“They’ll be Back”

LOS ANGELES (AFP) – A proposed plan to solve California’s budget crisis would reduce the state’s prison population by 27,000, it was reported Tuesday, as opposition to the new fiscal deal mounted.

The Los Angeles Times reported on its website that the budget deal, announced by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and bipartisan lawmakers on Monday, would involve the early release of thousands of inmates.

The Times said the reduction would be achieved through a combination of measures including allowing prisoners to finish their sentences on home detention and creating incentives for completion of rehabilitation plans. The prison inmate proposal would help save the state 1.2 billion dollars in the coming fiscal year, the Times reported. Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca meanwhile condemned the proposed state budget, telling the Times that cuts to local government would force authorities across the state to shut down jails or slash officers from street patrol.

“I think it is one thing to have a natural disaster… but it is another thing to have local cities and counties hit by a disaster predicated on the irresponsible actions of the state legislators,” Baca told the Times. California’s fiscal woes have deepened as the state reels under the effects of the recession, which have sent unemployment and home foreclosures soaring and state revenues plunging to levels not seen since the 1990s. The budget crisis has pushed the state to the brink of bankruptcy and forced California to start paying its bills with IOUs earlier this month.

Excellent idea!

  1. bobbo, not following this mess says:

    Seems to me the current iteration of the ongoing crises in CA started with the energy cost gouging of Enron. Since then, Ca has been in heavy deficit spending mode.

    Is it too many employees, or overpaid employees, or overly rich retirement/health benefits —- or —- too many people in jail? — or — too many small businesses leaving the state, or large business setting up oversees — or just what?

    I know all those things and others keep CA underwater but does anything make it “unique?”

  2. Amsterdamned says:

    Aw, golly jeepers… I so wanted California to be locked-down police state that spends $50k per year to keep each harmless pot dealer in jail. 🙂


  3. Phydeau says:

    As long as they release the people in for selling and buying pot, they’ll be fine… thus ends the War On (Some) Drugs — bankrupted by its own idiocy.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Property values have been soaring in CA. But apparently, the taxes paid on these mansions hasn’t. I’ll bet that all sorts of millionaires and corporations in CA. aren’t paying their share. And the rest can barely afford to live there, let alone carry the tax burden themselves. Time to stop taxing the middle class, to pay for the luxuries enjoyed by the privileged class.

    As for releasing 27k inmates. Well hopefully there the most minor of offenders. And one has to ask why did the state bother to lock them up in the first place? If it can release them now. But I’m not sure dumping 27k of convicts on the job market, is going to work. That will just mean that they start collecting unemployment pay, instead of what it cost to keep them in the lockup. And an increased theft is bound to result. Lets hope their smart enough to steal from the rich, only. Then that will compensate for the taxes they’ve managed to get out of paying. HA.

  5. whiskypete says:

    Why not recall him, and shame him to death like they did Gray Davis?..oh I forgot some celebrity has this job now.

  6. We’ve got 1% of the total U.S. population living in prisons. A tremendous number of them are there for victimless crimes like drug use and prostitution.

    Letting such people go free to save money as well as to increase respect for the law by making more respectable laws is likely a very good idea. (Yes, this assumes that if we let people out of jail for such “offenses” that we will also legalize such inoffensive “offenses”.

  7. PMitchell says:

    Take a good look at what liberalism gets you , a bankrupt state, out of control spending, taxes so high no one can afford to live , and a state that refuses to live within its means

    this is the picture of what our whole country is going to look like in about 2 more years with the liberals in control

  8. McCullough says:

    #7. And here I thought the Guvernator was a Republican.

  9. ECA says:

    To many DEALS for the big corps.
    ALSO the idea that many contracts ARENT BID ON.
    City maintenance and so forth, road building, construction, and soforth..
    There might also be a restriction on that ALL WORK must be done by those INSTATE companies, and some OUT OF STATE business could do it CHEAPER.

    The REAL problem is the Earth quakes. And repairs that are STILL ongoing..

  10. Nothing to see here. says:

    All the more reason to buy now, before the state outlaws it. I certainly am.

  11. Nothing to see here. says:

    And I’m not talking about idiot weed.

  12. SparkyOne says:

    # 8
    He thought he was also, turns out he is a
    double-ended-dildo waiting for his next use.

  13. PMitchell says:

    #8 There are plenty of liberal republicans and that is why I used the term liberal not a party affiliation term

    The Governator is in no way a conservative any more, he is just a spend and tax liberal

  14. bobbo, see head up ass locked and loaded says:

    #13–Pee Mitchell==I agree–liberal’s spend and tax. It is the repukes who spend and don’t tax leading to deficits.

    Ca has a deficit condition. Guess what philosophy (sic!) caused it.

    As do-ill recently told me for reasons not yet elucidated you should GROW UP!!!! But here is my specific reason: children put labels on everything bad and call it poo-poo. You have only put a new word on it and all poo-poo is “liberal.” You express yourself with the insight of a child.

    Grow Up.

  15. Gary says:

    If I had a free labor source of 27,000 employees, I surely could turn a profit.

  16. deowll says:

    #1 What California did was make a lot of expensive choices. In other words bad choices. The place is hostile to business and is becoming a bad place to live if you have a family. If you hold traditional values it isn’t so hot either but maybe that is less important than the fact that it didn’t take care of business and blew its budget.

    #13 How can he be a tax and spend liberal when about the only thing he’s managed in this budget is to not raise taxes?

  17. PMitchell says:

    #14 you either need to lay off the meds or get some because you make absolutely no sense

  18. #13 – PMitchell,

    The Governator is in no way a conservative any more, he is just a spend and tax liberal

    Funny, I thought the point of this move was to save money.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Paul Mitchell,

    Once again you show yourself as a RIGHT WING NUT. You have nothing specific to add except moan and groan about “liberals”.

    This so typical of ALL RIGHT WING NUTS. Which is why they lost the last two federal elections and will also lose a bunch more. People want new ideas that will erase the memory of the past eight years. They Don’t want to hear that same old tired Republican bullshit.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    If California is serious about releasing prisoners, they better set up a support group. Otherwise, most of them will be right back within a few months.

    That includes Parole Officers with the time to help them find places to live, jobs, health care, etc. Treatment for drugs addicts. Tattoo removal. Education facilities.

    It would be pretty short sighted if these prisoners were released with no help to get out of their “bad” lives.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    Republicans… repeat after me…

    Taxes = Good
    Deficits = Bad

  22. Dallas says:

    Goes to show that when budget trouble ensues, the stupid expenses are in fact eliminated.

    Marijuana smokers and people photographing people at the beach are released. Frightening!


  23. Jägermeister says:

    #22 – Dallas – TAX THE CHURCH

    Yes. 😎

  24. jbenson2 says:

    23 posts so far and not a single rant against GWB.

    Come on guys, get it together. Let’s see some more of the BDS you are so good at.

  25. sargasso says:

    Non violent offenders, does that include OJ?

  26. Lou says:

    No free lunch for the USA.
    Wait until the Asians stop buying the BS bonds your selling. Then the shit hits the fan.

  27. badtimes says:

    Jeez benson- I was looking for the ODS rants myself.
    Looks like this is a blog for all seasons!

  28. jbenson2 says:

    I think the ODS rants will be all over the place after tonight’s press conference.

    There are actually some rumors that the media might ask a tough question.

    (I’ll believe that when I see it)

  29. Jägermeister says:

    #28 – jbenson2 – There are actually some rumors that the media might ask a tough question.

    Like the media questioned the Iraq war?

  30. badtimes says:

    benson- I believe you are right on both counts.


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