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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an international perspective

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No Agenda Archive

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. pcsmith says:

    What is a Doctor?

    For my Grandfather, medicine was an art; for my Father, medicine is a science; today medicine is a Business.

    My Grandfather, graduated from Pittsburgh after four years of college in 1915 as a MD. He became the Company Doctor or a Penna. coal town. He died there in 1964.

    My father graduated from Georgetown Medical School in 1954. He was drafted into the Army where he was introduced to Nuclear Medicine. He left the Army, became a GP, but kept up with the NM.

    The Hospital began charging per procedure and the Doctors had to charge per procedure. I spent a few years behind a Data General PC filing billing procedures. My Father made tons more money for less Doctoring.

    I graduated Villanova a Civil Engineer.

    My current health care plan has a motto: Don’t worry kid you’re going to get better.

    Hasn’t failed me yet?!

  2. Chris Mac says:

    Health care is for everyone..

  3. pcsmith says:

    You missed both my points.

    #2 You get sick, you get better: or you don’t[and die eventually]. I am going to die like the rest of us, probably sooner than you.

    #1 If all you want is money, why deal with sick people?

  4. pcsmith says:

    Two sorrys.

    Miss use of the #sign as related top posts.

    #1 If all you want is money, why deal with sick people? This made no sence.

    no cents at all.

  5. deowll says:

    I liked the podcast.

    The Obama Health care plan doesn’t exist. That’s why nobody knows what’s in it and anything Obama says about it is BS because he hasn’t read the bills before Congress and they haven’t been passed and reconciled.

    If he wanted to save money he could have started with Tort reform. If he wanted to extend coverage he could have started with extending coverage to walk in clinics like two in my home town with coverage for generic drugs for those with less than life and death issues for those in need.

    The biggest issue I can see with the plan other than paying for it (Obamna can’t do math because his numbers don’t compute.) is that all the countries that are doing what he wants done have much lower recovery rates for people with major illnesses than the US because the only way to save money is to ration or limit care to people with major life threatening illnesses.

    In other words you are 4 times more likely to die if you get prostate cancer in England than the U.S. according to what a member of Parliament said last night but it is cheaper and you are covered.

    The problem is access is to medical care is take a number and wait and only the cheaper options are offered while seniors aren’t worth wasting money on. The results are grim. You are covered on paper but the level of care means you are still four times more likely to die of prostate cancer in England than the US. Other major health issues have similar outcomes. Recovery is less likely.

    And yes the Obama Heath Care plan does have what amounts to the British rationing board completely separate from Congressional oversight. So he’s going to get you insurance but when you really, really need it especially if you are a senior they will cut you off and send you home with some pain killers to wait on death to free you from your pain in order to save money.

    Our system may be bleeped up but what he is suggesting is a system that will lower average life expectancy and have more people with major untreated issues based on England and Canada which this turd copies.

    Is this really reform?

    When I look at the bills Obama has got passed this year and crap and trade and this health care abomination I want to puke!

    The people that are putting foreword and voting for these turd plans suck!

  6. brendal says:

    When I get too sick and elderly, I’m just going to dress up like a cute puppy and chain myself to PETA’s front steps. Instant healthcare!

  7. Randomized says:

    I kept track or what Obama said for the first few minutes. I quit paying close attention after the bullshit questions started.

    “job/jobs” was said at least 11 times. 5 of those were roughly in the first two minutes.

    “Look” twice

    “let me be clear” twice

    My favorite part of the speech was this…”when I sit in the oval office everyday”

  8. deowll says:

    #10 The jobs comment may be because that according to poles is what people want him to be working on and they expect results or else.

    If he doesn’t get that in focus he’d going to do a Jimmy Carter. The problem is that a huge tax cut for a few years would have, based on previous history, have done a heck of lot more for the economy than his trillion dollars Stimulus package.

    If you want people to spend you put money in their pockets and a huge tax cut would have done that fast.

    Of course some claim that boosting the minimum wage will do the same thing but the people paying the salaries are going to have to do something to recover the cost or go under. I would expect more firings and fewer hirings with some increase in prices. Some businesses may just close.


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