• Yahoo-MSFT deal done. Not good for Yahoo.
  • Virginia Tech studying text messaging and truck crashes.
  • Will the MSFT store be more like Apple or Gateway?
  • Jailbreaking an iPhone is a threat to National Security says Apple.
  • Greenpeace after HP’s money.
  • Ballmer on Google.
  • Spinvox pulls a fast one.
  • Podcast patent a joke.
  • Episode paid for by Squarespace.com.

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  1. sargasso says:

    And removing competitive software from the iTunes Apps Store is a violation of EU anti-trust legislation.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    I liked Yahoo search. Past tense.

    Spinvox had one thing right. Most people are too dumb to dictate into a computer. They don’t know that they can’t cough, clear their throat, suck nasal snot down into their throat & swallow it, while their dictation microphone is still active.

    Breaking news: Other people in the room will talk while you’re dictating & that will also mess it up. Duh.

    The software will attempt to translate it & of course you end up with gibberish.

    GIGO. LOL.

  3. Amsterdamned says:

    Yeah see, it’s better to just use an unlocked phone like the M88.

    Or the Sciphone i68+.

  4. SB says:

    Everyone knows that Al Gore invented Podcasting when he invented the Internet and Global Warming. Who’s this Curry guy???

    And, the steering wheel is too high to use your knee in the trucks, you have to hold it with one hand or more dangerous use your elbow.

    This one is even harder… Navigating a cup of coffee, eating sunflower seeds, smoking a cigarette, taking a call, and shifting all at the same time. Takes some practice.

    If you’re going to talk or try to text behind the wheel of any vehicle, most important thing is don’t forget the fact that you “are” driving!!! Too many people in their own little worlds out there.

  5. Amsterdamned says:

    John, by the way regarding Greenpeace and the whales, you missed the news.

    An activist named Paul Watson (not the guy from http://infowars.com …) has been throwing rotten butter at whaling ships.


  6. SB says:

    Allright, another quick sidenote.

    If you like Adam Curry go to the iTunes store and get Podfinder. It just takes about a minute or so of episode one, you’ll be falling out of your chair laughing. Can you say Super Apple Fanboy, just look at the iPod around his neck in the artwork.

    But… most podcasts don’t even have album artwork. In that episode the artwork changes while you listen about 20 times. He must be the only one who knows you can do that. A great part of the NoAgenda show is seeing what the artwork is on each episode.

  7. deowll says:

    Don’t worry the people granting patents are brain dead. The government paid to have a new strain of orange created a few years back that produced better juice and some bleep in the patent office gave one company an exclusive patent on using those oranges for juice. Of course that means he thought making orange juices from oranges is a novel not to say unique idea.

    Things have not gotten better. I think they must be using preschool dropouts.

  8. iGoof says:

    I agree it is detestable and hardly digestible what Apple is saying about “jail breaking” an iPhone is a “threat to national security”, but John, please, when you comment be accurate, they are not calling jail broken iPhone users terrorists, they are just saying that it’s a threat to national security when iPhones are taught not to pee.

  9. brendal says:

    Hee-haw! The Microsoft-Yahoo Announcement: A Bullshit-Free Translation http://bit.ly/14DRh6


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