The following phone call is what prompted the above.

Why do right wing entertainers like Beck and Rush have to rant like crazy people? Is there some psychological quirk that conservatives only pay attention when when they’re yelled at?

  1. Great American says:

    “Is there some psychological quirk that conservatives only pay attention when when they’re yelled at?”

    What? Speak up sonny…you’re mumbling.


    Much better. The answer is yes.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Beck is nearly insane. Which makes him fun to watch.

  3. ECA says:

    Problem in OUR system of health care..
    Most of the equipment is so expensive its ridiculous.
    the middle men, the HMO, the product distributors for supplies..

    If you mess’d up, GO BACK IN and fix it.

  4. qb says:

    Democrats used to be the whiny ones. It gets really ugly when rich white people start whining.

  5. Cephus says:

    It’s not just cost, it’s ambulance-chasing lawyers who sue at the drop of a hat and doctors who can’t afford to sit in a courtroom paying off, thus necessitating the massive cost to pay the ludicrous malpractice insurance premiums. It’s the fact that government programs refuse to pay the costs they are mandated to pay. Medicare and MediCal and even private insurance pay 10% of the cost. That just means that the hospitals raise the cost of a $200 procedure to $2000 so they get paid back for it.

    The system is broken, you can’t fix it without a complete overhaul, but socialized medicine is not the answer. Taking out all the conmen is.

  6. Wump says:

    Glenn has always been more fun on the radio. On the TV it just doesn’t translate right. He has always been a freak.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    Uncle Dave – nice try to buttonhole comservatives.

    Take off your blinders and try to off some balanced commentary for a change.

    Check out Olbermann, MSNBC, Daily Kos, anti-war protesters, and the Code pink wackos.

  8. The0ne says:

    Someone needs to shoot this guy and soon. This guy is pretty freaky and I wouldn’t be surprise dangerous. Unlike Rush, this guy really does have major issues.

  9. conjuror says:

    a lottery to see a doctor? Here in Canada? lol
    Whatever, keep lying to your base and stay the freak out of Canada.

  10. qb says:

    #7 benson2 said

    “Uncle Dave – nice try to buttonhole comservatives.”

    He’s trying to grasp them by the lapel and speak earnestly to them?

  11. Mr bok choy says:

    Rush,Jr. nuff said

  12. Dr. K says:

    If you don’t like what Beck has to say, then don’t listen. I understand that with the Fairness Doctrine, free speech may be coming to an end. But for now, it’s nice to know that options that differ from the administration are being broadcast.

    To tell the truth, I never had much faith in the media. Working in a state agency, I’ve seen the inside of some stories and how they were changed to make them fit the agenda of the media. I have little faith that any inspection of the massive amount of spending being proposed will take place in the media. Perhaps Beck, and his ilk, are trying to wake the masses from this Obama haze we’re in.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Olo Baggins of Bywater – Beck is nearly insane.

    Years of drug abuse.

  14. cornholer says:

    Beck was 1005 correct. The stupid ass liberal on the phone was funny as hell. How can someone be so damn stupid…

  15. Brandon says:

    People don’t pay attention to news talk shows so they can get informed. People tune because they want to be entertained. If information is passed while that happens, so much the better, but entertainment is key.

    That’s why Air America flounders (see: their 2006 bankruptcy) and Rush remains the force to be reckoned with, why Fox News dominates cable rating as MSNBC and CNN jockey for position. (If you aren’t willing to take my word for it, do your research. Nielsen ratings don’t lie.)

    Of course, it could also be that ranting is fun, and is a good way to relieve the stress brought on by being so misrepresented and misunderstood by the dolts that comprise the ranks of your detractors, when all you really want is to be understood, and to let your positions stand for themselves.

    Now, commence with the flaming.

  16. faxon says:

    I don’t even know what he is talking about, because the thing is so damn annoying I could not listen to it for more than 12 seconds. Sorry if anybody else is too dumb to turn it off.

  17. jescott418 says:

    I think Beck would get his point across better if he would tone his ranting down a bit.
    People won’t take you seriously if they think your a nut job. Where are the moderates?
    All we have anymore is extreme left or right.

  18. Great American says:


    “Someone needs to shoot this guy and soon. This guy is pretty freaky and I wouldn’t be surprise dangerous. Unlike Rush, this guy really does have major issues.”

    HE has issues? Apparently you do too if you want someone to “shoot this guy”.

    Get some help if you’re that angry at someone you disagree with…

  19. qb says:

    Limbaugh is the ultimate narcissist, and he’s darn good at it. I’m impressed at his skill at getting millions of idiots (from both sides of the political spectrum) to tune into him every week.

    Glenn Beck is the new breed of whining, loser, right wing nut. He’ll be a fad.

    Remember, what these guys actually care about is being the center of attention, even more than being rich. Real conservatives, and libertarians, cringe when they see Sarah Palin. These guys love her because it fuels their ratings.

  20. Mr, Fusion says:

    #14, corny,

    How can someone be so damn stupid…

    I don’t know but somehow Beck got a radio show.

  21. AkiKazeta says:

    #9 Conjuror

    Agreed! Beck is a douche. I ended up in the hospital (yes, in Canada) for 3 days with a compound fracture requiring surgery and hardware implants and I didn’t even have to sign my name. It was simply taken care of. Losers like Beck just want to demonize every other country’s health care in a feeble attempt to make the U.S. health care system look a little less disastrous than it is.

  22. atlassheepdog says:

    Honestly sometimes Dvorak’s captions are horrendously misguided and miss the point altogether.Beck was correct on every point. He has to go ballistic because the libs are so thickheaded.
    Name one thing from the clip that he was wrong about.The liberal caller was clueless and Beck is tired of morons. I would rather listen to his tone than her stupidity. All hospitals are required to treat emergency cases until the patient is stable. I would rather have him as pres than the fascist we have now. Beck has always been against any bailouts or stimulus.
    Want an answer to health care costs. Tax deductible basic insurance that covers catastrophic bills,pay for the rest yourself,tax deductions for anyone sponsoring anyone else’s insurance coverage,tort reform for physician liability, education in our schools on how to get insurance, how it works and why it’s important,
    national recognition of health care policies across state borders, easier portability of coverage, unlink health insurance from employment, the ability to have access to all of your own medical records at any time,subsidize physician education and certification to put more doctors in business. The last point will really lower costs as doctors would eventually have to compete for patients. Just a start.

  23. Uncle Patso says:

    # 21 AkiKazeta said, in part:

    “I ended up in the hospital (yes, in Canada) for 3 days with a compound fracture requiring surgery and hardware implants and I didn’t even have to sign my name.”

    Yowch! Hope all is better! Here in the U.S., your bills would have run to $30,000 to $50,000 or more. The point of health care in the U.S. is not actually health care, but mining money from the populace. Everyone, from the person you didn’t notice who held the door open to the second assistant nurse’s aide who handed the first assistant nurse’s aide a Kleenex gets to send you their own bill, including travel charges, paperwork charges, cell phone charging charges etc., etc., etc.

  24. Floyd says:

    #26: Will the doctors make great discoveres in determining the source of your delusions of grandeur? Hope so…

  25. Hugh Ripper says:

    Right wingers only seem to have a sense of humour at the expense of other people. If its racist, degrading, belittling or insulting, it’s hilarious. A definite irony deficiency, lack of subtlety and general poor opinion of fellow humans seems to be a hallmark of the right wing psyche.

    Seems to be a market for angry, selfish and moronic trash though.

  26. deowll says:

    I listened to enough to understand Beck was being sarcastic with a net-wit full of delusions.

    Most of the rest of the posters here also seem to be living in an alternate universe in which the tooth fairy pays all the bills the government obligates itself to pay.

    That point of view has done wonders for California. I’m not sure if the people in that state have figured it out yet but when you promise more than you can pay for people get hurt.

  27. Hugh Ripper says:

    #29 Deowll

    If your a corporation, then you get to live in a silver lined magical world where taxpayer dollars grow on trees. Conservatives seem fine with this. Want to wage war on some ay-rahbs, conservatives say no problems here’s my tax dollars. When it comes to health care, and the prospect that their tax dollars might be spent on HELPING people who cant afford to get sick, suddenly asses clamp shut and the whining starts.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    Mormonism is a hell of a drug.

  29. pwright2 says:


    Morning has broken, like the first morning
    Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird
    Praise for the singing, praise for the morning
    Praise for the springing fresh from the word

    Morning Has Broken
    As Sung by Cat Stevens

    lyrics by Eleanor Farjeon

  30. badtimes says:

    #5- caps on malpractice claims haven’t brought premiums down in any of the states that have implemented them (Texas is an example that springs to mind). Several recent studies have shown that premiums fluctuate with the bond market.
    I had to stop listening after Glenn talked about all the prime ministers etc. from around the world that come to the US for treatment. All of the people he named are much richer than I am, and I expect they can get much better healthcare anywhere than I can. It seems that most ‘ordinary’ people like national healthcare if they live where they can get it. That means a lot more to me.


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