1. newrepublican says:


    I hope you don’t expect any nutballs to see any parallels.

  2. Bastian says:


  3. Satman says:

    Cocaine is a helluva drug…

  4. ECA says:

    we should simplify the american language..

  5. NoNoBadDog says:

    So…they want to “reduce” the sentences associated with crack possession/sale/use/manufacture to “make them fair”? ANd they wonder why this country cannot get a handle on the out of control drug problem? What idiots!

  6. Jägermeister says:

    Glenn Beck would like to go skiing with Senator Sessions.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #4 – ECA

    不要担心 中国不久将成为你的官方语言。

  8. dr. haha says:

    Whats sad is that these people can all laugh.

    It is not a laughing matter the drug war is doing so much damage and these rich bastards can have a good laugh about it.

    I bet these gentleman drink liquor and smoke cigars, as well as other vices too sick to mention.

  9. MikeN says:

    What did this have to do with the Sotomayor hearings? Or did they actually do two things in one day?

  10. Buzz says:

    A freudian tidy whitey.

  11. deowll says:

    He must have been running around with the former mayor of DC.

    He misspoke. No big.

  12. John Paradox says:

    # 5 NoNoBadDog said,

    So…they want to “reduce” the sentences associated with crack possession/sale/use/manufacture to “make them fair”? ANd they wonder why this country cannot get a handle on the out of control drug problem? What idiots!

    Actually, ‘crack’ and cocaine are the same drug, just as Opium, Morphine and Heroin are the same basic chemical.. but ‘crack’ has prison sentences WAY out of line with possession of regular cocaine.
    Also, the only real drug problem is the Prohibition, the guys with guns are just ‘businessmen’, not drug users (or only at the low levels, street, not cartels). Cut the money flow and there’ll be fewer corrupt cops, street shootings, etc.

    Been studying this since 1967.


  13. Dallas says:

    I’m disgusted to see Republicans promote the use of crack cocaine while in office and on the job.

  14. ridin the short bus says:

    Anybody see the Movie Charlie Wilsons war?… I think that pretty much tells the story of what happens on Capital hill… most of the movie was good..but the charges he faced seemed to find a way to be ignored,,because of his other efforts.. it masy be right or wrong, it just is and I am sure they all act this way because of their position and seemingly untouchable stabce, this brinfgs them to live outside the normal realms of life…Give me the drugs and the girls….. I am not ptretending I would be any better…

  15. ridin the short bus says:

    The drug Cartels have all the money, becuase it illeagle… I say leagalize everything… the ones that want to ruin their lives..so be it… the same for prostitution.. leagalize it and get off the high religious Horse.. the people who want to partake wll always fone a way, but de-criminalized will allow tax money to be generated and allot less gangster activity will take place and many will dis-agree but I feel it would lessen most criminal activity in Amercica… This makig America a better and safer place… the prisons will have less criminals..etc… the money spent on criminals can ne put forth to assist these folks in medical programs to ahelp them clean up their lives… it appears to work in Portugal… time to rethink the entire issue.., of drugs and crime… and punishment… although as a bi-priduct I am not sure what the RAP performers (they are not singers) will have left to ramble about?… 🙂

  16. MikeN says:

    Yea, make it legal, and then the same people who supported the legalization, will be on board with the trial lawyers complaining about Big Cocaine poisoning our kids.

  17. Sean says:

    #5 – Is this all the research that you’ve done in to whatever legislation is being discussed in the video? If so, your outrage is retardedly out of line. Why don’t you read up on what they’re actually doing and why, THEN make a judgment.

    A big problem with the way people form their opinions today: They read the headline, form or reinforce their opinion, and become an activist. All without reading a single article.


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