The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Born Identity | ||||
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In the past, without the Interwebitubes and other media, would crackpots like the birthers ever get so widely reported?
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
The Born Identity | ||||
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In the past, without the Interwebitubes and other media, would crackpots like the birthers ever get so widely reported?
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God, Repukes are so stupid. Why are they all so desperate to destroy him?
I may or may not have received a dollar tug job from Congressman Campbell, which is why I think he needs to have a GPS tracker placed on his body to confirm his every whereabout… you know.. so it’s easy to find him for those dollar tug jobs… detailed this out last year.
Enough already!
Crackpot idiots are so fun to watch until they waste public dollars on their bull.
We really need some major Darwin moments soon.
Yes. Correct. No problem. Crackpots.
Of course nobody has ever seen an authentic birth certificate, the kind I needed to apply for a passport. You know the type. The one with the f**king doctor’s signature, and the name of the hospital, and the parent’s names, and all the details.
But, of course, to be President, you don’t need to be as well documented as I had to be just to get a passport. The State Department would not accept my “Abstract of Birth Certificate”, issued by the city and county of San Francisco. Nooooo. They wanted the ACTUAL birth certificate.
But if I was an Obama cult member, I would certainly agree that he has adequately settled the issue. John Stewart, of course, (not his real name), would never, ever, be considered an Obama cult member, would he? Nor would anyone else in this messed up country.
What is news?
Who can we trust?
There is an inverse relationship here. It is “news” because the video was capturing an unusual event–idiots on display. It is “not news” for the same reason. Idiots on display is a circus event, not a news event.
Where is the bread?
Of course nobody has ever seen an authentic birth certificate, the kind I needed to apply for a passport.
Did you even listen to the video? To the part where people say they have seen it?
So Obama’s parents are part of this vast conspiracy and the people who issue passports are in on it too because I’m pretty sure Obama had a passport before he became president. And that no one in McCain’s presidential campain office tried to find proof that Obama wasn’t a US citizen? Or that it doesn’t matter if he was born in Hawaii or not since his mother was a citizen?
Druid, Bobbo — What is your theory, exactly, about the *two* Hawaiian newspapers announcing Obama’s birth on the day he was born?
Do you really, really believe there was a plot by his parents — and these newspapers — to raise a foreign president *from a baby*?
I’m sorry, but you two have moved from Absolute Bonkers into a category not listed in the DSM-IV.
#5 Druid said,
So you got enough Truthiness in the Obama was not born here conspiracy?
“Of course nobody has ever seen an authentic birth certificate, the kind I needed to apply for a passport”
But what if President Obama has a US Passport?
You are so crawl back under the covers this will all be over in 42 to 90 months
Pundits need to stir the pot its what they get paid for 24 hr news needs to talk to fill dead are real reporting on issues is expensive and gets poor ratings. Try to learn how the world works you will sleep better under those covers.
Kinks › Destroyer
“Dr. dr. help me please, I know youll understand
Theres a time device inside of me, Im a self-destructin man
Theres a red, under my bed
And theres a little green man in my head
And he said, youre not goin crazy, youre just a bit sad
cause theres a man in ya, knawin ya, tearin ya into two.
Silly boy ya self-destroyer.
Paranoia, the destroyer”
#8–wretched==do you equate me calling these people idiots with me agreeing with them?
Always difficult.
PS/FYI/FWIW/IMHO/AIO==there should be a “formal” process to confirm the eligibility of all candidates running for president. Official, documented, early in the process, final. Its what a nation of laws is all about.
Bobbo — I’m sorry, you’re right. I read your post too quickly.
Obama did travel abroad before he ever ran for Congress. To do this I would assume he needed a US passport. So the US State Department was satisfied with his documentation when they issued this passport long before he ever ran for the Senate, much less for President.
Call me a fool, but this is one Republican who believes he is a natural born citizen of the United States of America.
#11–wretched==I hate it when that happens.
It’s hilarious that this is still being discussed, and even being given credence by Lou Dobbs. And some of the nutters still desperately fanning the flames are posting here. This just goes to show us the astonishing extent to which human beings can delude themselves into believing things that they desperately wish were true. Such people are not to be confused with facts. They probably still believe Iraq had something to do with 9/11. And that Adam and Eve rode dinosaurs to church on Sundays.
I personally don’t know why the President doesn’t show his birth certificate and show the people to be nuts and wrong
I will the first to say the democrats will do just about any thing to get elected but if President Obama was not a natural born citizen and they covered this up it would be the end of the party, no one would ever trust them again. The democrats are liberal nuts but they are not fools no one would ever try to pull this on the American public
this ranks right up their with the 9/11 truther fools who think the govt spent months building the greatest conspiracy in history rigging explosives to bring down the towers or what ever else they believe at the same time they called President Bush a fool
I don’t care about the birth certificate. I’ll accept Obama’s word that he’s an American.
I would like to see his Harvard transcript. Why is that top secret? I’d like to know if the man who is going to fix the economy and health care and save us all, got better than a C average in school.
Not to mention that his name was in the daily newspaper, so that would make the newspaper part of this vast conspiracy as well. And everyone else who has said they’ve seen the original. But I’m curious why there’s so much obsession with it in the first place. I have absolutely no idea where my birth certificate is right now. Have I lost some rights as a US citizen because I don’t have my papers, Druid? When 50+ percent of voters choose someone, does democracy still count in this country?
Orly Taitz, from Orange, CA, sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger and acts like Sarah Palin. Now I know what the mean when they say “behind the Orange Curtain”, when they talk about Orange County, the captial of Conspiracy Theories. Oh well…
#16 Chuck
He did graduate Magna Cum Laude not to shabby not Summa Cum Laude mind you but who would want a Summa elitist running things?
I think we can rest assured that his grades were better than W
Why not enact legislation requiring all Presidential candidates to take a test. Things like, Heads of State, Were Countries are on a map, the meaning of GNP, etc. Oh and maybe a psychological test too. Not a long test but one that would show competency.
Oh sorry logic took over my brain again. Back to the feud.
#18. .. “behind the Orange Curtain”, would be a great name for a spray tanning salon.
A lot of people born in the U.S. do not have birth certificates. My father was born at home back in 1917 no birth certificate. My Mother born in 1927 born at home no birth certificate. A lot people born early in the last century the did not have birth certificate. A birth certificate is highly over rated. They are other ways to prove you were born in the States.
Where were all these concerned citizens when our last president decided that anyone including American citizens could be declared “enemy combatant” and thrown in a military brig for years without even being charged with a crime?
Let’s play “What If”. What if Obama was declared ineligible to be President? Would Biden then be Prez? Or is Biden eliminated because he ran on the same ticket? Who then? McCain didn’t get the required electoral votes.
So lets look at that old document, the Constitution. Wouldn’t Pelosi be next, after Biden.
So does anybody who questions Obama’s birth in Hawaii want to take the chance of Pelosi sitting in the Oval Office?
I just heard that Sara Palin is Barrack Obama’s love child. It all starts to make sense now.
btw – I am behind the the Orange Curtain. Move Along nothing to see here.
Mr. “Stewart” is really “Mr. Leibowitz”
Gee. Now why would a nice Jew want to pretend he is Scottish? I dunno. But he is full of shit, nonetheless.
All you folks blathering about how he “must be” a citizen, ignore one fact:
If I understand the argument correctly, the ‘newspaper birth announcements’ are nothing more than advertisements, like proud parents take out for their kids when they graduate. Anyone can give these announcements to the newspaper. If this is the case, they are not proof of anything, and I do not think that anyone believes that newspapers were part of a conspiracy. The idea was that his Mom was hoping to make it back to the US before he was born but did not so she took out the ads in the newspapers to make the announcement of his birth and possible to help prove his case for citizenship.
I think the big issue is that there are some inconsistencies with the style that hospital used on the year he was born, and his mother is on record at different times making contradictory statements about which hospital he was even born it. He has produced a copy of the short form birth certificate, but as far as I know no one has seen even a copy of the long form (filled in with detail of the baby’s weight, height, etc.) let alone the original.
It seems like Obama could clear this up easily by producing the long form. I am sure he probably was born in Hawaii most likely, but there is certainly more secrecy around all of Obama’s records (Medical, School, etc.) than other presidents, especially for someone who promotes a policy of openness and transparency.
Someone capable of faking all this other stuff like getting his birth mentioned in two newspapers, getting a passport, and getting elected president of the USA is surely capable of having a fake birth certificate made.
I guarantee that is what people would say if he did produce a birth certificate.
#12. I got my passport before 9/11. When renewing it LAST YEAR, I was asked for an actual FULL birth certificate, NOT an “abstract”.