Examiner.com– Around April 1991, Dick Cheney was taken inside a secret underground facility located in a remote area in Nevada adjacent to Nellis Air Force base to view captured flying saucers and dead extraterrestrial bodies. The startling claims were made by a former security guard at the facility who in October 1991 gave his testimony on video. The guard had documents and photos supporting his claims of working on the secret facility called S-4.
The guard, Derek Hennessy, used the pseudonym Connor O’Ryan in giving his testimony in a set of interviews with Lt Col Wendelle Stevens (USAF, ret.) and his associate Gem Cox. O’Ryan/Hennessy claims he had worked for 8/9 years as a Navy SEAL and performed various covert operations. He said that 18 of these missions were assassinations sanctioned by the CIA or other agencies. During the last nine months of his military service in 1991, he worked at the remote S-4 facility which had stringent security procedures. It appeared that the isolation and security at S-4 helped assassins hide their trail after missions. O’Ryan/Hennessy described the day Cheney visited as around the time when the U.S. was closing military bases at the end of the Cold War. Cheney was accompanied by three other officials and escorted by two base security personnel. He said Cheney only visited the first two levels of the S-4 facility and saw both the flying saucers and the bodies of dead extraterrestrials.
A supercomputer and photo analysis expert, Jim Dilettoso, allowed O’Ryan/Hennessy to stay at his property for a month. Dilettoso said O’Ryan/Hennessy showed both him and Gem Cox photographs allegedly taken at S-4. He saw photos of what appeared to be extraterrestrial vehicles, and extraterrestrial bodies in glass tubes. He also saw a photo with Dick Cheney standing on a balcony allegedly inside the S-4 facility viewing the area below with the flying saucers and bodies while O’Connor/Hennessy was allegedly on duty. Dilettoso also recognized the former Director of the National Security Agency, Admiral Bobby Ray Inman (USN ret.) as one of the officials in the photo with Cheney.
How credible is O’Ryan’s/Hennessy’s testimony? The most significant documentary evidence is the W-2 obtained by Stevens (see slide show). The control number (45851), Employer Identification Number (95-6593572) and Employers State ID (2464423P) were checked and confirmed by Stevens’ FBI contact. According to the FBI contact, O’Ryan/Hennessy had been “deprogrammed and reprogrammed” after being taken back in to covert programs by the CIA and Naval intelligence on various covert assignments. The W-2 and numbers can be investigated for independent confirmation.
O’Ryan/Hennessy says he decided to come forward after he was told that he had contracted a virulent form of Hodgkin’s disease. Being 29 at the time, and in good health with no history of the disease in his family, he suspected that he was being set up for elimination. In retaliation, he decided to become a whistleblower and release photographs taken at S-4.
It was important that he be briefed, after all he will be our next Galactic Emperor!!!
Seven crashed alien craft?! Who made these flying saucers, Airbus?
Hoaxing is a fine old American tradition. It helps you sort out the gullible fools from the people with working brains.
“extraterrestrial bodies in glass tubes”
He was looking for his brother.
I asked my father about this (Ret. Lt. Col. – USAF) and he said that this area was not under his authority, however, he did tell me when asked about the existence of UFOs: “I can tell you that the USAF no longer denies their existence…”
#1 “Who made these flying saucers, Airbus?”
I loled.
Allegedly, allegedly, allegedly bullshit. Put up some irrefutable photo or video evidence.
Uh, didn’t Cheney come in on one of these crashed “space-ships?”
“extraterrestrial bodies in glass tubes”
Huh. One of them got loose, put on a human-form skin and is now living in the White House. Another one didn’t bother with the skin and is posing as First Lady.
Shouldn’t Cheney be the guy in the black helmet and suit?
#4 The USAF does not deny the existence of “Unidentified Flying Objects” or of “Space Ships From Other Planets” ?
There’s a BIG difference. We don’t know what a UFO is. That’s why it is unidentified. Alien space ships on the other hand…..
Do these “glass tubes” look anything like a beer glass?
If nobody believed Philip J. Corso, why the hell would they take this clown seriously.
Is anyone really surprised with this information? Dr. Evil’s lair is probably right next to Area-51.
The Grey aren’t Aliens. They’re Humans from the future.
Aliens don’t have arms and legs they have psudopods.
Why is it that all of these types are always ex-Special Ops? SEALs, Rangers etc..
I suspect it is to avoid detection when someone looks up their service record and none exists.
Claiming to be ex-special forces is a red flag that the persons claims are bogus.
Just a coincidence but wasn’t George H. W. Bush president at the time (ex CIA director nominated by…) and wasn’t Dick the Defense Secretary? Checking the politcal careers on a timeline makes for some very interesting speculation. There’s a reason why UFO’s are such a highly classified topic. I sure wish I knew what that reason is.
So this guy was an elite SEAL who performed all sorts of covert missions around the world. And his reward for all this work was … a promotion to security guard?
Area 51 is actually run under the auspices of the Department of Energy.
Dick Cheney’s DNA is being cross cloned with alien DNA from Michael Jackson’s nose to create a right wing Republican pop superstar which will lure voters back in the 2012 election.
Chaney’s interaction with a caller during a radio interview from April 2001:
Researcher Grant Cameron: Since the statement made by George Bush last July, there is a vicious rumor circulating in the UFO community that you’ve been read into the UFO program. So my question to you is, in any of your government jobs, have you ever been briefed on the subject of UFOs, and if you have, when was it and what were you told?
Cheney: Well, if I had been briefed on it, I’m sure it was probably classified and I couldn’t talk about it.
Rehm: Is there investigation going on within this administration, Mr. Vice President, as to UFOs?
Cheney: I have not come across the subject since I’ve been back
in government, oh like since January 20th.
Rehm: All right.
Cheney: I’ve been in a lot of meetings, but I don’t recall one
on UFOs.
The aliens probably showed them the future and wanted Cheney to be abducted (and sexually probed) to avoid 2001-2009.
My classmate, former fighter pilot and today’s airline pilot told me once that it’s quite unlikely that you could find an experienced pilot who has not seen UFO’s. He also said that he is more worried about people who deny their existance and totally freak out when they see one out of the cabin window. That could cause major panic within his 400+ passengers.
I think there is a big possibility that something is hidden in Area 51, but at the same time I believe that the UFO’s we see on the sky are more likely to be CIA’s.
I dug out my old copy of Whole Earth Review, entitled “The Fringes Of Reason – Strange Myths and Eccentric Science” (c. Fall 1986); the entire issue is an in-depth study of occult and ufo organizations and enthusiasts. There’s even an article about Ronald Reagan in there by Paul Krassner (illustrated by Bill Griffith, creator of Zippy the Pinhead).
I’m a New Yorker who often bought into the stereotype of California as a hoo-hoo place, but after reading this I’m inclined to feel that there’s actually hope for them after all. If you can find a back issue of it somewhere, you won’t be disappointed.
Cheney was also injected with an anti-aging drug synthesized using alien technology and Dick Clark’s hair.
I have over 20,000 flying hours, mostly on large jets, and have yet to see a “UFO”. Professional pilots often discuss this and almost always there is a rational explanation. None of the pilots I regularly fly with admit to ever seeing a “UFO”. My own experience though tells me that most sightings are exposed as hoaxes.
Wouldn’t you think a society this advanced would have no fear of a civilization that still uses chemical propulsion as weapons of war AND transportation? Has it ever occurred to you that an alien society would come looking for their brethren and lost ships?
I, and most of us here, call BS.
“Dilettoso said O’Ryan/Hennessy showed both him and Gem Cox photographs allegedly taken at S-4.”
So, where are they? If I had pictures of alien spacecraft and dead grey’s, I would run, not walk, to the nearest news reporter.
“Alien Autopsy” anyone?
Just another nutjob. Probably got probed once too often…
Oh, and as a side note, Karl Rove is the evil emperor. Cheney is Darth Vader.
# 19 qb said,”Dick Cheney’s DNA is being cross cloned with alien DNA from Michael Jackson’s nose…”
Now that’s just plain silly. MJ’s nose hasn’t existed in years.
I’ve got to go with Alfred1 on this one. Occam’s razor says the simplest explanation is that alien beings figured out that in billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars, that we would exist here on a little backwater of a planet in this briefest of slivers in galactic time. So hundreds of thousands of years (maybe millions) ago they developed advanced technology solely to cross the unimaginable distances of intergalactic space to come to our planet so they could use their advanced and stealthy craft (which apparently can be shot down by a P-51 Mustang) to conduct covert experiments on humanity which largely involves, of all things, anal probing. And what have these aliens discovered about humanity from all this effort?
1 in 10 men actually seem to enjoy anal probing.
19, 24, 31 qb
Don’t quit your day job a comedian you aint.