• Apple screws over Palm-Pre users who want to go to iTunes.
  • Cracks in the Kindle.
  • MSFT to open new retail stores near Apple stores. How creative!
  • Sony Ericsson Walkman coming once more.
  • Facebook hits 250,000,000.
  • Android voice recognition over-rated.
  • Bing’s first month a bust sez experts.

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  1. Furthermore says:

    Gee, when has Apple ever screwed over anyone before? This is just more of the same from a greedy company that pays programmers $120k per year while just a few miles away in Sacramento the tent cities are expanding. It’s sad to babies cry when prevented from sucking something-like-culture out of the corporate tit.

    Famous Steve Jobs quote?
    “Let them eat cake, bitches.”

  2. Rider says:

    Why are the levels always so hot on these. Have to turn the volume nearly all the way down for every single one.

  3. Zybch says:

    #2 yep. I’ve noticed that too.

  4. Zybch says:

    BTW, I had a sony/erricsson phone a few years back. Were they never released in the US perhaps?

  5. deowll says:

    #1 It is Jobs’s job to make money for the Apple share holders. If he pays his staff well that is as much as can be expected.

    What do you expect Jobs to do for these people? Hire them to make computers? Sorry those jobs all got sent off shore at least in part because California is a unprofitable place to build a manufacturing plant.

    It is the job of the US government and the government of California to make sure the climate is right for job creation in California so that Californians can find work.

    MS needs to learn to advertise.

    One of the strange things about MS is that some how or other the company seems to lack focus or vision and in some ways poor business judgment. The business methods MS used to get to the top are now largely illegal. I don’t think they have found a new modal.

    Without good advertising it really doesn’t matter how good their products are; they will fad. They are fading. You will never lead while focused on being a copy cat.

    Of course if they tried to do some of the things that Apple is doing the EU and the FCC would nail the to the wall.

    You haven’t heard a word about the EU getting on to Apple for bundling a browser with their computers.

  6. qb says:

    Microsoft, you can’t lead when you follow.

    I think there is some bad blood between Apple and ex-Apple guys who went to Palm. Just my guess, no evidence. Stupid decision and all it will do drive sales away from iTunes.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    Hey John,

    I told you last year that Twitter is the CB radio of our age. I said SHOW ME THE MONEY.

    Twitter is dead. It’s pets.com circa 1999.

  8. qb says:

    #7 Why do they need money? Evan Williams sold Blogger for a crap load of money. He’s up to something else…

  9. brendal says:

    Correction 24,999,999 – you are not up there! 😉

  10. #2-3 are the levels ALWAYS hot? Or is this something new?

  11. ogman says:

    Palm Pre users got exactly what they deserved. Who the heck expects a competing company to provide a feature for their competitor? I suppose the whiney Pre users would next expect support calls to be answered by Apple? These idiots need to be calling Sprint and Palm, and returning their now defective merchandise. Seriously, wtf was Palm thinking?

  12. dkens says:

    iTunes (an Apple product) is made to synchronize with iPhones and iPods (Apple products).

    If another company (Palm) wants its hardware to synchronize with iTunes and become a stronger competitor to the iPhone, then Pre owners cannot compel Apple to cooperate.

    And don’t even think about using the monopoly argument. Apple is not a monopoly – never has been. And iTunes isn’t the exclusive music manager of the age.

    However, Apple may lose the million or so Palm Pre owners as iTunes customers. They probably think the loss is worth it.

  13. Weary Reaper says:

    Didn’t I read last week, in a thousand different places, Bing is now number two with a bullet when it comes to search engines?

    I guess when Micro$oft was purchasing the news, they somehow forgot to include Comscore in the compensation package.

  14. Rider says:

    John always are, always have been ever since the first one.

  15. brendal says:


  16. Glenn E. says:

    “MSFT to open new retail stores near Apple stores.”

    That’s like 7-11 opening up new stores across from Starbuck’s. Rather than Starbuck’s opening a new Starbuck’s across from themselves. Besides the Zune and their OS, what else does Microsoft make that competes with Apple? X-box is a game machine, and Apple doesn’t make those. And you can buy an X-box ANYWHERE! They don’t need a special store to sell it in. But obviously MS is worried that Apple might be a serious competitor, now, to start doing this.

    BTW, I can remember when people put down the Amiga, as just a “game machine”. Which it wasn’t, cause I rarely bought and played any games on my A3000. But then PC fanatics began boasting out many more games PCs had, than Amigas (and probably Macs too). SOoooo how are PCs not MORE the “game machine”? Especially when some makers tool them up to do very little else, with huge graphics cards and such. Again, another untrue, probably floated by Microsoft, to kill a competitor.

    What’s next? “Oh well you know Linux. You can’t do as many fun things with it, as Windows. So you don’t want a serious OS like that!” Unless you’re someone who uses a PC to make a living.

  17. Glenn E. says:

    BTW, how come there’s no mention of this Ron Paul thing here? I barely caught it on radio. The Tv news didn’t see fit to mention it either. And I never heard about it at all, back in April!


    This actually happened on March 29th. But it took NINE DAYS for the mainstream press to chew on it, before reporting it. And the print media wonders why they’re losing subscribers?


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