
What does this tell you?

  1. Sister Mary Handgrenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Does this mean I can trust them when I’m passed out drunk? Could I trust them with the collection plate? Choir boys??

  2. gun26 says:

    Stewart (and Colbert) and their fake news rank so high in people’s esteem because they’re funny, and because mocking the news and news media serves to get at larger truths about the world we’ve made for ourselves. News is just entertainment now, and is fully expected to rake in revenue for the network in the same way entertainment programming is.

    In Walter Cronkite’s day (and Huntley-Brinkley and Howard K. Smith’s) that wasn’t the case. Networks were highly profitable and could afford to lavish money on large and energetic news divisions. CBS styled itself the “Tiffany network” because of their news operation’s, and Cronkite’s, reputations.

    Today’s news coverage is mostly shallow gossip, about such weighty matters as Jon and Kate and the whereabouts of Michael Jackson’s body. Give me the fake news over “real” news any day.

  3. pcsmith says:

    Jon Stewart is as much of a newscaster as Will Rodgers was.

    I think of him as the guy who has to whack the TV set when the horizontal gets out of sync.

    I vote for Carl Kasell of NPR.

    He may only read 8 minutes of news each hour [seven at the top of the hour{four in the big cities} and one minute at twenty after], but he writes what he reads.

    In Canada, I like Dzintars Cers just for his name.

  4. deowll says:

    The most watched news show in America is the Factor. Compared to that these other people are in fifth place. I can’t be sure if the people watching trust him or not but they are still watching.

    I don’t trust any of them. I don’t do that much any more.

  5. Buzz says:

    It tells me that a news presenter who is smart enough to see the tremendous ironies that are present in many stories will get people’s trust.

    Nobody else at the highest levels of newscasting is connecting the dots.

  6. ECA says:

    link please, we can turn this around….

  7. Tim Yates says:

    If you look at the next Poll it shows that BING is America’s favorite search engine. 58% for BING, 38% for Google.

    I think that speaks volumes for all Time polls.

  8. Toxic Asshead says:

    TIME itself is a disaster. Why trust any of it’s pools?

  9. brendal says:

    Definitely Obama, as he runs the media now.

  10. James Hill - The Great One says:

    All things considered, I bet more people get their news from Leo Laporte than anyone on that list.

  11. ECA says:

    9409 total votes are expected to show the TRUE aspects of a poll, for the WHOLE 48 states??

  12. ECA says:



    I cant find the posted one at top at TIMES NEWS..
    also I dont see the CNN tag in the TIME header.
    Im calling BS.

  13. soundwash says:

    It might have something to do with the fact that in order for good comedy to work, it has to be based in large, on the truth. (see mel brook’s history of the world part I for an example)

    (humor takes a magnifying glass to the facts of an issue and blows them out of proportion)

    Politics..well…they can create a “body of truth” and pay someone to further that end/agenda..which then the MSM then edits and magnifies for your viewing pleasure (and of course..advertising dollars) -money being the key “magnifier”

    -as for the Times Poll…take a look at all of’em…in many states, they use 1,2 or 3 votes to represent the ENTIRE state’s opinion quite often(!)

    add to that, in the question of IS “VP Biden and asset or liability to the administration” they show a count of over 26,000 surveyed, yet when i counted all the votes for each state, i came up with only 1453!

    so…imo..i would ignore Times polls completely, as whatever “normalizing” techniques they are using most likely involve fairy dust…


  14. TMcCoy says:

    If anyone’s wondering why Couric won in KY it’s because she is from Kentucky.


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