1. Uncle Don says:

    “It’s okay, Harriet. They’re baboons. When they’re done playing, they’ll put things back. I read that somewhere on Facebook.”

  2. Kelvington says:

    Mary never thought any thing of the card that said “Dr. Baboons” sent by the new government proposed in-car, health care system. Mary is no long looking forward to her annual pap-smear.

  3. hhopper says:

    “I’m not worried about the clothes, but that rear-view mirror is gonna be expensive!”

  4. RTaylor says:

    The guest are packing for the next Cranky Geeks.

  5. klampo says:

    You return one volley of feces and they go nuts

    [Har! – ed.]

  6. sargasso says:

    Safari park tigers, are the worst. They bite off the tire valve stems, and wait for the driver to get out.

  7. Improbus says:

    So much for eco-tourism.

  8. Hugh Ripper says:

    Well you did say you felt like a baboon…

  9. heavyd says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  10. KAMV says:

    Monkey Tuesday!

  11. tomzer1 says:

    Thank god raccoons don’t have thumbs yet.

  12. Oh-no it’s the Healthcare-Industrial Complex lobbyist Baboons and they wont leave us alone until we cave on reform vote.

  13. Jägermeister says:

  14. brm says:

    This is my visual rendering of how this bill will be funded by soaking the rich.

  15. bill says:


  16. Floyd says:

    #11: Raccoons do have thumbs, which I’ll guess that you know. They can manipulate things like screen latches and even some doorknobs.

    I had a rescued raccoon as a pet for a few months decades ago when that was still allowed. Smart animal.

  17. Zybch says:

    George W and family go on a family picnic.

  18. jasmoran66 says:

    Kenyan car wash?

  19. Grayven says:

    Can You supply links to desktop quality files of these?

  20. Ho-Lip Tex says:

    Someone once asked Laura how she first met George W…

  21. Griz says:

    It didn’t bother Rachel so much that the baboons had gotten in her clothes, but when the one baboon in front of the door flipped her off, that was the last the straw.

  22. Griz says:

    It didn’t bother Rachel so much that the baboons had gotten in to her clothes, but when that one baboon in front of the door flipped her off, that was the last straw.

  23. modeltweaker says:

    California Legislators find an untapped revenue source. The clothes off our back.

  24. modeltweaker says:

    California Legislators find an untapped revenue source.. The clothes off our back.

  25. sfsej says:


  26. Theemy says:

    Another day on the job with the General Motors R&D team.

  27. pjcamp says:

    GM assembly line. Or board meeting. Take your pick.

  28. Jay says:

    I think they are looking for JoJo’s gold hat…

  29. gogglesnteeth says:

    New try-outs for TSA bag inspectors.

    (I’m shocked to be the first to say this.)


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