The sex scandal involving Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, and a prostitute deepened today with the release of sensational new audio tapes purportedly proving their encounters late last year.

In the second series of tapes and transcripts to be published by the left-leaning weekly L’Espresso, the escort, Patrizia D’Addario, is recorded discussing her appointment with Mr Berlusconi in October with the man who allegedly hired her to go to the Prime Minister’s official residence

At an apparent meeting held with Ms D’Addario and another unnamed woman in October 2008, Mr Tarantini briefed them ahead of their evening with the premier…

D’Addario: And a thousand for the night.

Tarantini: I have already given you a thousand and if you stay with him he will give you a gift on his own.. ah.. you will also see that he doesn’t use condoms…

D’Addario:.. But it is not going to happen without it. How will I feel safe?

Tarantini: But… it’s Berlusconi

Well. Harumph! Good thing we live in a nation where at least one political party stands up for Family Values.

  1. bobbo, always a stickler on etiquette says:

    I thought you paid prostitutes to keep quiet? Where have the ethics of that profession gone? I know he’s a politician, but still…….

    Reminds me of the joke as to why prostitutes ARE actually paid==to leave.

  2. deowll says:

    A conversation with the client would have been news. This nothing. It could have been made weeks after the event in question if the event even took place.

  3. Glenn E. says:

    This news will probably just get the PM reelected, in Italy. They’d elect Hugh Hefner, if he were living there, and was a bit younger. Now if the PM were caught in bed with boys….
    they’d probably lynch him.

  4. RTaylor says:

    So what? How many of you guys would like to experience the tricks a 1000 euro hooker could deliver.

  5. ridin the short bus to the Cat House says:

    Go to Ukraine.. Cheaper… But beyond that..Who Really cares… Go to Germany its Leagle and in the Modern World..once again.. Who cares… She could of Gotten More than 1000 Euro.. this is Pocket Change for him… and beside… Who Cares… Marriage is down / Birthrate is negative in Italy, all the boys want to stay at home with Momma…at least he plays in the right stadium.. and Who Cares?… The is like teflon.. nothing will stick to him…

  6. Lou says:

    Seems like over priced pussy to me.
    Like Artie Lang said, What’s the difference between a 100 buck BJ and a 10 buck BJ ? 90 Bucks !

  7. ridin the short bus to the Cat House says:

    No matter how u slice it.. when ever you see a beautiful woman u can think to yourself… she is making some poor asshole miserable… 🙂 you ALWAYS pay for it one way or another..if you pay up front..atleast you can count what it costs! Cheers Mates…!

  8. sargasso says:

    So they are talking Euros, not Lire?

  9. clancys_daddy says:

    No bobo you pay for the sex, you hide the body to keep them quiet.

  10. Improbus says:

    You don’t pay them for sex you pay them to go away afterwords.

  11. pwuk says:

    A friend of mines dad once said “the cheapest shag is the one you pay for!”


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