To celebrate 40 years of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, here’s a video of the launch. A website has been setup to recreate the mission in realtime, as can be seen in the widget below:

  1. MikeN says:

    Waste of money.

  2. Larry Bud says:

    #2 Seriously? 40 years, 30,000 people, and not 1 person coming forward saying “Hey, We faked it!” Go back in your hole, take your medication, and drool yourself to sleep.

  3. Joe says:

    #2 The first ones who would have screamed “Fake and fraud!” would have been the competition, the russians, but they were no sore loosers. Hmm, seems, even they were convinced Apollo11 did it, or don’t you think they would have pressed on with their own lunar program if they weren’t. Just a thought.

  4. And yet we have conspiracy theorists who maintain to this day that the Apollo moon missions were one giant publicity stunt
    Take me to the beach please

  5. awe those were the days
    sorry you kids who whine here day after day are to young to remember

    and mikeN the Apollo program has paid for itself and much much more a very good investment.

  6. Postman says:


    In either case it was one of the most epic accomplisments in all human history. Bravo NASA!

  7. amodedoma says:

    I remember nervously fidgeting the day away till it was time. I’d set up my black plactic batman tent under the maple tree in my back yard and pretended it was the lunar module. It was a little disappointing to see how poor the tv image was, but that faded when Neil got out on the ladder. This was the first time I truly felt proud to be a human being.

  8. Toxic Asshead says:

    Mankinds’ greatest achievement to date. Can’t believe we just shut ‘er down for 35 years after that.

  9. jfoxbox says:

    Heard any more about finding the original video that was picked up down under and lost. All the world saw was the low res version?
    It was a special time in the midst of a troubling time.

  10. MikeN says:

    #6 Really, it has paid for itself? Those moon rocks must be expensive!

    I think most of NASA should be shut down as a waste of money. The International Space Station was very close to being defunded, then NASA spread the jobs around the country, and it was never a close vote again. That can at least be defended as giving work to the Russian scientists, but the only return seems to be shuttle missions to fix it every few years.

  11. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    MikeN, you’re sadly uninformed. Apollo and the Manhattan Project were the two most important scientific achievements in the history of man, so far. Man has dreamed of leaving this planet since man has dreamed. The guys at NASA made it real, thanks to a wake up call from Sputnik and those pesky Soviets.

    But in your financial ‘analysis’ what you fail to account for is how JFK’s commitment to reach the moon (and come back) changed the nature of education in the USA. The result was a HUGE boost in science and engineering education that happened in the 60s. Those graduates drove technology to where it is today. We didn’t need any NCLB, we needed a reason to learn. JFK did that.

  12. GigG says:


    “Mankinds’ greatest achievement to date. Can’t believe we just shut ‘er down for 35 years AND COUNTING after that.”

    There, I fixed that for you.

  13. madtruckman says:

    that video just gives me goosebumps when i see it. it’s amazing to see what happens when we all put our minds to something what we can achieve. ive seen 3 space shuttle launches in my time, and they about knocked me over when they lifted off. i can only imagine the loud boom that the ignition of the engines created. it also amazes me is the sheer size of that rocket. the engines are on display at the space center. the are (if i remember right) something like 25ft across, and there are 5 of them, each putting out over a million pounds of thrust. engineering-wise, simply amazing….

  14. deowll says:

    I was 19 and the Universe was beautiful. America was going places and it was going to do things.

    Turned out to be Vietnam.

  15. John Paradox says:

    # 8 amodedoma said, This was the first time I truly felt proud to be a human being.

    Why do you hate humanity?


    # 11 jfoxbox said,

    Heard any more about finding the original video that was picked up down under and lost. All the world saw was the low res version?

    Turns out that was [a hoax/a misunderstanding?] The digitally restored video is available online now, though.


  16. LDA says:


    Moon landing tapes got erased, NASA admits | U.S. | Reuters

  17. MikeN you like that computer you are posting from?

    Thank Apollo

    The benefits of Apollo are much greater than a few moon rocks

  18. dave says:

    There is no way in 1969 humans had the technology to send humans through the van allen belt, nevermind to the moon and back.
    It amazes me people come to terms with the government lying over so many things but a bunch of ex-nazis and freemasons say they can perform space travel and everyone is totally sucked in.

  19. ridin the short bus says:

    All in a days work… oh and ya Forgot Tang?… Ha!! -) It was incredible to watch… I hope we go back again and pick up the Flag we left behind and find the rovers we left as well… it would be interesting to see if the foot prints are still their from the origonal landings… “tranquility base here,,,”

  20. amodedoma says:

    #17 JP

    I LOVE humanity, back then I was 8 years old and this was my first perception of a great achievement by my race. Not something from the history books, but right there, right then. I’ve felt the same thing since then, but never so acute.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #21 dave, well you’re obviously right and 20,000 NASA employees were clearly bamboozled.

    Where do you suppose all the LEMs ended up? I’d sure like to get one.

  22. MikeN says:

    #13 really, then why are these other countries that didn’t go to the moon doing so well in engineering and science?

    >Man has dreamed of leaving this planet since man has dreamed. The guys at NASA made it real,

    Not worth the money to send a few people into space. The moon landing was about beating the Soviets in space.

  23. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Mike, you still don’t get it. We were 30 years ahead of everyone else.

    Dude, the entire friggin planet didn’t watch Neil make that step to see us beat the Soviets….they had quit the race several years earlier.


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