09.07.12 Sunday – Episode #112


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John and Adam discuss the news of the day from an International Perspective

Queue / Cue / Q the closing credits — We hope you enjoy the show!

Running time: approx. 90 mins.

  1. robin1943 says:

    John & Adam,

    Regarding the NVIC my guess as to why it is headquartered in VA is that this is mainly a shill for lawyers to solicit clients to represent in getting settlements from a government program to compensate people with reactions to vaccenations. Click on the “Injury Compensation” button at the bottom of the page and I think you will see where the money for this web site comes from.

    According to Wikipedia’s page on NVIC the government program involves has paid out $1.5 billion to 1200 individuals, and average of $1.25 per person. With that kind of money the lawyers are salivating.

  2. simps1ma says:

    Hey John, you guys totally need to look up what the inspector generals are and do. They are not law enforcement, they are auditors/fraud protectors for the different agencys. I personally work for department of defense inspector general, and i work for a 600 person auditor department. And for the chairman, all you need to do is google his name and see that he worked for the fraud department in the secret service, and is now the inspector general for the department of the interior.

  3. deowll says:

    The stuff on the EPA suggested that for once you guys did know what you are talking about.

    Look John. I know you and Adam never took biology but viruses get around. Their genes tend to mix and match in cells with any other DNA/RNA present during production (They do not reproduce. They aren’t cells. They use cells of living things to produce new viruses.)and anything could come out.

    Mostly crap that is dangerous to nothing but the problem is some of the mix and match stuff works which is why new strains of viruses are constantly showing up.

    I’m guessing that sooner or later the overly common human species is going to undergo a major population reduction due to disease. It’s just the way ecosystems work. The more common a species is the more it gets hit.

    Why Obama doesn’t want to charge anyone in the previous admin with a crime.

    Obama knows he’s next. If he goes after shrub the next President is likely to go after Obama and Obama is smart enough to know there will be some law he broke that could be used to nail him. I don’t think there is any way a President could not break at least a few laws.

    There are a few things nations need to agree on one of the most import of which is to stay out of each others space. That way the rise and fall of nations won’t occur in lock step and the fall won’t be as bad because most knowledge got lost when a world government fell.

  4. David says:

    There is a donate button on the front page of the NVIC website. The organization has been doing a commendable job as a safety watchdog for vaccination legislation for years. I don’t know why you guys can’t accept it.

  5. nadrew says:

    What do you think of this guy?

    Sounds reasonable to me.


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