A fully functioning micro-brewery is to be built at The University of Nottingham. The facility will enhance its world leading teaching and research in brewing science.

The £2 million state-of-the-art brewing research facility is being built and operated by SABMiller — one of the world’s largest brewing companies. It will be used to research new technologies for the brewing industry aimed at reducing the amount of energy required in the production process by optimising the fermentation process while maintaining beer quality.

The 1000 litre plant, located in the School of Biosciences at Sutton Bonington, will be one of the largest micro-breweries at any university in the world and is due to open its doors in 2011. The facility will be used to deliver courses to train brewers in the production of beer and deliver the University’s flagship masters degree in brewing science. It will be used by SABMiller and the University to develop and rigorously test new technologies and processes to enhance beer quality and shelf life, while improving the sustainability of brewing…

In collaboration with experts from the University’s Faculties of Science and Engineering a series of novel technologies will be developed to optimise the brewing process…

Better Living Through Chemistry.

  1. fulanoche says:

    I really don’t want another master’s degree. I wonder if they need lab mice though.

  2. qb says:

    Bloody marvelous way to learn. Food sciences is quite fascinating and this is brilliant.

    Of course, it would be immoral in Arkansas.

  3. Amsterdamned says:

    It’s like a subplot from the movie Idiocracy.

  4. Floyd says:

    Good idea that fulfills a need. However, I suspect American brewing laws will prevent a brewery school in most states unless they invest heavily in a commercial license. That in turn will probably prevent research in better ways of brewing.

  5. AdmFubar says:

    SABMiller? as in SAAB and Miller brewing?

  6. db869 says:

    Somehow I don’t think a single drop will make it off the university campus. 1000 litres? Isn’t that a typical weekend consumption for many universities?

  7. BubbaRay says:

    And you thought chemestry classes were tough. Har!

  8. fulanoche says:

    # I think it’s South Africa a.)Brewery or b.)Beverage

  9. sargasso says:

    There is a world shortage of trained brewers, vintners and cheese makers. A good degree in these and a couple of years with a notable producer, can set a person up for life.

  10. Toxic Asshead says:


    What were we talking about again?

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    I want to know (as I’m sure many of the undergrads at the university do) is will the beer they produce be available for sampling?

    From the full article at

    Katherine Smart, SABMiller Professor of Brewing Science, said
    “[…]beer produced at the plant can even be put through our sensory panel.”

    Is that what they’re calling it now?


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