Celebrating 40 years of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon.

  1. chuck says:

    #30 – actually I think if we take NASA out of the picture, it will cost 10X less. NASA was needed to get men to the moon during the cold war & space race.

    But all government programs eventually evolve into money-pits, managed by politicians who direct the program into whatever will provide fat $$ contracts to their constituents.

  2. ridin the short bus says:

    #27 Jag…??? Why United would have broken their Guitar?..

  3. Mr Curios says:

    #1 Does he have the Missing tapes too?… 🙂

  4. I was only 4 years old when they first landed on the moon but I still remember it vividly. What a great day that was for the United States of America.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #33 – ridin the short bus

    Or a space suit or two…

  6. Uh Huh says:

    #21. Bubba, please don’t feed bobbo the troll. For some reason he is getting a kick out of tweaking EVERYONE these days.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    >> jbenson2 said, on July 20th, 2009 at 10:05 am
    >> It happened 40 years ago today
    >> Kennedy was formally charged with the death of Mary Jo Kopechne on July 20, 1969.

    Holy smokes, you conservatives never forget a liberal scandal, do you.

    Bush’s bogus war kills a few hundred thousand in Iraq and you guys let out a collective yawn.

    But a tragic accident with Ted Kennedy? You carp with glee about it for four decades.

    Oh, so you only care about the death of Americans in car mysterious accidents?

    How about Nov 6, 1963 when Laura Bush on clear night on a unobstructed road inexplicably ran a read light and killed Michael Douglas?

    There are several unexplained aspects to that story but I have never, EVER heard a conservative carp about it. Or even mention it. But not Ted Kennedy! You can’t shut up about that.

    Probably both were just tragic accidents.

    As for me, the hundreds of thousands needlessly dead Iraqis concern me more.

  8. Carcarius says:

    What an amazing feat of engineering. Those were the days.

  9. lens42 says:

    Check out at 6:48. There’s a “Planet of the Apes” face on the right side of the frame.

  10. jbellies says:

    #9 As it happened, “vision tv” played the conspiracy theory movie today. They (the main guy had a name beginning with a “Y”, but he wasn’t the only one) said most definitely that if hi-res photography showed the detritus (stages and lunar vehicles are larger than the pole and flag flapping in the breeze) that was left on the moon, they’d retract their allegations that the footage was faked.

    The movie also stated that a Japanese satellite would be taking high-res photos within a couple of years.

    This could be the only conspiracy theory upon which there will be closure!

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    jbellies…wishful thinking. 🙂 Photos of footprints won’t be enough for most of those nutjobs.

  12. Thomas says:

    A tragic accident? You mean like OJ killing his wife in a tragic accident? Not only was he cheating on his wife and killed his mistress and was drunk, he weaseled his way out of it by abandoning the scene of the crime and manipulating local law enforcement. If anyone should revel in the moon landing it is Kennedy because it drew attention away his reprehensible manslaughter. How can you possibly defend such vermin?

    By your logic, we should completely forget scum like Kennedy because after all look how many people died in Iraq, Korea, World War II, car accidents, auto-erotic asphyxiation…

    Your example of Laura Bush is a inane false analogy. She didn’t leave the scene of the crime. She didn’t first claim nothing had happened. She didn’t use her connections with law enforcement and the courts to sweep it under the rug. She didn’t let her passenger drown while she went and changed clothes etc.

  13. Toxic Asshead says:

    I’m with bobbo. Space is black. It’s always night in space.

  14. NancyDisgrace says:

    Please let me know of any stars (other then the sun) you spot on any ISS or Shuttle space walk photo.

    What happened to aerospace progress. 66 years from Kitty Hawk to moon walk. And now 40 years later, “We got the 2nd toilet working!”


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