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The longstanding ban on use of federal AIDS grant funds to support needle exchange programs will soon be history, if the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services of the House Committee on Appropriations has its way. Led by Rep. David Obey (D-WI), the subcommittee left the language which has imposed the ban these many years out of the new bill. According to Obey’s office:
This bill deletes the prohibition on the use of funds for needle exchange programs. Scientific studies have documented that needle exchange programs, when implemented as part of a comprehensive prevention strategy, are an effective public health intervention for reducing AIDS/AIV infections and do not promote drug use. The judgment we make is that it is time to lift this ban and let State and local jurisdictions determine if they want to pursue this approach…
President Obama pledged during his primary campaign to eliminate the ban. Legislation allows the president to do so if certain scientific findings are made, specifically that needle exchange programs do not increase community drug use levels, and do reduce the spread of HIV. These findings were made long ago, and the Clinton administration acknowledged them, but declined to eliminate the ban…
Elimination of the ban will neither increase nor decrease the amount of money the federal government spends on AIDS prevention, at least not directly. What it will do is allow state governments who receive federal AIDS grants to choose whether or not to spend some of that money on needle exchange. Those states which are in the habit of using scientific evidence to guide their policies will undoubtedly support needle exchange.
We have states using scientific evidence? Where? Wha? Who?
#25, sound,
Their has been a cheap, non-toxic, drug free *patented* cure for HIV/AIDS since the 90’s that is intentionally suppressed (like just about every other “cheap cure”)
That cure is called: Blood electrification
And the whole idea is what is called bullshit.
The claim that proof is required before a patent is granted is simply wrong. You only need show that the idea works and a working model (where applicable) can be or has been constructed. The granting of a patent is no guarantee that the products even works let alone the efficacy or safety of that product.
Second the idea that electrolysis will destroy all the bacteria / viruses is also bull. If it did it would also destroy your living cells and kill you. You also have far more beneficial bacteria in your body then you will ever have harmful bacteria.
If you wish to depend upon con artists to “cure” your illnesses then go for it. So far all I could see checking this out are the usual conspiracy sites but no actual proof, ie studies, or even reputable sites promoting it.
Remember, the more extreme the claim, the more flashing lights it has, and the dingier the basement, the more likely it is a fraud.
So if clean needles are so important, why aren’t the druggies buying them, along with their illegal drugs?
This is why the states should be doing most of the taxation, and the Feds doing significantly less. State and local governments provide most of the services in this country, but the federal government takes a lions share of the tax money and then doles it back out with stupid strings attached.
#32 Fusion,
for one, -lol i sounded EXACTLY like you when i stumbled onto this several years ago. i could have signed that as my own response, word for word, and would not have changed a a thing. -esp when your toying with your health.
(initially, i was just browsing around for something help with chronic pain..to cut down my [over the top] use of opiate pain killers, actually. ran across this by accident)
There is a pillar of research and usage in this field that is much older than the patent. sadly, almost all of it is outside the U.S.
(in fact, one company was granted a Class II Medical Device License from Health Canada for a blood electrification device.)
As i stated, the Russians did a lot of homework in this field. i also found that variants of this type of medicine has been use in clinics in a few European countries for over 40 years.
I spent the better part of a year looking into all aspects of it and finally decided it’ll be a cheap lesson chalked up as internet hoax if it amounts to nothing. however, all that i read on the subject indicated otherwise. -i was amazed at how well it works, let alone that it worked at all.
Everyone i turn it on to has also been quite amazed with it’s results and several, either built their own units or purchased pre-made ones. the others just borrow mine.
Trust me, all of those who use it and other parts of the protocol were extremely skeptical when i explained it to them. -typically, they thought i was nuts for even entertaining the idea.
An oversimplified way i can explain one aspect of it, is that it’s just a matter of economy of scale. viruses on average are hundred of times smaller than human blood cells. one might posit that it would take a hundred times less current to negatively effect a viral cell than a human blood cell. -i feel this is in part, the basis of how it functions. (that is my opinion -and (a small part) of what compelled me to try it, -along with my basic knowledge of electronics and harmonics)
You have to do the research yourself to even begin to accept it as possibility. simply applying logic (which is how i operate) won’t cut it. when they say “it’s the journey, not the destination” wow, what an understatement.
Simply, there is so much we are not taught about, or even exposed to here in America, that without having further knowledge on the subject at hand, even the most learned of peoples would have no choice but come to the same conclusion as you did. (as did i upon first examination)
Having a lot of time on my hands lately, (and it being science in nature -my favorite subject) i decided to dig deep into the “why & how” of it.
I learned a boatload of stuff along the way and also found that many things i was taught (that were made out as to be extremely complex) were in fact, the complete opposite.
Anyway, in light of (lots of) new evidence i had to go back and re-asses many things and even change the way i think. (which is very hard for things that are “core” to your nature. kinda like asking a leopard to rearrange it’s spots) however, since it’s just really thoughts we’re dealing with here, it’s not impossible. (i know some might bark at that comment, but there it is)
I have been discovering there are very different and relatively simple methods for doing and understanding many things [not just medicine] out there that the “western civilizations” do not know of or completely ignore. -some of which has been overcomplicated for no good reason.
Bottom line, I have had repeated outstanding results with this technology and there is plenty of “real” science to back it up. It’s just that 99% of it is not in this country.
If you think our congress has been letting us down as of late, wait until you discover how much of our science has been bastardized.
Take the journey. Hardest part is unlearning some things you previously thought were written in stone.
Best to research with “child’s eyes”
Some fascinating things to discover, -if you take the initiative.
Common sense wins again. The GOP had insinuated that druggies inject for the free needles.
its like saying you are an alcoholic because the bar hands out nice pilsner glasses.
#35, soundwash,
I don’t care how much research you discovered. If none of it is verifiable, it ain’t worth squat. Remember, anecdotal evidence is seldom what it seems and does not, in itself, indicate a trend or even a fact.
If blood electrification could kill viruses then we would be using it. If it also killed bacteria, then we would never use it. Don’t forget, viruses are smaller than bacteria, if you filtered out the viruses, you would also be filtering out the blood cells and all the other good stuff in the blood.
HIV manifests itself, and does most of its damage in the intestines, not the blood stream. “Cleansing the blood” would not clear the infection anymore than changing a pus soaked bandage will heal a deep wound infection.
You post that there is a lot of evidence, but I don’t see it. It appeared that most of the sites commenting were parroting the same information. The word “conspiracy” was used quite commonly.
This appears to be either a scam or complete con job. take your pick.
#37 Fusion [your] ignorance is bliss i guess given how cheap any therapy of this kind is (maybe $50 tops a patient) there is no way in hell it would be used. esp since no drugs are involved.
(you can run it all off 9v or 12v batteries if you cared to -it works in part, because it’s only using about 50uA (billionths of an amp)
for viral entities in places where blood does not flow, you hit it with 27kilogauss magnetic pulses.-creates back-EMF eddie currents which disable the viruses in the
same matter. (all single celled organisms, etc)
80%+ of what i researched was from research papers. -portions were from translated russian docs.
After reading a book called The Body Electric (robert o becker – nobel prize guy) -i took cues from that and found it all panned out.
I only explored research that was an extension (or lead to) Beck and Becker’s work.
what I PDF’d on my website is mostly from 2007. when i just started exploring it it was in 2008 that i started to find research data and i never bothered to update my site because like you, most people don’t even want to talk about. they just dismiss it as bullshit.
like they say, you can lead a horse to water..
as an aside..Becker observed he could cause the cells that create scar tissue to dedifferentiate into blank slates (stem cells) by applying low volt/low current silver rods
directly to wounds. he developed a silver impregnated nylon mesh coupled with the current to regenerate tissue etc.
no doubt this will be propped up soon as a “new discovery” now that dr. becker died last year..and that obama lifted the stem cell ban.
Look, I have no problem with your ignorance. believe what you want. -just trying to get you to expand your mind a bit.
i have first hand results on myself, my family and my g/f getting rid of her cervical cancer with this technology. -and eradicating prior cervical scars from tumors being froze off to boot.
I KNOW it works because i’ve tried it and seen its effects on others.
The technology is sound. i’m sure you’ll be hearing about by next year if all this pandemic crap pans out this winter. it’s one of the few things that could knock it out in short order.
maybe if you had some electrical engineering knowledge, you might understand better.
nonetheless, mark my words, of all the debates we’ve had, this is one you’ll be eating your hat over within a year, 3 years at most.
it’s leaking out all over the place.
for a start, why don’t you look up Who Dr. Robert O. Becker was and what his double Nobel prize work was about.. Body electric and Cross Currents are two books that would enlighten you to the reality of electrical medicine..and why it continues to be suppressed.. after that look at ALL of Dr. Robert C. Beck’s work. -esp his brain research
stop wasting your time arguing with the lemmings here and learn something for a change.
It will be well worth your time. -trust me. i may suck at politics, but science i know, learn (and relearn) very well.
i have left a plethora of clues and keywords in this entire thread to enable anyone with curiosity and an open mind to find a valid, completely different way of doing medicine that has been in practice in other countries for a long time.
you only need to take your blinders off.