Curiouser and curiouser.

Apple contractor Foxconn has said that it has suspended a security official after the death of a Chinese worker.

Sun Danyong, 25, reported a missing Iphone 4G phone prototype and was beaten by Foxconn employees who were terrified of the wrath of Steve Jobs.

His house was illegally searched and Sun’s body was found at the bottom of his multi-story apartment block.

Initial reports in China, quoting Foxconn, reported the death as a suicide. However once police started investigating the scene the language in the official press swiftly changed to say “apparent suicide”.

Chinese coppers are apparently examining CCTV footage of the death of Danyong which should give them a few clues.
In comments on blogsites, some Apple fanboys have looked at the story and said it is interesting because it shows that Apple has a new Iphone 4G prototype in the works.

Others have dismissed reports of the death, saying that it was all a front by the Microsoft inspired press to cast a shadow over Apple’s wonderful second quarter results.

  1. Somebody_Else says:

    Maybe Jobs needs another transplant? Organs don’t grow on trees after all…

  2. Amsterdamned says:

    I seem to remember that people have always been terrified of Steve Jobs, like back in the NeXT days. Why subsidize his huge ego?

    Isn’t Steve Jobs just a marketing weenie, a poseur who transformed into a douche bag who became an egomaniac? I’m surprised he doesn’t do regular lectures at TED.

    Apple’s products never live up to the hype. I don’t plan on buying one… ever.

  3. bugmenot says:

    “Apple’s products never live up to the hype. I don’t plan on buying one… ever.”

    So you have never bought an apple product? How the hell do you know that they do not live up to the hype? you probably listen to Monkeyboy Balmer and if he doesn’t like it, it can’t be any good …. dream on…

  4. ahtnos says:

    Many Microsoft products have no hype, and still don’t live up to it.

  5. JimR says:

    “Chinese coppers are apparently examining CCTV footage of the death of Danyong”

    Three men were seen throwing Danyong off his 9th floor balcony. Now Chinese authorities are saying it was assisted suicide.

    [Har! – ed.]

  6. oil of dog says:

    assisted suicide.

    You made my day!

  7. Amsterdamned says:


    “So you have never bought an apple product?”

    Unfortunately I have. Expensive junk from an arrogant, snobbish company.

  8. zorkor says:

    ….and people think Bill gates is Evil…

  9. Ah_Yea says:

    “assisted suicide” LOL! Love it!

    Unfortunately for this Chinese guy, he probably did “lose” (IE, allowed to be stolen for money) the iphone and was found out.

    I also he sold the prototype. It’s very typical and commonplace in China, which is why most companies don’t do anything sensitive there.

    He got caught, and was facing serious jail time and no chance for any future except hard physical labor. He would never be allowed into management again.

    Ergo, adios.

  10. James Hill - The Great One says:

    You’d think that Apple + Chinese + Suicide would result in more comments.

  11. Ah_Yea says:

    And another thing…

    This article is obviously either ill-informed or biased.

    “His house was illegally searched…”

    Stupid reporter. This is COMMUNIST CHINA. No one owns the property their home/apartment sits on. The government does, and retains the right to search it’s property at any time for whatever reason.

  12. Chad says:

    #12: Perhaps it was searched by the COMPANY, which may be illegal in China.

  13. waltersobchack says:

    I guess the rumors about the 4G iphone having a parachute are not true.

  14. Ah_Yea says:

    #13, pretty much the same thing. All medium and large companies in China are part state owned. Usually ~ 40%. So even when the company searches someone’s place, the government is right there.

    Also, if the company searched his place, I bet his place was company housing. Most larger companies in China provide housing to it’s workers to maintain a stable work force. It’s a bonus in a deep south plantation sort of way.

    It’s this kind of orwellian nightmare that caused the recent riots there.


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