I’ll be president of Europe if you give me the power – Blair | The Guardian — WTF??

Tony Blair has been holding discussions with some of his oldest allies on how he could mount a campaign later this year to become full-time president of the EU council, the prestigious new job characterised as “president of Europe”. Blair, currently the Middle East envoy for the US, Russia, EU and the UN, has told friends he has made no final decision, but is increasingly willing to put himself forward for the job if it comes with real powers to intervene in defence and trade affairs.

  1. Jägermeister says:


  2. martfin says:

    Well as a brit leaving here in the US all I can say is that is all he ever wanted. Why do you think he sided with Bush on Iraq. Of course that backfired on him and based on what my dad tells me there is not many Brits that want to see he become El President of Europe. In fact most Brits don’t even want to be part of Europe. Viva La President, but hopefully not Blair.

  3. Palooka says:

    Is Tony the antichrist or does he have to be Europresident and the Pope?

  4. SparkyOne says:

    Featuring GWB, playing the part of Prince Charming, with Dick Che

  5. RSweeney says:

    Talk about rising past the level of one’s incompetence!

  6. sargasso says:

    His only problem is his record of complete, immediate and shameless acquiescence to American foreign policy. Putting EU armies under his control will make them the lowest paid divisions of the US Army, destroy the European weapons industry and make European troops the unwilling machine gun fodder of the Pentagon.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    He’s qualified. Look how well he did as UK Prime Minister.

  8. alexT says:

    I thought this position was part of the Lisbon treaty that has not be ratified…

  9. Jim says:

    *shrug* I strongly doubt he’d be elected, he’s not exactly loved by billions.

    Oh John, take a look at the pcworld “browser speed tests” article they just put out. Am I alone in thinking they really don’t understand how to test anything to do with the internet? “we tested each site 10 times” Really. When I was load testing an oracle solution I tested with 7500 simulated users, with 2 minute, 5 minute and 10 minute test scripts, each done 100 times to get my statistics.

    So does ANYONE test anything properly these days?


  10. ridin the short bus says:

    The powers that be..WILL get the Lisbon treaty in place, no matter what transpires, the inconsistencies of ratification ranging from 1 leaders stroke of the pen to a vote on the treaty is the first concern, but the Belgium boys (and girls) will get their way. Unfortunately it will always be guys like Sarkozy that will want the Job, for the mere power of the position, Blair may be a little better suited for the job, but of 360 Million people, no one else is avaliable for the Job? So Britian, France, germany will still dominate Europe, What was said recently? They are already acting upon the “Lisbon Principls” this alows them to disregard the ratification anyway… Its just he irish who actually get a say. Good Luck Europe. 🙂 Soon Belgium will control everthing from Lisbon to Donetsk (Ukraine will eventaually be in EU.) One may ask why Ukraine… My answer is they have tooo much farmland.. and cheap labor, for a time. Like Poland. The EU is always at odds with the Farmers.

  11. Johan says:

    Awesome if my tweet actually got through to you and Adam Curry for once. 🙂

    Well, this is scary. The last thing we need is a president of the EU. It’s ridiculous, and it would be laughable, if only it wasn’t so damn tragic.

  12. Mac Guy says:

    #2 – I don’t think his support for Iraq is an example of how to win followers. France and Germany shuffled their feet for a long time on that issue.

    Damn pansies…

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    He is too tainted by Bush and his conversion to Catholicism to be voted dog catcher.

    His best bet would be to go on the lecture circuit and take lots of money from right wing crowd.

  14. ridin the short bus says:

    Mr Fusion, Ineresting he is labelled right wing… he was the Labor part leader.. or Liberal side of the house… Imagine how pal-ey the UK would have been with washington, if the Tories had been in power with Bush.

  15. brendal says:

    “It’s a funny old world.” – Margaret Thatcher

  16. deowll says:

    If you live in the EU this is important. If you don’t live in the EU…

  17. Johan says:

    Government just seem can’t to get smaller. Heck it can’t even stay as big as it is, it has to keep growing. This is insane. These politicians have excellent lives, why can’t they leave us the f*ck alone just once?

    Also, people outside the EU should beware of this too. Why do you think they want to do it? They want to be a super power, and you know what? As economics is right now, they have as good of a chance as anyone else.

  18. amodedoma says:

    Yeah right, the brits didn’t want to be part of the euro but they’re gonna have this clown as president of europe. Tithead reality check!


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