
It may not quite sound the real thing but consumers are being asked to decide whether milk goes better with sparkling water, cane sugar and fruit flavouring.

Coca-Cola is trialling a new carbonated “vibrancy” drink and it will depend on Americans’ tastebuds whether other countries experience what the company claims is “a refreshing sensory experience“.

The soft drinks giant has so far launched its new Vio products only in New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles, but milk-based products are popular in Asian markets such as Hong Kong and Japan.

The new offering, which has “a hint” of skimmed milk, comes in four flavours – citrus burst, peach mango, tropical colada and very berry – and is being sold in 8oz aluminium bottles for $2.50.

Is it pronounced “Vaio”?

  1. deowll says:

    Carbonated Orange juice is sold in Italy or was when my nephew was stationed there.

    Adding sugar to milk.
    Just what you need to rot your teeth.
    They’ll switch to corn sugar because that’s cheaper.
    Of course I love chocolate milk but then if you read how many calories one serving contains you understand why people are fat. I haven’t bought any in years.

  2. mmaddock says:

    Got a similar product here in France. They’ve been giving it away on the streets for a while. They have to give it away as it is the only way to shift old stock – it is absolutely disgusting!

  3. SparkyOne says:

    why do adult humans drinking milk?

  4. Somebody_Else says:

    I’d have to try it to give an opinion. I’m imagining its like a fizzy liquid creamsaver candy.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    Sounds like that old “Milk and Pepsi” bit from Lavern and Shirley…

  6. bill says:

    I want my CORN SYRUP!!!
    SUGAR is white death!


  7. Rabble Rouser says:

    What ever happened to the great old NY drink, the “egg cream?” You put a little milk in a glass, a spritz of Fox’s U-Bet syrup, and add fountain fresh seltzer. We used to love these when we were kids. Now they want to make exotic flavors? WHY?

  8. Lou says:

    Should have called it Vista

  9. grass4 says:

    Oh yeah… carbonated milk… Yum… not.

  10. Toxic Asshead says:

    Bet that stuff could double as a laxative.

  11. AdmFubar says:

    popular in asia? arent most asian lactose intolerant?

  12. Somebody_Else says:

    I think Snow Leopard would be more appropriate:
    -Its a white milk product
    -Its designed to appeal to hipsters and feminine types
    -Its very expensive for a soft drink
    -The container is well built, yet disposable

    I could go on. 🙂

  13. RTaylor says:

    Some people will drink horse piss if they think it makes them look trendy.

  14. eaze says:

    dont drink any beverage made by the coca cola company if you are at all health conscious even non fizzy ones.

  15. Mr Diesel says:

    #3 SparkyOne

    Good question.

    I’m pretty sure it isn’t good for you but I don’t drink it and haven’t for 30 years.

  16. Improbus says:

    This is a double plus bad idea. Ick.

  17. orangetiki says:

    ” Is it pronounced “Vaio”? ”

    No I think it’s pronounced “Vile”

    I can’t even drink regular milk anymore. Not from being allergic to it, but the smell disgusts em so badly. I have to get the stuff that lasts for a month. I forget if it is Homogenized or non Homogenized, but it is labeled “organic” for some bizarre reason

  18. Chopper66 says:

    ahhhhhh #3 and #15
    Milk is not bad for you, over consumption is what is bad for you.
    Though not the best source of calcium I don’t see many people (especially children) chowing down on raw turnip greens.
    And unless your some kind of weird ass vegan you still use dairy in your day to day life in either cheese, yogurt, ice cream, butter, cream in your coffee or some kind of prepared food that was made with.

  19. Jeanne says:

    RTaylor: “Some people will drink horse piss if they think it makes them look trendy”. Probably not, but they will take pregnant mare urine extract in pill form, i.e., Premarin.

  20. HeeHee says:

    “the great old NY drink, the “egg cream”

    The BEST!!!!

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    Here’s an interesting double dare challenge:

    Ask someone to suck half a lemon and then dare them to drink a glass of whole milk. 30 minutes later they’re going to have a streak mark on their undies.

  22. Hugh Ripper says:

    I remember from my childhood a fizzy milk drink called a ‘spider’, which is essentially and icecream and lemonade (or other fizzy drink such as coke) mixed up like a milkshake. Don’t know if I could stomach it now but I used to like em.

  23. Oscar says:

    Well, considering how much milk Starbucks is selling, and how much people are paying for hot or cold milk/coffee concoctions, with whipped cream and chocolate chips, I can imagine Coca Cola wants some of that.. I would certainly try it, just to know what it tasted like. Sounds interesting to me, despite all the folks here would are not going for it. How many people here eat ice cream? Milkshakes? Yogurt? Cheese? So chill out, people.

  24. Much more open-minded than everyone else says:

    Sobe had (has?) some drinks that were milk based and were absolutely delicious. I personally love the idea, I guess I’m not an uptight, stuck in my ways, closed minded, ignorant, know-it-all asshole like most of the fukheads that post around here.

    By the way dickhead moron, it’s been proven that chocolate milk is a better athletic drink than all your gaterade, powerade….bullshit overpriced crap. You fukin morons make me sick.


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