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Stop abusing the plants for your personal pleasure!
It is funny.
People opposed to fighting game cocks are causing game cocks to go extinct not that I want one.
Some lady got rodeos banded in Chicago because a bull broke its leg and they had to put it down. Of course if hadn’t been a radio bull it would have already been meat loaf. With friends like that who needs enemies?
One of our new spending bills has $700,000,000 to count wild horses and feed them birth control pills. Very humane but I’d rather have seen the money spent on health care for humans. Silly me. We have an unlimited amount of money. Just borrow all you want or print all you want. What’s to worry about?
ROFL! that was great!
i heard a vegan Dr. on coast to coast the other night. -my god..he may as well as been an F’n nazi with his views on not only what, but how we should eat. he made political/religious fanatics look pleasant by comparison.
hmmm…you know, i always wondered what neighbors cat would taste like…(my cat is too cool to eat.
proud member of PETA[People Eating Tasty Animals]
#4.. lol that was awesome!
i’m tempted to make up some T-Shirts saying that.
I could make small fortune at BBQ cook offs and the like selling’em ..or even in Central Park..
I am cutting back on meat for health reasons not moral ones. I prefer ingesting birds and fish to pigs, sheep or cattle.
Brilliant clip! 😀
#4 – Pete
Where do I sign up?
#5 & #7 – wow, seriously, you guys have never seen the T-shirts, bumper stickers, bookmarks, or countless photoshop jobs that include the phrase from #4’s comment? You guys need to get out more.
#8 – Sean
I’m sure everyone in your trailer park has one.
#9: Trailer Park? Why stop there?
Nearly every house and apartment in the city or country, have charcoal, wood, or gas grills that get used regularly.
On the other hand, PETA is a tiny, mocked minority.
Mmmmmm broiled meat.
…also, as a wise man once said, if the animals don’t want to be eaten, they should stop being made of food.
I once had a waitron at a rather famous restaurant here in San Diego, who was an EXTREMELY rabid vegan. She started in on me one morning when I was having eggs and bacon. When she finally stopped for breath, I looked her in the eye and said, “If your ancestors hadn’t killed animals to eat their flesh and wear their hides, you would never have existed, and that would have improved our entire species.”
Five seconds later, I had a new waitron and had made a point….
Funny video, but I just have to say that not all vegans are like that, though some certainly are. I’m a vegan and I would gladly cook up a steak for a guest at my house.
Also, while animals may in fact experience certain so called “negative” emotions, I don’t believe they have the mental facilities to perceive those experiences the way we do. It is we who are defining their emotions for them as good or bad by reflecting on our own experiences. Animals experience life directly by instinct, without judgment. They simply accept life the way it is; a lesson some self righteous vegans just can’t seem to grasp even while their entire daily lives revolve around a focus on the animal kingdom.
Cute video. Thanks for the smile.
Although I’ve seen a few T-shirts, I haven’t seen any bumper stickers. Not that I would want either, I lead by example.
Im a young New Zealand Vegan, Im not a pain in the ass to people about it, I visit peoples houses all the time to find them eating meat, sitting on leather couches, I dont make a big deal, I just say “no thankyou” if they offer me any meat, and wont sit on leather.
Normally they will bring it up, and I’ll brush it off “Im vegan” without a big speech, I’ll be hassled about it and I’ll give a few points, which I’ll spare you guys from.
Wish you had a friendlier tone to non animal product users! We’re people too, and certainly not harming you, or the animals.
that was brilliant!
I’m glad you are not a bother.
Here in American, vegetarians are rivaling preachy conservative Christians as the biggest “holier than thou” pains-in-butts.
Worse, many are not dedicated vegetarians but are neurotics with eating disorders who use vegetarianism to cloak their food hang-ups with a posture of superiority.
Exclusively vegan and vegetarian diets are contrary to human evolution.
If you must eat them due to specific health issues, you have my sympathy.
Mmmm. Meat, It’s what to eat!
I am convinced that the majority of people who claim to be vegetarians or vegans do so for the pleasure of telling others about their lifestyle.
Same goes for people who claim not to own a television.
I recovered the dashboard of my pickup truck, which runs on dead dinosaurs, with wolf fur. I recently installed a fishing rod rack in the truck so when I go fishing I can have my rods all ready. I also have a leather steering wheel. It is much cooler to the hands. In my old vehicles I would burn my hands on the steering wheel on a hot day.
My favorite food is New York strip steak with a side of grilled asparagus. It’s so yummy I might have to get a steak for breakfast.
I am going to buy a hunting device and take a hunting safety course so I can go hunting for deer meat when deer season begins.
Take a look at your teeth, they are not made for killing animals any more, you are in the process of evolving. They are probably best suited for scavenging road kill! mmmm Tasty tire flavor!
People should be able to eat meat if they so choose, but the cost of meat should relate to the true cost of producing that meat, and not the situation we have now where much of the environmental and economic costs are externalized onto the surrounding communities and the US taxpayer. For instance, I don’t understand why the Pilgrims Pride Corp. should get: $26,461,206 worth of USDA funding, Cargill Turkey Products get $17,593,150 in govt funding, etc.
But I don’t think you would be happy paying the real market cost of the meat you eat…with all costs internalized to the industrial farm corporations that push for market forces to determine everything…except for their own bottom line.
If your a vegan do not eat soy.
As for this joke. Ricky Garvis does this same thing in his standup act.