
Scientists have found evidence that another object has bombarded Jupiter, exactly 15 years after the first impacts by the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.

Following up on a tip by an amateur astronomer, Anthony Wesley of Australia, that a new dark “scar” had suddenly appeared on Jupiter, this morning between 3 and 9 a.m. PDT (6 a.m. and noon EDT) scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., using NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, gathered evidence indicating an impact. New infrared images show the likely impact point was near the south polar region, with a visibly dark “scar” and bright upwelling particles in the upper atmosphere detected in near-infrared wavelengths, and a warming of the upper troposphere with possible extra emission from ammonia gas detected at mid-infrared wavelengths.

“We were extremely lucky to be seeing Jupiter at exactly the right time, the right hour, the right side of Jupiter to witness the event. We couldn’t have planned it better,” said Glenn Orton, a scientist at JPL. Orton and his team of astronomers kicked into gear early in the morning and haven’t stopped tracking the planet. They are downloading data now and are working to get additional observing time on this and other telescopes. This image was taken at 1.65 microns, a wavelength sensitive to sunlight reflected from high in Jupiter’s atmosphere, and it shows both the bright center of the scar (bottom left) and the debris to its northwest (upper left).

“It could be the impact of a comet, but we don’t know for sure yet,” said Orton. “It’s been a whirlwind of a day, and this on the anniversary of the Shoemaker-Levy 9 and Apollo anniversaries is amazing.”

The timing couldn’t be stranger. Apparently these impacts aren’t as rare as we would like to believe.

  1. tcc3 says:

    All these worlds are yours, save Europa. Attempt no landings there.

  2. Hmeyers says:

    #1 for the win

  3. Improbus says:

    There should have been an Earth shattering KABOOM … D’oh!

  4. soundwash says:

    Looks like someone miscalculated their gravity
    sling shot..


  5. sargasso says:

    Jupiter’s enormous gravitational “well” shields the inner planets from many of these asteroid collisions.

  6. hhopper says:

    Thanks Jupiter… took another one for the Earth.

  7. soundwash says:

    -now, onto the bitching..

    Look at the size of that impact scar…if we didn’t have Jupiter’s gravity field to snatch that baby from space it could have have wreaked havoc on the inner solar system with it’s gravitational and electrical effects..

    “We were extremely lucky to be seeing Jupiter at exactly the right time, the right hour, the right side of Jupiter to witness the event. We couldn’t have planned it better..”

    um…lucky?? ‘xcuse me? seems luck had nothing to do with it..the Amateur dood Wesley had a lot to do with their “luck”.

    WTF are we supporting NASA for if it takes a guy in Australia to give them the heads up on outer planetary impact strikes?

    -thirdly…i’m thinking if the amateur dood did not make this public, NASA would have never announced it’s presence.

    this object had to be huge for an impact that spot that large on Jupiter…

    perhaps this is why they revoked access to the near earth object (NEO) satellite data a month or so ago??

    they don’t want the general community knowing about all NEO’s zipping through the solar system as we enter the galactic center..

    omg!!.. i think i may seen the electromagnetic effects of this hit last night while monitoring and compiling earth’s magnetospheric data for an EM theory in relation to all the plane accidents that have (and will) happen.. i saw a huge EM spike last night..


    i’ll make a pic of what i’m talking about and post it shortly..


  8. Improbus says:


    What drugs are you on? Can I have some?

  9. Floyd says:

    #8 Improbus: Got it in one.

    The comet/asteroid/whatever was probably dark enough that it couldn’t be seen until it got pulled into Jupiter and left the dark collision spot.

    Read more at “Bad Astronomy,” which is maintained and fact checked by astronomer Phil Plait:


    The article is currently (7/21/09) the fourth one from the top.

  10. AdmFubar says:

    many years ago i got the chance to attend a lecture from eugene levy, he described the absolute bad luck they had the night of the discovery of the comet they discovered that night, with bad film, (yeah they were still using film) {someone had gone through the film cannisters, found that it was unexposed and put it back on the shelf (oops the film was not exposed), it was mostly cloudy for the early part of the time allotted on the scope they were using. they happened to be looking in the right part of the sky at the right time to catch this event… but it was truly amazing they found anything like they had at all.

    and yeah it takes someone in austrailia to see this as the skys there are dry and very unspoiled by pollution, either particulate or light. something we have in abundance here in the us

  11. bill says:

    Another FAKE comet impact!

  12. Gort says:

    Let’s see … on the 25th anniversary of the moon landing we just happen to get a whole week of impacts on Jupiter. On the 40th, looks like a big one at the south pole. I can’t wait to see what happens on the 50th!

  13. jcj7161 says:

    wow..I was going to do a rift on North Korea bombing Jupiter until I read the 1st post…

    All these worlds are yours, save Europa. Attempt no landings there.

  14. qb says:

    tcc3, I humbly acknowledge the Buddha within. Effin’ brilliant.

  15. dg says:

    How about some credit for the AMATEUR astronomer who DISCOVERED it? NASA didn’t even bother naming him in the press release, which is pretty pathetic.

    His name is Anthony Wesley. He is an Australian amateur astronomer. He discovered it using a home-made 14.5 inch telescope and a webcam. He produced some fantastic quality images of the planet. See:


  16. soundwash says:

    #9 Floyd, -amen to that.

    -nice find. IMO, Anthony Wesley should have the impactor named after him..


  17. Druid says:

    What is Hubble doing?

  18. Dallas says:

    And so be it, life begins in Jupiter.

  19. Benjamin says:

    I read somewhere that you can’t have complex life (such as on Earth) without gas giants further out to screen the solar system for asteroids and comets. Otherwise you are looking at dinosaur-killing meteor strikes all the time.

  20. Toxic Asshead says:

    That’s not an impact. That’s a Jovian Oomglawiiptaloow ripping a huge fart.

  21. exels says:

    Why wouldn’t we be aware of such a large comet nearby and its impact on Jupiter? Could it be Jupiter has its own new private anomaly? Think of the previous comet which was witnessed over several days and we knew everything about it (them, when they broke up). How could we have missed seeing/knowing about such a large comet hitting Jupiter. Facts must conclude, there was no comet. Jupiter’s gravity is finally falling onto itself. Size of the compression is as large as the ‘red dot’. Would not there be some debris coming out of Jupiter if it was a comet? Now, the next step is to ponder what will happen to Jupiter once it collapses and to its moons. Will Jupiter ultimately become a new sun?


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