One taser that can fire three shots in a row… I don’t think this is an improvement.

Why did they perform the demonstration with women only? The metal tips launched by the taser penetrate the skin, so that cannot be fun. Also, why are they laughing? This video is creepy.

  1. LDA says:

    Torture is fun.

  2. Hugh Ripper says:

    Very handy if you’re attacked by the three stooges.

  3. Uncle Don says:

    Adrenaline rush?

    Wait… isn’t that a symptom of agitated delirium?

  4. Chris Mac says:

    or speed in your coke?

  5. The Watcher says:

    The Taser people are trying to market this model to people who won’t carry a firearm…. The number of women in that class is quite high….

    Other than a “better than nothing”, it has no value, IMO, but nobody listens to me anyway….

  6. cfk says:

    Great – a semi-auto Taser. What’s next? An AK47 model?

  7. Alex says:

    Why only women ? Maybe because we men are lame cowards. When I am teaching electrostatics with the van de Graaff generator, it is very difficult to convince big and tough men to touch the electrode, but the ladies! they dont hesitage.

  8. scadragon says:

    Now they can Tase three Bros at once!

  9. Improbus says:

    Now one cop can abuse the rights of not one but three citizens at once. You got to love progress.

  10. Makreru says:

    This is one sick society.

  11. UNKN says:

    I’ve watched a decent amount of taser demo videos and I believe that’s the first time I’ve seen women do it, so don’t make some big fuss over it. But yeah alot of women seem to have bigger marbles when it comes to these things, men don’t want to look weak or some crap.

  12. Oscar says:

    My presently constantly-carried taser is only good at close range. I like the idea of being able to fire something at a robber, and I always wondered what I could do if there were more than one. In the good old days, I could simply shoot the son-of-a-bitch. But lawyers and politicians have messed that up, except in “castle doctrine” and “right to protect yourself” states. What is wrong with people? “A liberal is someone who has never been robbed or attacked.”

  13. Oscar says:

    #10, Where do you live? I know of lots of creeps who would like to know.

  14. Amsterdamned says:

    Doesn’t tin foil short circuit the electric prongs?
    If not then sheet aluminum or chain mail would.

  15. tron says:

    They probably rigged this so the taser delivered a lower voltage. Two of the women jumped straight back up from the floor and one was even wearing white pants – a high proportion of taser shots result in the victim losing control of their bladder or bowels.

  16. Chuck says:

    I fully support the use of Tasers as an alternative to a firearm. It’s their growing popularity as a compliance-enforcement device that I have a problem with.

  17. Han says:

    Hey, at least it was realistic – they got tased in the back just like the cops do in real life!

  18. RTaylor says:

    The police model of these things are about $1000. Of course the cartridge and batteries are replaceable. Most departments will spend about 1/2 of that on a side arm. Is there some federal program aiding small police departments in buying these? You have to be contact shocked to carry, just like being pepper sprayed. I watched pepper spray training, and I would have never believed the human body could produce that much snot and tears. The crap gets everywhere, that’s why tasers are preferred. The cop doesn’t get spray on him, and have to decontaminate the suspect.

  19. deowll says:

    I think I saw one some years ago that had four.

    #17 Would you prefer to be hit with one of these?

    If the link doesn’t work just look up night stick.

  20. jay says:

    I love how they have safety glass on.

  21. Great American says:

    Better than getting shot I suppose.

  22. Li says:

    Excellent simulation, in that the subjects were already restrained and they were shot in the back.


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