The ‘Bama Taliban still rule down in the Bible Belt. But what can you say about folks whose idea of erotic vibration comes from a chain saw?

To say that this wine label is pornographic is ridiculous. It’s a classic piece of art from the late 1800s and originals are sold for as much as $50,000.”

The whole turgid tale is told by Bill Leigon, President of Hahn Family Wines which produces Cycles Gladiator Wines. Leigon said that the wines, ” available to consumers in Alabama for three years, have been banned from restaurants and retail establishments this week by the Alabama Beverage Control Board which has deemed the wine brand label as “pornographic.” Cycles Gladiator Wines has complied and wine distributors across Alabama have been forced to remove the wine from accounts.

Leigon notes that the Cycles Gladiator label “bears a replica of an antique French poster created in 1895 to advertise bicycles. It features an artistic rendition of a nude woman flying alongside a bicycle across a star-filled night sky.”


  1. Jägermeister says:

  2. Jeanne says:

    I don’t get it. What/who does the Beverage Control Board think this label will harm? Is it just a feeling of uneasiness — or what? Yes, I am serious. I really don’t get what the fundies think.

  3. jjbc says:

    You gotta be kidding me. If they think THAT’S porn, I’d love to see their face if they accidentally change the TV channel to some REAL porn.

    #1’s got it right. The ONLY people who’d think this is porn are fat, jealous women – or their whipped husbands who stopped being men long ago.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    What surprised me is that the state was not South Carolina.

  5. alancole says:

    What does this have to do with Obama?

  6. SparkyOne says:


    I was going to sit down for a nice Sunday evening meal and now have no appetite.

  7. Hugh Ripper says:

    Why do these people hate the human body so much?

  8. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Alabamaniacs will be pleased to know that Jesus just chose theirs as his new favorite state, out of all fifty.

    It’s always tough to choose from among so many deserving states, but such a thorough rejection of pornography as this can quickly make you #1 in the Savior’s eyes.

    Congratulations to Alabama!

  9. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – SparkyOne

    Sorry about that, Sparky… 😳

    #7 – Hugh Ripper – Why do these people hate the human body so much?

    Because one of the cornerstones the Judeo–Christian religions is hate.

  10. ECA says:

    lets see.
    When did Alcohol sales become Censors?
    And if Alcohol is for ADULTS ONLY, then thats an ADULTS CHOICE, nut a distribution facility.
    AS to bible Thumpers, I have NEVER seen anything against Nudity in the bible.
    When was/has it become the MORAL ambiguity of OTHERS, to FORCE me to become ONE OF THEM.

  11. bobbo, not caring himself says:

    The issue of course is about “community standards” and whether or not that constitutes a proper limitation on freedom of speech.

    No doubt for only a few 10’s of thousands of dollars, the winery can take this case through the court system.

    -or- save 1000’s and recognize that deeply repressed and stupidstitious people don’t like to be reminded of it by pictures of nekid wymen regardless of when the porn was first captured.

    People. You just know they keep guns to protect their constitutional rights too.

  12. qb says:

    Under their criteria, this would be pornographic as well.

  13. whaap says:

    #1 obviously has a major fixation with hogg biatches.


  14. qb says:

    They also money from the sales to support the VOS Cycles Gladiator racing team.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – whaap

    LOL – Dumbass.

  16. bac says:

    My theory on people being puritanical about nakedness is that nakedness reminds them of being an animal just like cats, dogs and birds. It seems that religion tries to lift humans above all the other animals in the world. In this denial state, the animal behaviors seep through a little bit which show themselves in risky pursuits like porno.

  17. Bible Thumper says:

    fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap

  18. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #12 – Goddamit QB, that was scary!

  19. whaap says:


    Think whatever you want, you have no clue, your posts speak for you:
    on July 24th, 2009 at 12:49 pm

    Pure jealousy… The mayor and council members are stuck with their wives.

  20. Oscar says:

    #11. Boy, you ARE obsessed with the 2nd Amendment, aren’t you??

  21. deowll says:

    Unless you live in bama take your opinion and…

    Seriously let the locals deal with stuff like this unless you want to be dealt with as you deal.

  22. Troublemaker says:

    Devo was right. We aren’t evolving… we’re devolving.

  23. Jägermeister says:

    #21 – whaap

    Wow… what a conclusion. I hope you’re not working as a CSI. Let me clue you in… look at the subject… and then look at my picture. Nah, that won’t work… logic isn’t for everyone.

  24. amodedoma says:

    The thing I don’t get is, having grown up in the US and travelled extensively eventually settling in Spain, I can safely say the americans are among the horniest, most sexually obsessive people on earth. At the same time they’re among the most prudish as a society. It’s quite a conundrum.

  25. atmusky says:

    # 27 – no conundrum at all. When every you tell people they shouldn’t or can’t do something they do it more. Sex, drugs, drinking, gambling all follow that pattern.

  26. Dallas says:

    It’s a little known secret but the Starbuck logo along the bible belt is covered up quite a bit more.

  27. Benjamin says:

    Okay, not pr0n.

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    Isn’t that why John Ashcroft had the statue of Justice covered up? These idiots who think that showing any part of the human body is pornographic have to get a grip.

  29. Oscar says:

    #32 Uh. They all are? What policy have YOU seen that is not completely messed up? Did you hear Pelosi say that a new health care bill will reduce illegal immigrants getting free care because they will sign up for the new system and help pay for it??? She says when anyone goes to an emergency room they HAVE to be treated. Sooo. Let’s all drop our health insurance and get free care. It’s easy.


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