The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
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Political Humor Joke of the Day

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In the past, without the Interwebitubes and other media, would crackpots like the birthers ever get so widely reported?

  1. smartalix says:

    Pedro, I stand by my statements. You are the one who is sad if you actually believe that balderdash.

    Birthers are pathetic little shit-pants babies crying about ineligibility because the person in office is a far better human being than they are and they can’t handle someone “not them”.

    I’d even be willing to meet you for a beer (in a public place, I trust you as far as I can throw the Intrepid) to give you an opportunity to attempt to convince me otherwise.

  2. Uncle Patso says:

    #43, 47, 63 smartalix is obviously correct, I don’t know why I didn’t realize it earlier. The GOP is getting less and less subtle about playing the “Southern strategy,” also known as the race card.

    It was completely obvious in the Sotomayor hearings — the senators were all but stating it baldly: the only life experience, the only attitude, the only “wisdom” acceptable to them is that of a White Man, preferably one with white hair. They obviously operate under the complete and absolute assumption that the point of view of the White Man (esp. an old White Guy) is the only acceptable one.

    The very definition of American racism.

    But I was being naive (or maybe just dense) and failed to see the connection to the whole Birther myth. It completely explains why nothing, but NOTHING will ever convince any of them, because no matter how much evidence you show them, President Obama is still black…


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