This could be the ideal job for you!

Balloonology not your cup of tea? How about being a librarian:

Help for men:

Now, for the ladies:

Still not found your niche? There’s always…

  1. ruffy says:

    For the love of Pete, please don’t become a librarian! There’s a huge surplus and they pay sucks.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    Blake got his job

    a draft and he was on his way


  3. The0ne says:

    I have a distant cousin, I suppose, that works as a librarian and he’s making over $20/hr. Better than retails and fast food 🙂 Of course he’s been there for years and years, but hey if you’re just there hanging around why complain 😀

    The porn clip is freaky. Well, seeing most of those pron girls and women talk is freaky to me. They’re like zombies to me. You can see the light bulb barely breaking through. I know it sounds sarcastic and all but I’m not trying to be :/

  4. Ron Larson says:

    The depression era “Now For The Ladies” clip is interesting. The mention the scam of getting country girls to pay an agency to pretty much work as a slave in NYC is like the modern human trafficking. I can’t help but wonder if the term “clip joint” is a 1930’s polite way of saying “brothel”.

  5. Rich says:

    Cynthia Hire (Hyer?) is remarkably hot even in her plum neo-Victorian dress. I like the big hair on the other women also. So are these Canadians? Mormons? Canadian Mormons? Or are they from another planet? I like that place and wish to visit there.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: Too young to remember the 80’s?

  7. GF says:

    Let me teellll you about the fascinating world of Amway! First, let me tell you that Procter and Gamble was created by Satan and his minions. So, you’ll be fighting the forces of evil and cleaning up the world one cup of soap at a time just like Jesus! The 3 CENT PROFIT you make off every super deluxe soap box proves you know what’s right and that you’re doing your part to make heaven on Earth! Now get out there and be a super duper disciple of Amway!

  8. Charliehorse 43 says:

    “clip joint” means a barber shop or what it meant were I grew up.

  9. Lowis Lane says:

    I can remember 80`s not very well because I was a child, but I remember it.

  10. Zybch says:

    There you go John. If the tech journalism work ever dries up you could always become a porno star.

  11. Palooka says:

    In the 80’s everybody who handled balloons were required by federal law to have a perm. Balloon reform enacted during the Bush I presidency repealed the regulation when it was found that mixing helium and perm chemicals caused permanent hair discoloring. Unfortunately it was too late for many clowns.

  12. Rich says:

    No, I remember the 80’s but didn’t want to assume.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Palooka,

    Ah yes, good times. I remember that well. So many of today’s Televangelists got their start peddling balloons.


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