Rival political parties in Sweden are split over the prospect of establishing a registry of women who have had abortions, party officials said.

Christian Democrats favor reporting the identities of women who have had abortions but the Moderate, Centre and Liberal parties oppose the move on integrity grounds, the Swedish News Agency reported.

Integrity from theocrats?

Anders Milton, who was commissioned by the government to investigate the issue, suggested inclusion of personal identification numbers of women who had an abortion because he said it would help in follow-up of complications and improve prevention.

“The register always awakes feelings of unease, but I definitely think the idea is worth a try,” Chatrine Palsson Ahlgren, Christian Democrat Member of Parliament said to the Svenska Dagbladet newspaper.

Gee. They could even make it mandatory for these women to sew little patches on their coats. It worked before.

  1. bobbo, a scientis AND a moralist says:

    Flat Worms can be taught to transverse a maze from start to goal AND this memory persists.

    Therefore–flat worms are babies? Or, flat worm babies should not be aborted?

    Somehow I forget the connection.

    JB==little help. What does the fact of 4 week memories mean?

  2. #30 – jbenson2,

    That doesn’t answer my question.

    Are you prepared to take responsibility for killing the women you force to carry to term?

    #28 – bobbo,

    Actually, I haven’t been spending nearly as much time on my blog. That was a good topic on it though, getting 53 replies, though many were from me of course. I can’t easily tell if that’s my top post by comment count, but it could be.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, Bobbo, the Dentist’s favorite kind of guy,

    only pro-lifers/anti individual decision type zealots call a fetus a baby.

    I’m off on a tangent here BUT …

    I’ve noticed that around here the anti-choice types have an extremely annoying habit of calling a fetus “it”. They always want to know what “it” is. They want to know when “it” is due. Has “it” been kicking much?

    I had a discussion with my ma-in-law that we were going to have baby. The fetus was not an “it”. The next week she was back to calling the baby “it” again. My wife and I called the fetus by the names we had chosen; my wife using the female name while I used the male name. Only after the birth did we discover the sex. But most assuredly, we discovered our new daughter was not an “it”.


  4. bobbo, recognizing the joke says:

    Alfie–only a very nasty man would stand under a uterus.

    What do you plan on doing while under there? Reach for the stars?

    Dirty old man mascarading as a child advocate. Beauty!

  5. #35 – Alfred1,

    Now we know where you want women … under your complete control. That was easy. I think all of us knew that about you already.

    How about you Alfie?

    Are you prepared to take responsibility for killing the women you force to carry to term?

  6. bobbo, thankful for extended conversations says:

    #35–Fusion==glad you kept talking because it sounded like you were having a baby with your ma-in-law. Only a WIDER CONTEXT saved you from that embarassment.

    WIDER CONTEXT. Yes, can save just about any discussion.

    Wasn’t that a song? “It, what is it?”

    I thought “it” was a gender neutral pronoun==EXACTLY what you are supposed to say when the gender of an it is not known?

    Are you calling for a new pronoun to refer to unborn children of unknown sex/affiliation/desires/potentials.

    Being ambiguous is always a choice–allowing people to project their own hopes and fears.

    I called my unborn kiddie “Einstein” for a while, but it didn’t help. Dog got jealous.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, Alphie,

    Once again UPI, AP, and the rest of Elite Media, prove how worthless their news offerings are…

    No context whatsover giving the reasons why such a registry is being requested.

    I don’t have time to research it, little interest in doing so anyway…

    Someone not only didn’t read the effen article, they don’t give a shit anyway.

    No doubt the Christian party has good reasons, secular reasons…but we won’t know from DU, or the media…one would have to take the time to look, and I’m not that interested.

    You don’t know because you didn’t read the article.

    Alphie, you’re an effen idiot. We know that. Quit showing us.

  8. bobbo, seeing you and raising one says:

    #41–Alfie==ok, how “could” having a registry be a good idea?

    Then, living in the real world, what would be some reasons against it?

    Then, weigh and contrast the competing ideas, social and individual pro’s and con’s, etc.

    Now, YOU said you wanted the registry so that you could avoid intercourse with aborting wymen. Could that possibly be one of their reasons?

    I did rtfa, but I was drinking coffee at the same time and completely forget what it said==almost exactly what the header says, as I faintly recall.

    Gosh, I don’t have the memory of a flat worm in a uterus. Maybe I should have a shower?

  9. Named says:

    35 AlfredENewman,

    “Personally, I’d like to know if the woman next to me was capable of snuffing out her unborn child…lets me know where I might stand if ever under her complete control, as was the infant.”

    For someone who derides a lack of context in the “liberal” media, you should make statements about actions that REQUIRE a WHOLE LOT of context to understand…

  10. #36 – Mr. Fusion,

    I’d agree with calling a fetus he or she. I do that with wildlife and pets as well. I certainly would never refer to a lion or a chimp or even a sparrow or mouse as it. In fact, I probably most often refer to dragonflies and spiders and other little creatures, at least the ones I as a speciesist like, as he or she.

    That said, fetuses are still not yet babies.

  11. bobbo, honored like a flea being noticed by god says:

    #44–Alfie==isn’t “Christian Democrat” pretty much the whole story?

    All Christians think exactly alike otherwise the name “Christian” would have no meaning. The Pope know this, I know this, YOU know this, we all know this, so why play games?

    You are a christian and you want the registry so that you know where you will stand should wymen having abortions ever take control of the government. I believe they are called the Party of Dead Babies, but I’m not sure.

    YOU are a Christian, all christians think alike. We don’t need no stinking statist liberal propaganda outlet to lie to us about tracking healthcare issues. Through YOU, the one and only righteous way, we know “why” the good Christians want this rule.

  12. Benjamin says:

    #11 Named, you did not address my point of who should make the laws in our country, the state legislatures or the judges.

    I only addressed the issue of Federalism/states rights. The abortion debate is still controversial; there is room to debate abortion at the state level.

    I do know that aborted fetuses are not paying their fair share of income tax and social security taxes. The shortages in social security are caused by aborted fetuses not paying their fair share.

  13. bobbo, trying to help says:

    #49–Benji==laws are an interaction between the three branches of government. Only willfully or actually ignorant people post as you do.

    I mean this in good will. Simply but erroneously stated the Supreme Court has said in the first three months of pregnancies, women all over the USA have a right to abort. After that, as viability of the fetus becomes more sure, that absolute right becomes more subject to a growing interest of the government (both State and Federal) in interfering with individual decisions.

    Surely you can handle the complexities of more than one variable? An interaction of competing interests?

    Roe v Wade is a very interesting court case to read. Course then you can’t discuss abortion issues with the zealots surrounding you.

  14. Alfie you total whacko!!

    So you would treat a woman as you would a felon for something that is a perfectly legal procedure?

    Do you hate women that much?

    I thought you once stated that you believe in separation of church and state. How do you justify that view in light of this one?

    You have just stated that your own religious view of when life begins should be law. You are a total hypocrite.

    Remember, Jesus/God/Yahweh never said anything against abortion. You are putting words into god’s mouth. He’s going to zap you for eternity for doing so. There will be much gnashing of teeth.

    Be afraid … be very afraid.

  15. bobbo, amused says:

    #51–Alfie==onward Christian soldier!!!!

    SMITE those divils.

    Actually, it doesn’t matter what any group says/thinks they mean by legislation. What matters is what “we” the people think about it.

    For myself, I think ALL health matters should be tracked with appropriate non-mandatory services being made known and available for all those wishing to partake.

    Thats the ideal. Recognizing there are idiot Christians out there who will visit gods judgment on violaters of their various faiths, for now, people should be given the OPTION of providing what information they wish to be tracked with.

    Freedom and Regulation can be accommodated until the Jesus Freaks are staked.

  16. bobbo, just wondering says:

    Alfie==are you actually an aborted fetus? Lots of innocent kiddies/adults are hurt/killed/tortured/violated every day, why the concentration on this sub category?

    Isn’t it all part of gods plan and if he cared that much, wouldn’t he save each fetus rather than send them to hell as never having been baptised?

    Its so complicated Alfie. Please give us the bibble passage that makes this so clear to you.

    “Thou shalt learn to hate all those who disagree with what you think I want.”

  17. Cursor_ says:

    #6 Greg, yeah I changed my mind.

    I used to be all out for abortion when I was younger.

    But now I am not for abortion in the case of rape and incest. I’ve come to think that the child shouldn’t automatically be put on the chop just because the women or girl was molested or raped.

    Now if you get it before it starts recognisable brain activity it doesn’t matter to me.

    What we really need is a law that states life and death ends with brain activity.


  18. #54 – Alfred1,

    You are a very fearful person … and a complete and blithering idiot.

    I know women who have aborted their fetuses. I even know a couple who are practicing Catholics who have had an abortion (the wife, not the husband, though they were married and discussed it together.)

    They are normal and good and decent human beings.

    Not being one yourself, I’m sure you’ll find that very hard to believe.

  19. #55 – Alfred1,

    What you have just described is Intact Dilation and Extraction, a very uncommonly performed procedure that makes up approximately 0.17% of all abortions.

    That you use this as your example of abortion goes to show how biased and evil you actually are.

    I wouldn’t want you anywhere near me in the dark or even in full broad daylight.

    I would bet you are highly capable of murdering a heretic. I wouldn’t put anything past you or anyone else who has God on their side and knows without any doubt that everything they do is always Right.

    You scare me. You (and your ilk) are the reason I blog anonymously.

  20. #55 – Alfred1,

    What you have just described is Intact Dilation and Extraction (IDX), a very uncommonly performed procedure that makes up approximately 0.17% of all abortions.


    That you use this as your example of abortion goes to show how biased and evil you actually are.

    I wouldn’t want you anywhere near me in the dark or even in full broad daylight.

    I would bet you are highly capable of murdering a heretic. I wouldn’t put anything past you or anyone else who has God on their side and knows without any doubt that everything they do is always Right.

    You scare me. You (and your ilk) are the reason I blog anonymously.

  21. Zybch says:

    I just wish that retrospective abortion was legal…
    There are too many idiots in this world that should never have been born.

  22. Dallas says:

    I have always been fearful of Christians behind me after reading their list of torture devices.

  23. bobbo, how come reading this blog isn't listed says:

    #61–Dallas==gruesome. Interesting that waterboarding makes the list. How advanced they were.

    So==Alfie==what punishment would you like to see the law dish out to these offending wymen?

    For myself, I would give each aborting Mom a $5,000 check. We need fewer nitwits on this earth, $5000 per would be cheap even if some wymen would get preggers just to get the cash. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad either?

  24. 5 Days says:

    I think it is in the public interest to know who has had an abortion. I don’t want to get sucked into having sex with any woman that has aborted a fetus and a registry would help prevent more unwanted pregnancies this way. If public monies are used it is even more in the public interest.

  25. qb says:

    #63 5 Days said: “I don’t want to get sucked into having sex with any woman…”

    Or maybe you could take some personal responsibility and your actions?

  26. bobbo, no reader of Dostoievsky says:

    Somewhat/almost related: newscast about the guy in florida who might get charge with “something” for having a pet python that got out and crushed his baby.

    What is the appropriate “punishment?”

    Am I just a big ol’ softie thinking that the loss of the baby is punishment enough? Does the same notion apply to aborting Mom’s? My mother had an abortion years ago and still cries on the anniversary of my brothers birth/death. She says she would still do it over, still cries.

    Maybe I just don’t like babies? Or maybe just “your” babies?

    That list of torture devices really could include having to attend church?

  27. KingTester says:

    In response to #21’s comment, go to that link for this comment.

    I would love to debate you on this topic. You say abortions are fine due to the quoted death rates of women that go full term. Your stats may be correct but you are avoiding the issue. You must first answer the question “What is the unborn?” if it is not human then kill it, no problem, no justification is needed. If it is human then no justification is adequate.

    As for the argument by others between what constitutes a fetus vs. a baby they are one in the same, traveling 8 inches down a birth canal does not change the nature of the fetus/baby it only changes the location in proximity of the mother.

    Scientifically baby in the womb:
    – has unique DNA, even as small as a few cells
    – is alive and growing
    – is human by nature (see embryology)
    – While not fully developed has all of the parts to fully mature. (Don’t confuse construction with design)
    – Life is not measured by size
    – is a result of specific external events thus not an accident.
    **All of these reasons equally apply to a 3 year old and you wouldn’t kill an unwanted 3 year old.

    Some may say the only reason an abortion may be justifiable is if the baby goes full term and will definitely kill the mother with close to 100% certainty. In this instance a life is being saved (the mother). Personally I must admit that I’m not entirely satisfied with that scenario but that I all that I can come up with right now.

    Note I have not brought religion into this conversation at all. I’m just drawing logical conclusions based on the some elements of biology including DNA and embryology.

    Now that the nature of the unborn has been brought into the open, the unborn is human; no justification is adequate for abortion, not even the stats that you offer.

    Abortions usually occur by some justification by the mother. I can not think of any place in the animal kingdom where this occurs other than humans. So I’m not sure how Darwin’s theory would apply or be brought into the discussion

    Picture this, you are standing a sink doing some dishes and your son or daughter walks up behind you and says, “Can I kill this?” You would not answer in the affirmative or negative unless you turned around and saw exactly the object of that question. If it were a mosquito you may say go ahead, if it were the neighbors cat then you are more apt to say no. You first had to ascertain the nature of the thing being killed.

  28. #63 – 5 Days,

    Those of us who take responsibility for our actions (i.e. use birth control) do not share your opinion. Perhaps you should consider using a condom … or getting a vasectomy. That way, you wouldn’t have to worry about having your mini-mes aborted.

  29. #64 – qb,

    Great minds fall into the same gutter. I hadn’t read your post when I replied in a similar way.


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