Warning, coarse language.

  1. STEVE says:


  2. Zybch says:

    Basically its a combination of 2 things.
    1 – Sleeping with the devil (AT&T)
    2 – Being a douche who lacks any self control and MUST buy whatever shiny new piece of trash they see to be part of the in-crowd.

  3. Postman says:


    Actually, on the iPhone 3g, the call dropping is a function of the antenna on the phone. Basically, if you hold the phone intuitively like you would if you were to hold it up to your ear, you have just covered up the antenna with your hand, it loses bars and drops the call. I have adopted a dainty way to hold my iPhone so it doesn’t drop calls.

    I think the bigger story is how this design failure of the iPhone has been ignored by the tech media. Indeed when the iPhone 3g first launched there were a bunch of stories exonerating the iPhone 3g antenna design, and one notable test carried by Engadget and Roughly Drafted ilk that ignored the hand placement problem.

    An even more compelling aspect of this story is how the brand activists have managed to corrupt the search engine indexes so that it is hard to find anything out about this design failure. Curiously, the index problem is much worse on a search engine that shares a member of the board of directors with Apple.

  4. Apple Sucks says:

    Apple sucks crap and if it wasn’t for their fan base being morons who have been brainwashed into following them like a cult, they would be out of business. Instead the stupid sheep go out and buy every new little trinket that Jobbs dangles infront of their face…..”come to me my little sheep, come…come and buy my useless trinkets with your credit cards……stupid sheep….idiots.

  5. bob says:

    What happened to live and let live? I have never had the connection issues others complain about. My iphone is far better than the blackberry it replaced in every respect. My wife is about to buy one because she’s so frustrated with the constant security certificate issues on her blackberry (another problem I never encountered).

    It does seem unlikely that people’s HANDS are blocking the signal… unless they have faraday hands…

    #4, unclench a little, my man. Apple isn’t for you, that’s fine. Enjoy the fruits of their presence (do you really think M$ would have done half of what they’ve done the past 20 years without meaningful competition?) and don’t worry your little head about everyone else’s phone. You’ll be ok. I promise.

  6. Postman says:


    Here is a video of hands not blocking the reception on an iPhone.


    But by all means, maybe you got one of the iPhones with the magical hand penetrating radio waves.

  7. N74JW says:

    Classic! I love it!

  8. Scientist says:

    It’s been scientifically proven that people who buy Apple’s pretty little toys are intellectually inferior to people who don’t. It’s like a fish who bites shinny luers as it swims around.

  9. What the says:

    #9 Link please or gtfo. Oh and…..what the $#^@ is a “shinny luer”? By your logic, your intellectual inferiority has outed you as a Mac user. Grats! Watch out for those “shinny luers” next time you go swimmin’.

  10. deowll says:

    It could be that particular phone is defective.

    If you want and Iphone be my guest. I considered buying one but the real cost was the same as the 52 inch 1080p TV. I figured I had a better use for the money than buying an Iphone.

    I surf the web from a computer and use a trac phone to make calls.

    Other people with more money to burn can do what they want.

  11. Nugget Coombs says:

    Aren’t apples just fruit machines? What the Brits call Poker or Gambling Machine! Its a gamble buying any sort of Apple Machine.

  12. Rick Cain says:

    I have an iPhone. It works, but its just a phone, it was never marketed as everything to everyone. it won’t heat cheese sandwiches, give off a 10,000 volt shock that will repel an attacker, and it won’t fill the emptiness in my life. Its a phone.


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