowll
Running them over with your car damages your car. Stabbing them with a screwdriver is messy and gets blood all over your clothes. Shooting them has none of these disadvantages, plus you can pretend to be Dirty Harry. If he wasnt packing heat he probably would have thought twice.
According to several Republicans, it was the marijuana, not easy access to guns that was to blame.
You f* americans are all crazy. You are sooo funny.