
What does this tell you?

  1. Thinker says:

    It tells me that Americans have more sense than I gave them credit for! 🙂

  2. bobbo, amused by the news says:

    trusted for what?

  3. jccalhoun says:

    “trusted newscaster” is such a vague term. Trust them to do what? read well? Trust the things that they say? Since none of them say anything except facts then sure I trust them. Stewart isn’t news so he gets to pick and chose what he says. What his show does is more like report on what the news reported.

  4. Angus says:

    This tells me that the lines between Facts, Opinion and Comedy are more or less significantly destroyed. With Olbermann on the Left, Stewart in the middle, and Beck on the right, we’ve past the age of newscasters and entered the age of news commentators.

  5. filosofixit says:

    And I thought americans were stupied and ignorant, it turns out they are just stoned slackers 😀

  6. DHZ says:

    Just as long as you don’t call any of them a journalist, as none of them qualify.

  7. Somebody_Else says:

    I wonder if people in ancient times saw philosophers the way we see comedians today…

    I love the Daily Show/Colbert Report.

  8. faustus says:

    i can’t believe john c dvorak isn’t on that list… i demand a recount…

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    What the hell is wrong with Iowa?

    I think it tells us that Jon is the only one in the group that will call out the bullshit when he sees it. Don’t sugar coat crap, highlight the insanity.

  10. ECA says:

    Polls are cool, as most of them only hit the LARGE CITIES..and mostly at MALLS..

    Think about this for a minute.
    HOW much did this cost them to do, IF’ they sent people out to the larger cities to canvass, and 1/2 the Malls in major cities.
    did they take a computer poll, and just ask a bunch on the NET what they thought. which means a person that knows the Poll is out there, and only those that went to THEIR SITE.

  11. sargasso says:

    Stand-up comics and variety artists, doing a better job than print and broadcast journalists.

  12. McCullough says:

    It tells me that Alaska and Kentucky are no longer part of America??

  13. bobbo, it was a highlight says:

    On the Daily show when Brian Williams said his role model was Walter Cronkite whereas Jon Stewarts role model was Carrot Top. Both are smart/informed people. I wonder who’s writing staff came up with the line?

  14. LDA says:

    What does this tell you?

    4139.96 Americans think Jon Stewart is.

    I am with Alaska… (e) None.

  15. ahtnos says:

    Something is seriously messed up with Iowa. Look at some previous polls. Not only is the data from Iowa usually contradictory to the rest of the country, Iowa consistently gets more responses than you’d expect. On one poll there were more responses from Iowa than from California! Why is Time even displaying these polls when either their software is totally F’ing up the results from Iowa or someone is gaming the system?

  16. chris says:

    The whole idea of a completely impartial reporter is a crock, and it wouldn’t be a good thing even if possible.

    Not all viewpoints are defensible. There are just so many flagrant lies that are served up an ignorant public. When an interviewer sees these it is journalistic integrity to call them out.

    Ted Koppel used to do this to great effect. He would ask a question and demand an answer. If the guest started blabbing he would shut them up and ask again. Over time he lost that edge, especially after Disney bought ABC, but he was great for a long time.

    Most, if not all, of the top tier problems facing the US are not solvable for lack of good solutions, but rather for lack of political will. It is not that nobody understands it, rather that a few people are making enormous piles of money on the “broken” system.

  17. sargasso says:

    #15. statisticians love to “normalize” results. When the result is way beyond expectations, regional results are built-up or emphasized to make the outcome more believable. The rationale is that data was obviously corrupted, so they are merely using results from prior (also screwed up) polls to repair a faulty data set.

  18. Dave W says:

    I’d still vote for Cronkite. Even dead he’s better than the other choices.

    Charlie Gibson actually isn’t too bad. But for actual news, its mostly NPR these days.

  19. KMFIX says:

    What makes Mr. Stewart so trustful is that he calls people on their shit. He doesn’t just read a press release and call it news.

  20. AlanB says:

    What surprises me is Texas. Usually Texas is a red state but here it’s a green state. Since Jon seems “left leaning” who’da thunk Texas would go green?.

  21. Amsterdamned says:

    Jon Stewart … less funny these days but he’s mostly honest, whereas the others are just paid liars and manipulators.

  22. jbenson2 says:

    What the chart shows is no one trusts a liar.

    And the biggest mass media anchors have gone past biased-reporting to blatant-lies.

  23. RTaylor says:

    So called talent sitting in front of a TelePrompTer reading corporate approved copy.
    “I’m mad as Hell and not going to take it anymore!”

  24. Benjamin says:

    It’s sad that a comedian got a plurality of the vote.

  25. ridin the short bus says:

    #24 Got it Right, I was going to say this, then decided to read thru all the blog posts first and I was about to give up, then lastly, I see that their is someone left in america that has a little common sense… what to hell is a commedian doing on the list..if we dont have anyone to chose from with any street cred, then dont ask the question. America has really become the land of the sheeple… I can guess that half of the people polled could not find Canada on the map, thier has to be some sort of Knowledge test or Intelligence test before people can be asked to participate… its the masses being entertained while the crooks get away with everything… I cant believe my eyes!!! Nothing to see here mates..

  26. Ranger007 says:

    #19 said “What makes Mr. Stewart so trustful is that he calls people on their shit. He doesn’t just read a press release and call it news.”

    I don’t watch him that often, but the few times I have (most noticeably the night Cramer was on) Stewart has been prepared for just about anything said. He just wouldn’t let the BS slide on past.

  27. STEVE says:


  28. qb says:

    Well, it isn’t Brian Kilmeade from Fox & Friends:

    “See, the problem is, the Swedes have pure genes… Because they marry other Swedes. Because that’s the rule. Finland — Finns marry other Finns, so they have a pure society. In America, we marry everybody… So, we’ll marry Italians and Irish.”

  29. Whama-Bama says:

    My vote would go to Bill O’Reilly. Trys to see both sides and gives each a voice without being mean and insulting.

  30. proberge says:

    Stewart is very smart and does not seem to have been bought and paid for like the others.

    So, yes, I trust him more than any other puppets.

    It’s just too bad he is on the Comedy channel.


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