World’s fastest car? I was amused by the fact that it runs E85 for fuel.
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Is this where that Porsche guy works now??
The reason for E85 is performance rather than being a renewable fuel. It is true that ethanol has lower energy density than gasoline, but combustion engines can operate on a much higher fuel to air ratio with ethanol than gasoline. This raises the power generated.
There is also a cooling effect on the engine when ethanol vaporizes–this can help increase output power.
“I was amused by the fact that it runs E85 for fuel.”
Why? Methanol has been used in Indy cars since 1964 and more recently Ethanol has started being used. But it has nothing to do with performance. It is safer because it has a higher flash point and it is easy to put out a fire with just water. One drawback though is that it burns so clean that they had to add stuff so you could see when there was a fire.
What a wonderful car!
That guy can make even a supercar boring. At least there is Top Gear.
#5 – No kidding. Go download the current season of TG off a torrent and have some fun.
Ethanol also allows for higher compression because it has a higher ‘octane’ rating.
You will never go as far on a tank of E85 though.
There are plenty of cars that are just as fast or faster. Prolly a lot more cars that would go that fast if they were not electronically governed.
The next generation of Saab should be an interesting one now that GM has ‘sold’ it to Koenigsegg. I say sold because GM is basically giving Koenigsegg lots of money to take it off their hands. The Saab was already a fun car, providing an Audi experience for 2/3 the price. The guy that owns Koenigsegg is a real car nut, and if he can keep the Saab production line going while improving the car at no additional cost, we are probably looking to Saab at being the replacement for the Porsche class car. I would invest in the new Saab company if it were possible.
John… the guy says 390 km/h. Not that you will ever reach over 50 km/h in the morning commute… 😀
Why is it – on just about any video site and especially television – you have million dollar cars with fantastic sounding engines, BUT the goofy loud music smothers all that out, heaven forbid anybody should here that “awful” engine noise. WTF is up with that?
Jeremy Clarckson
Top Gear:
Why in the world did you put that boring German guy on top John?
Pretty well designed car, except for that huge fucking windshield wiper that is always in the way.
For a supercar I think I would rather have a Bugatti Veyron.
Still I bet its a blast to drive and better than my POS.
Yes, I run my rb 512″ on e85 here in sweden. I can gas up in every station. But the fuel is a waste of resources and sucks for non compression raised cars. I like the biogas angle that Ford canceled for Volvo and Linköping made them go back to. There is a Volvo fueled by crap,and you could use natural gas. Don’t us homes have that any way. Gas up at home!
Since I can’t afford the car perhaps I can get the song.
Anyone know the name of that tune?
Please don’t use “KPH”, the correct unit is “km/h”.
The correct unit is: CP/s
Crapped Pants per Second
An even better unit is Furlongs/Fortnight. Google will even convert in to that for you: 300 km/h = 501 073.729 furlongs / fortnight.
That it came from Sweden was not so amazing to me. An impressive (albeit tiny) percentage of the Norsk populace are math whizzes with an engineering bent.
I know this because my dad was one.
Love the euro beat electronica disco sound track. Somewhere in a east German garage is a 19 year old with a synth and a sack of meth, making this s#@t.
this car is one of the most expensive cars i have encountered. they have just released the CCX edition with a hefty price tag. Looks stylish, though.