A group of doctors in the UK are mounting a legal and political campaign to overturn the suicide verdict in the death of a British doctor who was found dead shortly after exposing falsehoods about the justification for the Iraq war.

Dr. David Kelly was found dead in 2003 in a forest near his home in Oxfordshire. An inquiry into his death concluded that he had bled to death during a suicide attempt.

But 13 UK doctors are now challenging that assertion — and in doing so, renewing suspicions the doctor may have been murdered after it was revealed he was the mole for a BBC report that said evidence used to launch the Iraq war had been “sexed up.”

Earlier this month RAW STORY reported that Kelly had been working on a tell-all book about the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of “germ warfare plans.”

Listeners to No Agenda knew this all along.

  1. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I was always susicious when this was first announced also. The main critic of the Iraq war proposal suddenly turns up dead, and then next week we’re invading it. The guy had no history of mental instability, and all reports from people close to him state he never had any talk of being unhappy or shown any signs of considering killing himself. Very fishy indeed.

  2. Animal Mother says:

    Ohhhh, a conspiracy for all the whackjobs to cling onto and give some meaning to their worthless, boring lives.

    The WTC was wired for demolition!
    The Air Force has crashed flying saucers!


  3. jbenson2 says:

    The folks who are promoting this concept probably are the same ones who believed the moon landing was faked and 9/11 was an inside job.

    The problem with all these wacko ideas is that it relies on the concept that dozens of people involved are willing to keep their mouths closed for years.

    As we have seen with the media, they will publicize anything to boost their ratings. They will spends tens of thousands of dollars to unearth irrelevant facts and inuendos. Remember the scores of reporters sent to Wasila, Alaska.

    If any of these bogus ideas were real, the truth would have been leaked by now. Probably could use the BS meter on this story as well.

  4. Patrick says:

    Sounds like the Vincent Foster “suicide” and its impossible bullet path…

  5. Ah_Yea says:

    There will be 13 less doctors in the UK…

  6. Cheney says:

    Watch your ass. You could be next.

  7. Spotter says:

    #3. Some moron said: The folks who are promoting this concept probably are the same ones who believed the moon landing was faked and 9/11 was an inside job.

    The folks debunking this concept probably are the same ones who believed Iraq was in bed with Al Queda and WTC 7 was brought down by a trash can fire……

    Talk about a Whackjob.

  8. Fat_Anarchy says:

    I like the excellent stawman there, of saying that if anyone questions the official story they must be conspiracy nuts who believe in UFOs and 9/11 conspiracies, etc. Its pretty simular to the government’s logic of anyone who questions or doesnt agree with the government must be a terrorist.

    You guys keep doing what youre told by the powers that be like good little drones!

  9. Animal Mother says:

    You conveniently ignore the millions of much more prominent and vocal opponents to the war who are still alive & well, such as Hans Blix, Michael Moore, Hollywood, etc.

    The auto industry is suppressing a 100-MPG carburetor!
    Bigfoot lives!
    The CIA invented AIDS!

  10. deowll says:

    No data = no opinion.

  11. MikeN says:

    What this story got to do with Al Gore?

  12. sargasso says:

    Dr Kelly, was too quickly buried.

  13. mr. show says:

    I thought the 33rd Degree Masons were involved!

  14. brendal says:

    Didn’t he see the sign in the wood, “I’d Turn Back if I Were You.” ???

  15. MikeN says:

    Is this something to do with global warming, and how the courts ruled Gore’s movie had 9 scientific errors?

    I agree there are similarities between the IRaq War and global warming, but that is a big stretch for putting that picture up there.

  16. AC says:

    I really hope JCD is not next.
    I always thought Adam was bad news!! hes a naughty boy.

  17. clancys_daddy says:

    An inquiry into his death concluded that he had bled to death during a suicide attempt. Doesn’t that mean his attempt was actually a success? I am not a a grammar/context Nazi, but my boss is.

  18. LibertyLover says:

    The CIA invented AIDS!

    They did!?!?!? Holy Shit, that explains a lot!

  19. pd says:

    Willows of Mass Destruction

  20. Tegan Jovanka says:

    Nice to see the good little pavlovian doggies in force. Sadly for them, there’s no need to invent some elaborate ‘conspiracy theory'(whatever that means) here. The facts are simple, there is very good evidence that the suicide verdict is unsound and the case needs to be looked at again. That’s it. Anyone shrieking about CIA conspiracies is a bullshit merchants who merely act, unwitting fools they are, to undermine legitimate questions.


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