Found by Justin Vincent.

  1. bobbo, knowing when he's out of his depth says:

    If we use game theory, does the stock market come out as

    1. Chess
    2. Checkers
    3. Blind Man’s Bluff
    4. Three Card Monty

    – – – – – ? – – – – – –

    How many floating turds do you have to see before you don’t swim in a cess pool?

    Information savvy investors in “anything” need to know.

  2. father time says:

    And Little Bush wanted to take Social Security contributions and put them in the stock market?

    The change Obama has brought is only skin deep!

  3. sargasso says:

    Max Keiser, man of action. An analyst who wants a return to a gold standard for international trade, rather than the present system of calm smiles and warm handshakes. It was fun, thanks for the posting.

  4. echeola says:

    Look at this article in Rolling Stone that claims every bubble since the Great Depression.

  5. Animal Mother says:

    Max Keiser is an idiot in the Glenn Beck mold. Starving people in America? There are no starving people in America.

  6. RRD says:

    to #5

    You are correct in that Glen Beck is an idiot. But then you say yourself “There are no starving people in America” That’s a Glen Beck statement if ever I heard one. And a patently false and misinformed one at that.

  7. RRD says:

    Oh and I almost forgot – very great article link echeola #4 Thank you , now if only even 1% of the public would read it, but sadly the bubble maker will go on.

  8. deowll says:

    #5 There are food banks in every community. There are people who go to bed hungry at night in every community except maybe the gated communities. If you aren’t aware of this and donating then you are not a very caring person. Yeah I do understand you want the government to take care of it so you can be feel “good” while being indifferent to the needs of others.

    Max may be crazy but when you start looking the White House has a shocking number of people with ties to one company and that company isn’t Walmart. Congress, both parties, have an awful lot of ties with the same company. It does look like Goldman Sacks has to be regarded as a major player and part owner of the American Government.

  9. soundwash says:

    #5 must be one of those government PsyOp trolls you hear about..they’d be about the only ones left that would still hold a contrary view on this issue.


    …Max Rocks! -been a long time fan of his. saw this yesterday. he never disappoints.

    Now, if only we could somehow get him on the 5am and 6pm news to do a 3 minute piece every day, maybe people would wake the F up..

    one has to wonder when this is all going to implode on the TPTB’s. seems more and more people are no longer holding their tongues on this stuff.

    btw, for those not in the know, Max runs an outstanding website that hosts the economic data & opinions of some 100+ market analysts at The Market Oracle.

    it’s virtually one stop shopping for geting the *real* low down on every aspect of the economies.

    -it even has trolls like #5 to keep the brainwashed masses happy as well as provide, *cough* -balance.

    and for some personal pimping, i pick out my favorite [mainly] economic articles from marketoracle and several other sites and post’em on my google reader link.

    -get a thick umbrella, only about 4 months left before the s*** hits the fan.


  10. Greg Allen says:

    We need a constitutional amendment stripping corporations of person hood status.

    I’m not against corporations — but only if they benefit REAL human society.

  11. Animal Mother says:

    Hey rrd,

    Where are all these Americans dropping dead from starvation? Show me one, just one, news article about starving Americans. Just one article. It’s not much to ask.

    Just one.

  12. Animal Mother says:

    #8, food banks do not equate starvation.

    Still waiting for those reports on starving Americans…

  13. justanotherbrother says:

    Great post. This is why I love France24.

  14. dexton7 says:

    Through their many tentacles, the ‘bankers’ including governments that they ‘own’, are likely to be the biggest crime syndicate in recorded history. They are the king makers, they create awful legislation and laws through their bought-off political proxies (effectively their whores) and we are effectively their slaves. Go and try to protest the Federal Reserve that ‘cannot be audited and are above government’ sometime and see how they treat you. It will be worse than you get treated at the airport for sure by the TSA… (duh – like a slave). Is that fiat money in your pocket? Did half of your 401k disappear? How much do you pay in total taxes to ‘the bank’? Are these painfully high taxes being used to improve life for the common citizen (slave) or is it being used to surveil, harass, and lower your standard of living? Is it being used to steal our constitutional rights and our prosperity? It seems that way to me. I guess they do have smiles and warm handshakes as they gleefully destroy our future and the future of the next generation. The big banks have too much power and they ARE corrupted absolutely. Max is just freaking out because he has to realize this fact every single day as most of the world sleeps and dream that the wolves will save us.

  15. Ravi Patel says:

    Wow, really let ’em have it, huh?

  16. Tim Yates says:

    from the Rolling Stone article sited by #4

    an extremely unfortunate loophole in the system of Western democratic capitalism, which never foresaw that in a society governed passively by free markets and free elections, organized greed always defeats disorganized democracy.

    Why do these writers continue to think the US operates in a Free Market, we do not. The loopholes are the “regulations and laws” pushed through by the likes of Goldman Sachs that prevent us from having a Free Market.

    Hong Kong is as close as it gets to a Free Market in this world.

  17. Don Quixote says:

    Don’t trust the Frog! Remember it was DeGaull repaying America for saving his country for him by emptying the gold from Fort Knox. That was when the dollar became just another piece of paper.

  18. ArianeB says:

    #10 Agreed!

    Corporations are not people and should not be treated as such.

    Corporations should not be allowed to get so big that they are “too big to fail”. In the past Corporations were only allowed to be in one business sector at a time. We should use that as a guide to break up every megacorporation that is “too big to fail”. Major military contractors should not be allowed to own major TV networks, for example.

    Corporations should not be allowed to contribute any money in any way to any political campaign. This includes “issue” campaigns.

    Governments, local state and federal, should have the option to yank business licenses of corporations in their jurisdictions that are not acting in the public good. “Fines” can be dismissed as a cost of doing business, but they still need business licenses to legally operate.

  19. Milo says:

    I wonder sometimes how YouTube rates things. This video has had some 60 000 hits in the last 12 hours but apparently it isn’t “popular”!

  20. jopa says:

    Both of them are right.
    Before we had the economic hit-man and now we have the economic terrorist, AKA Goldman Sachs and the rest of these banks.

    We must find a good system that is based on actual economy.

  21. chuck says:

    I think Stalin may have been right: most problems can be solved with a bullet in the head.

    In this case, let’s just round up everyone who has ever worked at Goldman-Sachs, all current employees, and anyone who has ever sent their resume to Goldman-Sachs (just to be sure) and then shoot them.

    Not that I would ever advocate violence. (That would be wrong. wrong!!)

  22. RRD says:

    #11 Animal Mother,

    Starvation is defined as a severe reduction in vitamin, nutrient, and energy intake. Where is ‘death’ a requirement for starvation? where in any of this topic is ‘death’ even mentioned, except by you?

    As for the true meaning starvation applies to many many Americans (Pick up any paper on any given day and you can read about it as you requested.) and the number is growing, people are not dieing so much as losing their means of sustaining a healthy diet. Lack of essential nutriants is the fist step.

  23. RRD says:

    #11 Animal Mother, aka glen beck jr

    Starvation is defined as a severe reduction in vitamin, nutrient, and energy intake. Where is ‘death’ a requirement for starvation? where in any of this topic is ‘death’ even mentioned, except by you?

    As for the true meaning starvation applies to many many Americans (Pick up any paper on any given day and you can read about it as you requested.) and the number is growing, people are not dieing so much as losing their means of sustaining a healthy diet. Lack of essential nutriants is the fist step.

  24. RRD,

    Still waiting…

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    Geeze this is tiring. Don’t claim you know the definition of a word when you only want us to agree with YOUR idea.

    [starving, starved]
    1. to die from lack of food
    2. to deliberately prevent (a person or animal) from having any food
    3. Informal to be very hungry: we’re both starving
    4. starve of to deprive (someone) of something needed: the heart is starved of oxygen
    5. starve into to force someone into a specified state by starving: an attempt to starve him into submission
    (American Heritage Dictionary)

    Animal mother, please don’t feed the trolls.

  26. Mr. Fusion says:

    If Keisner didn’t throw around conspiracy theories as if they were candy he might have more credibility. And he does sound like Glenn Beck, Boss Limpdick and Bill O rolled into one.

  27. brendal says:

    Apparently none of you has driven through the Deep South – your ignorance is showing.

  28. RRD says:

    #25 Mr Fusion

    Sorry about that, I got my definition from the World Health Organization. Sorry for using a more humanistic and sensible definition as pertains to this topic.

    I agree Keisner is not credible when he yammers on about conspiracy’s. I was only talking about the hunger issue in the USA.

    How am I a troll? my definition of starvation being not up to your standards? or my calling Animal Mother aka Glen beck jr. that last was a mistake hench the two posts, sorry. One last point, if you don’t feed the trolls won’t they starve? I suppose in that case that’s the result wanted though.

    #24 Animal Mother

    As for death by hunger I was not saying that it is in the news all the time in my previous post, starvation is indeed but not death by starvation.

    Death by starvation in the USA would be a shame on Americans. Any death certificates would most likely say ‘malnutrition’, ‘undernourished’, ‘dehydrated’, etc. Much as they did in the great depression for example and admitted to doing to save face.

  29. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, RRD

    if you don’t feed the trolls won’t they starve?

    Only until they get hungry enough to move elsewhere.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    #28, RRD

    Death by starvation in the USA would be a shame on Americans. Any death certificates would most likely say ‘malnutrition’, ‘undernourished’, ‘dehydrated’, etc.

    I think the word you want is “hunger”. But I would really like to see how many Obituaries you could find in the past year where the American died from starvation.

    Malnutrition and undernourished do not cause death. They usually contribute to some other disease that does cause the death. Dehydration does cause death and can (and does) occur in very healthy and fit individuals.


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