Raw video of perps delivered for booking.

The FBI this morning made dozens of arrests in a money laundering and corruption probe. Those arrested include 9th District Assemblyman Daniel Van Pelt, R-Ocean, and some unidentified rabbis from Brooklyn, Deal and the Elberon section of Long Branch, sources said.

Van Pelt, 45, was elected to the state Assembly in November 2007 and started serving in January 2008. He also was mayor of Waretown from 1998 until last year…

Also arrested were Hoboken Mayor Peter Cammarano, Secaucus Mayor Denis Elwell, Jersey City Deputy Mayor Leona Baldini, Jersey City Council President Mario Vega and other officials from Hudson County, sources said.

The probe also involves international trafficking in body parts, sources said.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office says approximately 30 arrests have occurred in the two-track investigation.

Some of this is almost too outlandish to comprehend.

  1. Improbus says:

    This doesn’t sound kosher.

  2. Rob says:

    I actually live in Hoboken and am well versed on the shenanigans of our new Mayor but this takes the care. Trafficking of body parts? Really? Sheesh…

  3. AdmFubar says:

    and in typical new yorker bravado, all shouted in a bronx accent while being arrested “ey! you want piece of me?!”

  4. bobbo, a student of history says:

    Elephants are recognized as being one of a few species that recognize body parts of their deceased, and respected for the care and respect the elephants show for their dead.

    Humans take it up 10 times more. Humans have historically treated bodies with respect, many believing you don’t get into heaven without an intact body.

    So, how much “respect” should a dead body be shown?

    Certainly not more than live bodies?==but such is not the case. Society will let you starve to death, but requires the dead body be buried to no one’s benefit.

    Silly Hoomans.

  5. LDA says:

    Re-post when they have a trial and I will be happy to comment.

  6. Don Quixote says:

    So that’s what they do with foreskins!

  7. Benjamin says:

    #6 Surprised I had to get down to comment number six for a foreskin joke. 🙂

  8. deowll says:

    You can trust your elected officials to look out for you, right. Body parts? Very much against the Torah.

  9. newrepublican says:

    Still waiting on the update news conference from the Feds – but, watching TV coverage, a NY newspaper reporter reminded folks of the history of corruption in Hudson County:

    “Former Governor Bergen said that – ‘after he died, he wanted to be buried in Hudson County so he could stay active in New Jersey politics.'”


  10. brm says:

    Looks like the ‘body parts’ thing has been removed from the story.

  11. bobbo misses the point - as usual says:

    It takes a pretty screwed up mind to skip over the cultural and societal implications of these arrests and somehow suggest the criminals are in the right because of some personal philosophy about corpses.

    You are fked in the head dude!

  12. gquaglia says:

    Political corruption in NJ? No way!

  13. Daniel says:


    The surprising part was that only 30 arrests were made. I count a lot more politicians active in NJ.

  14. Jägermeister says:

    What a surprise… Republicans and Jews ripping off people…

    #4 – bobbo – Humans have historically treated bodies with respect, many believing you don’t get into heaven without an intact body.

    Are you telling me that disabled people aren’t allowed to get up to the invisible man in the clouds?

    #6 – Don Quixote – So that’s what they do with foreskins!

    Sorry… no foreskin, no ticket to heaven. Yes, more than half of all Americans are fucked.

  15. RTaylor says:

    What do you mean, WTF! Eideard, it’s Jersey. Have you not experienced the joys of Newark for a few days?

  16. Toxic Asshead says:

    They should do the same type of investigation in Washington DC

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #17 – Toxic Asshead – They should do the same type of investigation in Washington DC

    Good thinking. That would result in a Republican free city.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Don,

    So that’s what they do with foreskins!

    Wrigley buys them wholesale to make into chewing gum.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    From the story:
    “The U.S. Attorney’s Office says approximately 30 arrests have occurred in the two-track investigation.”

    Eidard’s comment:
    “Some of this is almost too outlandish to comprehend.”

    I’m not surprised. If you represent the corruptness of the average American by X, the corruption in Jersey would be about 5X times the population of the state. Jerseyites know terms like “vig” and “baksheesh” before kindergarten. I’m surprised Barney the Purple Dinosaur didn’t have a song about it. “I bribe you, you bribe me…” New York City is better only by comparison.

  20. Yukki-Tukki says:

    The “real” news states that “all but one…were DEMOCRATS”. Your article points out the ONLY Republican – typical bias?

  21. Toxic Asshead says:

    #18 – You misunderestimate the results. I would estimate about 50 members of Congress left, total. Congressional staff and advisors? Who know how few would be left. The White House would be empty. It would be a much quieter place for a while.

  22. Marcia Manzello says:

    Hudson County Politicians- Facts are stubborn things; whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. They are all caught! Held without bail?! Woo Hoo.


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