• Yahoo profits up 8-percent while revs go down 13-percent.
  • Government wants to ban all cell phone use in cars.
  • Barnes and Noble will release 700,000 public domain books. So what?
  • Intel SSD’s improve.
  • Worker commits suicide over lost Apple iPhone prototype.
  • Can Amazon spy on Kindle readers?
  • MSFT to kill soapbox, another thing never given a chance.
  • MSFT poaches Apple real estate picker.
  • Out today – Kingston 256 GB thumb drive.
  • Show promoted by Squarespace.com. Use code word Tech for a fat discount.

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  1. Improbus says:

    Government wants to ban all cell phone use in cars.

    I assume they want to ban cell phone use by drivers. That I agree with. Passengers, not so much.

  2. Postman says:

    Why not just start charging drivers with homicide when they crash and kill someone while they were talking on cell phone? Im sure it will just take a couple of notorious cases of some little grandmother going to do hard time for people to get the picture…

  3. Special Ed says:

    256GB thumb drive that takes >7 hours to load and costs as much a 3 netbooks? I don’t think so.

  4. qb says:

    In other news, the Apollo 11 command module source code is going online.

  5. qb says:

    Mike Egan in 2006 on the Zune and Soapbox – and why they scare Apple to death.

  6. Hamlet says:

    To be in a book or in an e-book, that is the question.

  7. Bob.PDX says:

    If M$oft does snag the SFO retail space across from Apple’s store, will they feature a brown Zune at the “#2” store?

  8. Glenn E. says:

    I believe I now know why the government is coming clean about the accident stats, involving cellphone use. Because of this latest trick of drivers avoiding speed trap cameras. They use their cellphones to report them to the sites that collect the info. And other drivers use theirs to see if any traps are on their route. It won’t just be cellphones, that they’ll go after, if they can. They also ban wireless netbooks, palm pilots, blackberries, and whatever else can receive these speed trap warnings.

  9. Improbus says:

    This technology came to late for me. Now I am so old (40s) that I actually go the speed limit. The sad thing is my car has a turbo (mid life crisis car … I also grew my hair out to Unix hippie length … cause I still have hair … lol)


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