The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
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In the past, without the Interwebitubes and other media, would crackpots like the birthers ever get so widely reported?

  1. Druid says:

    Why can’t this joker show the Americans his actual birth certificate? Why did the Hawaiian governor have to “SEAL” it????????

    No answers? Then shut the fuck up.

  2. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    #29 Exactly. He could go to every single person and show his birth certificate and the same people would say “How do I know you didn’t fake it” instead of “Just show us the birth certificate.”

  3. Awake says:

    OK, let me follow the logic here.
    The state of Hawaii has presented the necessary proof of birth… but that is not enough… “we the people” need the original certificate, not some document that the state legally provides… and never mind that the State Department considers that enough proof to issue a passport.
    From this moment on, unless you can present AT LEAST both the original birth document as issued by the state where you were born AND a valid US passport, you are not to be reliably considered a citizen of the USA. And you darn better have some paperwork from the hospital where you were born, with your newborn footprints on it, just to make sure that you weren’t switched at birth.
    I guess that means that the 85% of the US population that have never had a passport can not be considered reliably American, since their birth certificate as issued by the state in which they were born has not been ‘vetted’ by the US Department of State.

  4. chris says:

    A Democrat in Pennsylvania brought a lawsuit about this during the primaries. The lawsuit was dismissed because Obama’s lawyers argued that the man could not show damages, and therefore had no standing to bring the suit. They could have simply shown proof but chose not to.

    Obama also lived in Indonesia where he was identified at school as an Indonesian citizen. There was no dual citizenship between the two countries at that time. If he had wanted to switch back to US citizenship he would have had to fill out forms before reaching the age of majority.

    Is it possible that a person could unknowingly run afoul of immigration\citizenship laws. Sure. Is there any practical importance in this case? 99.9999% likelihood of NO!

    Bush & Co. stole the 2000 election, or at the very least prevented it from reaching an honest conclusion. If the courts looked the other way on that then O’s issue is very small potatoes.

  5. deowll says:

    I don’t care. The issue has been resolved and even if they weren’t insane it no longer matters.

  6. ericphillips says:

    I have the only original copy of my birth certificate. If I lose it, I guess I couldn’t run for President under this “original birth certificate” rule. If I go the State of Florida I can only obtain a copy, generated from a computer. Just like Obama. So, count me out from ever running, right?

    What I find funny is I actually have an original birth certificate. Its 40 years old, hand typed and sealed by a notary. I took this to the driver license bureau to get a copy of my license after losing it. They almost did not accept it because it was hand typed and had none of the modern information a computer would dish out.

  7. Lou says:

    Lou looked like a goat in that clip.

  8. cliouser says:

    May seem like a technicality but it is fundamentally important if we are to believe in the rule of law.

    It is rather ingenuine to insist that something is so, while withholding the sole legal proof of it being so.

    Grandma had stated she witness his birth in Kenya.

    Mom would have had every reason to race back to the USA just as pregnant illegal aliens hope to cross over to give birth in the USA. I doubt they try to have their child here so the child can be president.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    # 33 Awake said, in part:

    “I guess that means that the 85% of the US population that have never had a passport can not be considered reliably American, since their birth certificate as issued by the state in which they were born has not been ‘vetted’ by the US Department of State.”

    I think I see what you’re getting at here. That means they weren’t eligible to vote for Obama for president, so he’s not president! Ta-da! Does this mean we don’t have and can never have a president again?

    This is all nuts. This is in the same category with those wingnuts who insist that the flags in the courtroom are not arranged correctly, so therefore we don’t have to pay any income tax! Like all they have to do is yell “Kings X! S.O.E.! Jinx!” and they’re exempt or something.

    Wingnuts all!

    I think it’s time we started insisting Dick Cheney provide HIS birth certificate to prove he’s not a Reptilian alien from the star Draco. After all, I’ve never _seen_ his birth certificate, so how can I be sure?

    And how can I be sure I actually owe income taxes? No one has ever shown me this supposed “Constitution” so how do I know the so-called “United States” really even exists?

  10. ECA says:

    Only the original 13 states have anything…REST of the states were ADDEd after the fact.

  11. Alan says:

    Why do you think Sotomayor is wanted on the supreme court so badly? Answer: So she can put down the legal battle over obama’s birth certificate along with the other 3 left wing judges all ready seated. Idiots! Fake birth certificates or digitals is all we’ve ever seen, and those fail what they should show on them. Obama, Barry, or what ever the hell you want to call him has NOT provided the birth certificate, he has blocked all legal action since the get go!! WHY? Idiots!

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #38 cliouser….

    “Race” back to the USA? Do you realize that we’re talking 1961? “Racing” from Kenya to Hawaii just ain’t gonna happen…that had to be at least a dozen flights, back in the day when it was insanely expensive to make transcontinental trips. A white woman with a black baby, flying around the world, in 1961…That’s not a rational argument, dude.

    Besides, she’s a US citizen so the point is moot.

  13. smartalix says:

    Let’s be honest here. This whole birth thing is disguised racism. Period. The stupid racists can’t accept a black man as president.

    Say what you want, but that is the core issue. Racist America hates a black president and will do ANYTHING to get rid of the jigaboo in the white house.

    Fuck all of you racist shits, you had better pray you don’t meet me in person.

  14. ren says:

    Well smartalix, your kneejerk seems to find, I’d like to run a few more test however to make sure all your liberal reflexes are up to par.

  15. Rabble Rouser says:

    I find it rather amusing that nobody mentions that John McCain is, in fact NOT a “natural born” US citizen, because he was not born on US soil. He was born in Panama!

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #44: Being against racism is liberal? By that definition, then, being conservative is for racism.

  17. smartalix says:

    What Dave said.

    You don’t know me from jack. I could be libertarian, a “real” conservative, or a red-dog democrat for all you know.

    All I did was say that in the face of overwhelming evidence supporting Obama’s citizenship, to pursue this issue further can only be from racist reasons.

    Unless someone can produce a time machine, and for example, show how someone could change the local newspapers’ content for that day in the birth announcements, “birthers” can go f*ck themselves.

    Asinine bullshit like “doctor-signed birth certificate” is such doublethink mumbo-jumbo disingenuous bullshit I have trouble addressing people who espouse it because it makes them look so f*cking stupid that I have to hold myself back from just dismissing them as a human being.

    The Manchurian Candidate is only a fucking movie, and on top of that nobody in the power structure expected Obama to win. Others here have already demonstrated how moronic that theory is. (Frankly, if true, anybody that organized and long-planning may actually help fix the country.)

    How did Obama get his US passport in the first place? If as a forgery, how did he get it renewed? There are a million other questions I can ask those birther f*cktards, but I don’t think their brains can process logic like normal people.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    I demand to see George W Bush’s and Bill Clinton’s and George HW Bush’s birth certificates.

  19. Paul says:

    To all the birthers in La, La Land, it is on you to prove to all of us that your assertion is true, if there are people who were there and support your position then show us the video (everyone has a price), either put up or frankly shut-up. I heard Orly Taitz, is selling a tape (I think it called “Money, Lies and Video tape”). She is from Orange County, CA, now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. You know Obama has a passport, fooled them too?

  20. qb says:

    This smacks of whining desperation. Conservatives really need to get back on track.

  21. Traaxx says:

    So we have some that say President Hussein isn’t an American Citizen and other fellow travelers that insist it’s racist to even question his citizenship, even though his brothers aren’t citizens and neither was his father. If you don’t support Health Care you’re a racist. If you don’t support Crap and Traitor, you’re a racist. If you don’t vote for President Hussein you’re a racist.

    If I really cared what alot of NAZI judgmental bigots thought I’d be worried about you’re blind religious faith in a Elitist/ Totalitarian system of Global Government. I don’t care and I’ll resist all such NAZI/Commie movements such as President Hussein’s.



  22. ren says:

    #46: No seeing racism everywhere is liberal, opposition to it is fairly universal, but leftist won’t admit that

  23. castryon says:

    Heh… if people don’t like the way things are in this country… ya know what…. there is nothing keeping you here….

    I hate people who complain. Myself include when I do heh… People just need to shut up every once in a while. It makes them sound more intelligent.

  24. ramuno says:

    When I got my passport a few years ago, the government didn’t like my birth certificate that was issued 30 years ago because it only had a raised seal and not the new watermarked seal.

    If your parents didn’t give you a copy of the original paper filed by the hospital with the footprint and no seal, they are not available now but are kept on record.

    You racist bastards don’t need to go far to see that the officials in Hawaii went to the records and looked at the original that they keep and reported it as valid. Keep spreading ignorance.

  25. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    qb, it doesn’t just smack of whining desperation, those morans are standing in stinky swamps full of desperation.

  26. canucklehead says:

    Why does the U.S. even have this rule?

    Canada has had foreign-born Prime Ministers. The sky didn’t fall.

  27. waltersobchack says:

    It just goes to show you how bat-shit crazy some people are, and how they have no clue what they are talking about.

    I just received my new passport about 3 weeks ago. I sent them a “certification of birth” it has no mention of any doctor or hospital, the only signature is that of the state registrar. The only info on it is my name and that of my parents, the city, the date of birth, file number, file date and my sex. Also its embossed with the state seal.

    Yet here I have my brand new U.S. passport in my hands. My certificate is basically IDENTICAL to the one I have seen for Obama with the exception that my state used different colored paper and the paper is a slightly different shape.

  28. aslightlycrankygeek says:

    #52 Ren,

    That is probably one of the most insightful statements I have seen on this blog.

  29. The wingnut birthers are performing a valuable public service: ensuring the GOP remains in the minority for years to come.

  30. ECA says:

    Without ALOT of opinions you may not make a good decision..
    1 person can have a GREAT idea..but no one hears it.


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