Read the transcript of the speech.

Found by Gasparrini

  1. Palimania says:

    Everyone continues to be obsessed with Palin.

  2. qb says:

    Sarah, drug humour just isn’t funny. OK?

  3. UNKN says:

    Shatner is a god, he might be an asshole and all that, but he’s still awesome.

  4. Bob3000 says:

    “Everyone continues to be obsessed with Palin.”

    People like to rubberneck and watch a train wreck in progress. Remember that this was the big Republican ‘shake-up’ VP candidate that would have been 2nd in charge if they won. She just doesn’t know how dense she is.

  5. canamrotax says:

    Anyone who still thinks she should run for the leader of anything needs medication.

  6. moshguy says:

    Shatner is the man.

  7. Benjamin says:

    Usually the VP candidate on the losing side of an election just disappears. Why is the media obsessed about Sarah Palin? Anyone remember who was the VP candidate that ran with Dole? Anyone care?

    All the ethics complaints against her have been disproved. The lady who made most of the meritless complaints was a crazy woman who was denied a state job because she was crazy. Still, Sarah Palin had to hire lawyers and incur legal expenses. She quit being governor so she could make money on a book deal and speaking engagements so she could pay her legal bills off.

  8. Improbus says:

    #6 moshguy


  9. Animal Mother says:

    Idiotic chick
    Shut-up Palin go away
    Birth certificate

  10. be thinkin says:

    Palin (PAY’len) adjective. 1. To read every newspaper but be uninformed on every issue; 2. To be experienced by doing nothing; 3. To quit.

  11. ronin says:

    Can it be any clearer that Palin is who the democrats and media are most afraid, and with good reason. After such a sorry display as president there are many that would like to see Palin knock Obama on his lying elitist ass.

    Although a bit misguided, Shatner is still the man!

  12. qb says:

    Let’s just tighten up that resignation speech a little, shall we?

  13. Mr Anderson says:

    Her and OctoMom mud wrestling at the Moose Lodge

  14. jameskelsey says:

    This bitch scares the hell out of me and should scare you too. Have you forgot 8 years of Bush already. If that moron can get elected to 2 terms this moron can too. Only difference is I think this one is just plain nuts too.

  15. Guyver says:

    1 & 7, Palin is a great distraction from the current administration’s problems of broken promises and universal health care proposals.

    Not to mention, they fear she may run in 2012. They’re doing their best to “destroy” her while turning a blind eye with the current Congress and President.

    Speaking of double standards, CNN this morning gave a brief montage over how people say stupid things (with respect to Obama’s comments of the police officer who arrested his well-connected professor friend).

  16. Guyver says:

    Forgot to mention that the montage was apologetic in tone so as to “forgive” Obama on his comments. You’ll never see that happen if the president were Conservative or Libertarian.

  17. BigBoyBC says:

    Palin is a destraction. So much of what passed for news these days is nothing but distractions.

    They know that the general public has a short attention span and every time they can distract us, that’s one more thing they can get away with…

    Democrats or Republicans, left-wing or right-wing, they all do it.

  18. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Guyver…CNN covered Bush the same way, with deference…let his speech (!) speak for itself with little comment, and certainly no negative commentary from the news staff. Fox, OTOH…’s not even close.

    Alfred: Palin’s strategic move…
    If it takes a couple weeks to figure out (retroactively make up) the strategy of a dumbass like Palin, it’s not much of a strategy, eh? She’s in the press because she’s really stupid and because at the same time a whole segment of the right wing thinks she’s their savior.

    Check out qb’s link…and this moron is supposed to be a journalism major? U of I should ask for their degree back. Her speech doesn’t get a passing grade in a first-year college speech class, and you fools think she’s useful? That’s why she’s in the news…it’s fun to watch fools act important.

  19. Buzz says:

    #10. You just described a VERB, not and adjective. Get your numbers strate.

  20. Winston says:

    Dammit, Bones! That was reminiscent of this, but not nearly as funny:

    William Shatner – “Rocket Man”

  21. qb says:

    I’m not trolling here, but I honestly do not understand what she means about being a lame duck. I thought she could run for re-election.

  22. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    qb: it’s code for “I’m bored.”

  23. RexHannibal says:

    Shatner = Awesome.

    Palin = A person about as smart & independent as an average high school cheerleader.

    She is in NO WAY qualified to even pick up milk at the corner store for me, let alone lead anything or anyone.

    & before you right wing supporter/nutjobs start, know that I’m a recovering civilian who has found out that BOTH parties, the Demo-cants & the Repugnicunts = two wings of the same rotten bird. When will YOU learn this?

    I cannot fathom how anyone could think she could be an intellectual or political threat of any kind unless we have a majority of stupid people in our,.. well perhaps I won’t finish that thought.

    But if anything her foes would cheer her on & keep her in the spotlight so that opposition from her, once offered, would be steamrolled out of relevancy immediately.

    I mean, really? You betcha!

  24. Greg Allen says:

    That was awesome on several levels.

    First of all, it actually works as a pretty-good poem! Not great, but better than many I’ve heard at poetry-slams.

    Second, Shatner is great! He sucks and he knows he sucks but he’s taken sucking to a high art. His sucking only works if he takes his sucking seriously, and he does.

    Thirdly, it’s great to see a funny O’Brien bit. I quit watching him up because he doesn’t make me laugh. I know he’s supposed to be ironic-cool or something but he’s just lame to me.

    I do like his musical guests but that’s not enough for me to watch the whole show.

  25. Greg Allen says:

    I’ll admit to a touch of Palin obsession.

    I find her physically attractive but her politics are repulsive and her stupidity is pathetic. Her groupies are laughable.

    That’s a formula for obsession, if there ever was one.

  26. paranoia self destroya says:

    >As Limbaugh said on Gretta, the Elites tell us who they fear most…
    >they don’t talk about Hukabee…and they hardly mention
    >Romney…but Sarah Palin they are continually trying
    >to destroy…
    No the its not the Elites (not sure what Elites a euphemism for) it’s the media who will go on and on about any thing that is easy cheap to produce and get people to watch. $arah is a gift to them and Rush knows it.

    >Palin’s strategic move out of Alaska lame duck target status, to
    >begin campaigning in the lower 48, is genius…
    Ya genius like most of what you post here. This word “genius” I don’t think it means what you think it means.
    >I really enjoyed her “small government/pioneer spirit of self
    >reliance against soft tyranny speech…
    Yup she would plagiarize more failed Reagan stuff but she just cant get the lines straight.
    >She, unlike Obama, excites on substance…unlike him, its not a
    >cult following.
    What she’s a Fundamentalist Christian they practically invented Cult.
    Your grip on the world cult is no better than your grip on the word genius.

    I have net Sarah several times I’m sure she is doing what she thinks is best for her, her family Alaska and the USA (please god save us from her)

  27. Improbus says:

    Alfred, I see you are still off your meds. No health insurance?

  28. Guyver says:

    It would be interesting to see what if any correlation there is with the media’s negative obsession towards Palin versus the President’s poll numbers.

  29. deowll says:

    I agree with #1. The level of spleen some people are showing toward Palin suggests they are fixated to a degree that suggests mental illness. They are so filled with malice they have become unhinged.

    This person is out of office and doesn’t seem as yet to be running for office if ever. Sane people should be largely uninterested and looking at other issues.

    So why are so many so called liberals and so called progressives acting like they took lessons from the KKK, Aryan Nation, and the SS when ever her name comes up?

  30. #32
    The GOP power and idea vacuum is why IT”S ALIVE
    What is keeping her alive is the media and the web when those flames finally die down Palin will do something to stoke the them. Narcissism plus national camera equals love. Sarah has a lot of love.

    As far as she is concerned I’m not a “Real American” and most Americans are not “Real Americans” tough to win a national election on that idea.


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