The following phone call is what prompted the above.

Why do right wing entertainers like Beck and Rush have to rant like crazy people? Is there some psychological quirk that conservatives only pay attention when when they’re yelled at?

  1. Semi-Commies leave now! says:

    He’s wierd but funny and he’s one of the very few people in the USA who’s got the guts to speak the truth! That lady was just giving a movie review for Michael Moore’s movie, “Sicko” (or should it have been “Fatso”, or “Dumbo”, etc.?).

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Right wing nuts have such a short sighted view of economics.

    Every western / developed nation has universal health care coverage. They also have better health care outcomes, longer life expectancy, less infant mortality, and more satisfied / happier people.

    To the best of my knowledge, all other developed countries have a higher productivity than does the US simply because of the health care issue. There might be a couple of “developed” countries in a race to the bottom with the US though.

    Any politicians coming to the US for treatment will be coming from third world nations with an undeveloped medical infrastructure. And that is usually to visit some upper class, hospital / hotel with the top notch amenities that the only ordinary Americans ever get to see are the wait staff. The actual country most foreign politicians visit for treatment is France.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #26, Alphie,

    Fact is, all the greatest advances in medicine occur because of profit motive…

    The fact is you couldn’t be more wrong. Every single advance in medicine, engineering, and science has been because of one thing. CURIOSITY.

    Galileo wanted to understand the relationships of the planets and solar system.

    Wells (and Morton) wanted a way where their patients could have painless operations.

    Darwin wanted to understand how nature came about and interacted.

    Lister and Pasteur wanted to know about microbes.

    Edison wanted to make an electric light that would last.

    Madame Curie wanted to know why some elements gave off gamma rays.

    Banting and Best wanted to artificially replicate insulin in diabetics.

    Goddard wanted to send rockets higher.

    Fleming wanted to know why there was a ring of fluid around the bacteria.

    Tesla wanted to see how radio waves reacted.

    Cade was looking to relieve mania.

    Franklin wanted to understand the genetics of a cell.

    Hardy wanted to know if he could save a life by transplanting a heart into a dieing patient.

    And we went to the moon so we could learn all we could about other worlds and space travel.

    All these discoveries led to advances in the betterment of our life. None of them was done for financial advancement.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #24, Alphie,

    …I’d rather die a horrible death…

    Nope. Not one post trying to talk you out of it.

    So if that is what your “personal freedom” allows you to do, would you mind if we took pictures?

  5. The0ne says:

    I didn’t say I want to shoot him, I said “Someone should shoot this guy and soon.” There’s a difference. Of course I have issue with this guy. I think he’s “dangerous” and might go off in a bad way on someone in the future. Listen to the clip, he’s like practically foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog.

    And What is your issue with me having my disagreement with this guy? That I have a disagreement? LOL. I’m not sure I’m the one that needs the help.

    When I think someone is inherently dangerous either stay the fck away from them or take them out before they can to you. There’s no reasoning with people like this, with Glen Beck I’m sure. I’m saying this because again this I think this guy is freaky and dangerous…you know CRAZY INSANE. And he’s in the public preaching this and that to people.

    Limbaugh, although similar, doesn’t get this crazy. But then it’s been a long while since I’ve listened to him so my opinions might be too soft; but at least he admits for that most part he’s acting up for entertainment because that makes him rich hahaha Can’t blame him for that if idiots…ops, listeners want to tune in. Like #16 said, I think sane people wouldn’t stand to listen to ANYONE acting like this for more than a few seconds. I don’t think for one minute he’s doing this to gain more audience, not at the crazy state.

    And just so you don’t get any more confused, this isn’t about whether Beck was right or not. It’s his CRAZY, sputtering, I’m going go kill you, inner demon that is the problem. This also isn’t “ART” as #23 calls it either. ART O.o WTF. Now imagine if he takes this ART back to his wife and kids. You think this person can control all of that craziness? I highly doubt it. Oh and he spends time with the wife and kids to relax? I wonder how…hmm 😀 Oh, he must be painting them…in BLOOD.

    Sarcasm aside, I think he’s a dangerous person. LIVE WITH IT and feel free to disagree with me. Happy blogging.

  6. Winston says:

    Glenn Beck is a Mormon?! I didn’t know that. That partly explains him. Anyone who’d believe this _particularly_ nutty religion could be expected to be more than a little nutty on TeeVee (not that ALL religions aren’t nutty to varying degrees):

    To quote the South Park episode: “Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum…”

  7. qb says:

    #43 Brandon

    I’m not baiting here, would you have let the big 3 auto makers crash and go out of business? They had a monopoly for about 40-50 years which was a major disincentive to domestic competition.

  8. deowll says:

    #30 You may have missed it but that war is still on and we are still paying for it. It did not vanish when Obama became president and yes a lot of conservititives did get upset when the twin towers came down but then again a lot of liberals did as well although a lot them now seem to think they can just forget the whole thing and the taliban will forget them. Good luck on that one.

    Half of every federal tax dollar is now going to pay for the national dept. If you add up all the taxes a lot of people are paying half or more of their income is taxes. The bill on this is at least 1.5 trillion and they don’t have a clue how to come up with the money without pushing unemployment through the roof. One idea suggested is to dump this on the states in a few years. The states don’t have the money as California is demonstrating.

    Yes, I would like everybody to have free health care I just don’t see any way to pay for it without the nation going bankrupt.

    Where we differ is I don’t think Santa Clause is going to pay for it and it looks like you and most of the people posting to this thread do.

  9. qb says:

    Alfred1 said “soft tyranny”

    You’re quoting Alexis de Tocqueville? Some bloody upper crust French intellectual? What are you? Some beret wearing, snail eating, snooty, existential surrender monkey?

    Go back where you came from and smoke your Gitanes, and drink your stupidly expensive bottled water, and look down your nose at somebody else.

    Damn I hate stuck up, eurotrash liberals.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, Alphie,

    Christians (and other religions) built the first hospitals…we took care of the sick…as well as could be expected…for centuries.

    So very true. INDIVIDUAL Christians built the hospitals and universities, NOT organized religion. That is what their bible told them Jesus did. Which is completely contrary to your comment in #26,

    Fact is, all the greatest advances in medicine occur because of profit motive…

    which is what we have today.

    Organized religion has always been more into building their huge Cathedrals in order to show their god is bigger than the next guy’s god. god. Capitalism has always been about how much profit there is in providing a service.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #49, Alaska,

    What you failed to see, was Government living within its means…

    Alaska takes in almost $2.00 from the Federal Government than is paid back in taxes.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, Alphie,

    It will always operate poorly…witness Amtrak, Post Office, etc…or more relevant, Medicare and Social Security, both going broke.

    Amtrak is run by the Federal Government because the private railroads said they didn’t want them. The Amtrak Board fired most of the top people and replaced them with Bush sycophants who promptly screwed the pooch.

    The Post Office is run as a private business and shows a profit.

    And although you didn’t name it, the government run motor vehicle licensing offices are all models of efficiency, courtesy, and speed. Which is why you didn’t mention it.

    Hey, my tax refund was in my bank in less than 48 hours after I filed it. Can you name one private company that quick to give back my money?

    Medicare has the lowest overhead and the lowest refusal of care of any health care provider in the US.

    The Republicans care more about ruining Social Security than fixing it. Even though the warnings started emanating almost 10 years ago, all the Republicans could do is continue to use it as a cash fund to finance tax cuts.

    So what other programs are poorly run by the government?

  13. qb says:

    I’ve been called a “Doctrinaire”! Just the kind of words used by elitist, limousine liberal, blouse wearing, Hillary Clinton wannabees like Alfred1. Speak English, not some limp wristed, bed wetting, liberal crap.

  14. Greensaab says:

    “And although you didn’t name it, the government run motor vehicle licensing offices are all models of efficiency, courtesy, and speed. Which is why you didn’t mention it.”

    You do know that is a state run thing right? Can you tell me what state you live in because in all the other states it is almost the worst thing to try to deal with. Takes me an hour to tab my gas guzzling jetski.

  15. qb says:

    Wow, impressive.
    Spectacularly clueless.
    Truly amazing.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #63, Alphie,

    And our Post Office is losing money…as is Amtrak, every year…

    the law does not require that the Postal Service make a profit — only break even. Still, the US Postal Service has averaged a profit of over $1 billion per year in each of the last five years.

    In our area, Dial a Ride costs about $20 per passenger…which is [sic] gets in Government subsidies, and it loses money every year…

    Which is a service set up to assist handicapped, elderly, and others needing transportation where public transportation is either unavailable or can not be used. The service transports people to doctor and other appointments and to do their shopping. Compared with other forms of assistance, it is efficient and cost effective. Dial-A-aide is not supposed to make money!!!

    Is your taxi wheelchair accessible and would you help the passenger? Nope, gypsy hacks don’t provide any services.

    Four hours in an office to get your license renewed? Ya right. Maybe if you weren’t spending so much time making new friends in the bathroom you would have been out faster.

    I once spent almost six hours at a DMV outlet. That included about three hours of written testing and another three hours of practical testing for my motorcycle license. Much of that was spent waiting for others to finish as we were tested as a group. BTW, it was a private outfit that did the testing.

    Eough!!! Your pronouncements are nothing more than continued bullshit. You continue to invent crap and regurgitate the bullshit your mentor, Boss Limpdick spews. May your god have mercy on your sorry ass.

  17. qb says:

    Fusion, I always love the Amtrak example. When is the last time you heard someone complain about a privately run airline? About every 3 minutes, right?

    Certain things are difficult. Basic services like travel are very difficult. That’s why most airlines piss off their customers and lose money. If you take any 5 years in the airline industry (you pick the years, I don’t how far back you go) you will never make back their ROI. Compare that to Amtrak for revenue and customer satisfaction and you might be surprised.

    It’s just right wing whining again, which I find just as annoying as left wing whining.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #67, QB,

    Airlines were quite happy and made decent profits until deregulation came in in 1978. By the mid to late ’80s, with all the price cuts, no one made money, or if they did, not for long.

    Most of the majors also had to replace their fleets with newer planes as the 707s and DC-8s became too old.

    It wasn’t long before we started seeing some famous names either go bankrupt and fold or seek bankruptcy protection. Famous Airlines such as Pan Am, TWA, Republic, Braniff, and Canadian Pacific couldn’t last. Many of these excess planes were purchased or leased by quick start-ups offering even lower fares.

    The effect was a glut of planes and seats on most routes. While many smaller cities ended up getting air service, the quality of the service was poor. Many cities ended up subsidizing their airports just for the privilege of having regularly scheduled flights.

    So while deregulation reduced flying or ticket costs, much of the costs has been moved to other areas.


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