Worst families in Britain will be put in ‘sin bins’ – Telegraph — Where does this odd Nanny-state idealism come from anyway? Can someone explain? And where do they eventually draw the line on this sort of thing?

Under the Government scheme, members of “Shameless” families are given intensive 24-hour supervision to make sure children attend school, go to bed on time and eat proper meals.

Parents are also given help to stop them leading dysfunctional lives and to combat drug or alcohol addiction.

Around 2,000 families have gone through Family Intervention Projects, but ministers intend to increase its scope to 20,000 more in the next two years – each costing between £5,000 and £20,000.

Ministers hope expanding the scheme will reduce the number of youngster who become drawn into lives of crime because of their chaotic family lives.

Found by David Guaraglia.

  1. deowll says:

    I bet these people really, really hate the government.

    We call ours the department of human services. It does sound like you more or less have these people under observation 24/7 though while ours are rarely that closely observed. Sooner or later this system is going to break down because you are going to have more people hired to watch citizens than citizens left to pay for the watching.

    The English have already mostly stopped breeding and are going extinct. I know what you can do. Import more Muslims.

    Oh you are already doing that. My bad.

    Well once they become the majority they can use the system to enforce their laws and traditions.

  2. KMFIX says:

    Now the DHunplugged in me is asking the question.. How do we make money from this?

  3. brendal says:


  4. JimR says:

    It’s called living in a society. Their objective is to make better lives for the generation currently developing. I would assume that there is scientific evidence that this type of intervention will reduce crime and lead to a better life for the children involved, by breaking the dysfunctional cycle.

    Of course there is resistance. If you are a bad ass, coke snorting, boozer with 3 kids and a bad attitude, I would expect ignorant resistance. Do the experiment. See if there is an improvement in the lives of those less fortunate, and make tweaks along the way where improvements can be made. If it doesn’t work, then then at least something can be learned as to what WILL work. Do nothing, and we continue down the path of increasing societal dysfunction and ignorance of the masses… everyone for themselves.

    Total unfettered freedom is a myth that only the naive can believe in.

  5. Dave W says:

    So, correct me if I’m wrong, but a British family can be as dysfunctional as it pleases, as long as it’s not on the dole.

    Any questions??

  6. Fat_Anarchy says:

    Sounds like it may be in some part tabloids looking to create reactionary outrage. The economics of studies along these lines usually show that it is beneficial for the whole of society if these problem families can be sorted out early, before the breed generations of useless criminal children, who cost the country a lot more in the long run, and cause the local residents hell. I’m assuming that the 2000 families trial poject went well, and now they are looking to expand the programme to teckle these issues. It’s like you find having them under suveillance inacceptable, but would be happy to have them sent to jail, which is far more deliberating.

    All I know is if this can save the tax payer money, then I’m all for it. Its like saying that having the CPS interfere is the start of the government taking away freedoms. Sometimes it is necessary

  7. RTaylor says:

    The UK is in a dire situation, as is most of the west, with declining ethics and morals. I have no idea what the solution is, but it’s not building more prisons. I’ll piss someone off, but a large part of the problem is/was liberal emigration policies from former colonies. Cheap labor often stays after jobs are gone, and that’s an explosive issue damn near everywhere.

  8. Traaxx says:

    This would be the Demoncrats best hoped for plan, later to make it more convenient they can move them to camps for easier supervision.

    Does anyone know if Britain has forced voluntarism yet? Just think of the possibilities, you could force someone to use all their free time on a public works project and keep them from doing anything to reverse the Demoncrats political games.



  9. bobbo, a serious question says:

    Does everyone agree there are “bad” parents however various defined?

    And as such, what would anyone “do” with these bad parents short of put them in jail?

    Seems the default position for most people is very polar: either do nothing or jail them.

    Surely an exploration of the middle ground has value? Find out what works and what doesn’t. Modify.

    Think of whats best for the kiddies?

    Build more jails and call it freedom?

  10. dusanmal says:

    @#4 “Their objective is to make better lives for the generation currently developing” – Only a completely naive person would believe that this is done for such causes. Govt. wants control and more control. This is no different than Hitler’s Germany yellow arm ribbons for Jewish people, actually it is even worse. This is introductory eugenics.

  11. JimR says:

    re:#10, dusanmal, are you really that paranoid? I don’t know how you can function in everyday activities if you think the government is out to get you. The “government” in a democracy… that which you think is detached, independent and impersonal… is basically YOU. You vote for and send representatives that represent YOU.

    Is the person YOU sent to represent YOU out to get YOU? Doesn’t that sound preposterous? Most people choose someone to represent their best interests. Either you are out to get yourself, or you are mistaken as to the oh-so-evil doers of a democratic government.

    We can obviously make mistakes, and for sure there are bad people in government… they make headlines and eventually are reprimanded or eliminated… or nothing is done when the majority votes to look the other way and allows it…. but not everyone in government (British, American, Canadian) is incompetent, but mostly they aren’t out to get you. If that’s what you think, perhaps you should extract yourself from civilization and go to some isolated island where you can do whatever you want without affecting anyone else.

  12. Hugh Ripper says:

    Any “Shameless” family worth their salt will find a way out of this program or a way to scam it.


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