Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who’s leaving public office in two weeks, raised nearly $733,000 since starting a federal political action committee.

Documents filed Monday with the Federal Elections Commission show Palin, who pledged to keep her hand in politics even though she’s stepping down as governor, has donated $10,000 to federal candidates through SarahPAC, USA Today reported. Her political action committee was established in January.

Palin gave $5,000 each to Arizona Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who tapped her to be his running mate during the 2008 presidential election, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.

SarahPAC ended June with nearly $457,000 cash on hand, USA Today reported.

Maybe Levi knows exactly what he’s talking about, eh?

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #30, LL,

    I couldn’t see any where in your link where Palin would donate to Democrats. What I did see though is this:

    Andree McLeod has filed four ethics complaints against Palin and top aides. She said she’s doing what Palin expects. When Palin was sworn in as governor in December 2006, McLeod recalled, she said, “Alaskans, hold me accountable; and right backatcha. I’ll expect a lot from you too.”

    Hhmmm, sounds like Palin challenged people to keep her honest.

    BUT, her lawyer was hired by the Legislature to defend her. Any actions drone by her in her role as Governor would, and should, be paid for by the State.

    Plus, her PAC is up to nearly a million.

  2. Ralph, the Bus Driver says:

    I don’t admire Palin, but I do agree with Rush Limbaugh that many people like me who do not have herpes don’t know what it is like to suffer with that ailment. I am sure the scabs can be messy and uncomfortable, and you would think that she would be more sympathetic to STD research, seeing as her state has one of the highest rates in the US.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    #31, Sigh. I read it in another article and then posted the wrong one.

    Here it is.

    In an interview Sunday with The Washington Times, Palin outlined plans to write a book and campaign for candidates, including Democrats, who share her conservative political views.


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